Day 336: "Now Then, If You Will Indeed Obey My Voice..."
Read: Exodus 19:1 - 9
All that God ever requires of us is that we make a commitment. All that
God will ask of us is to freely give, freely surrender all of who we
are and have ever been, all of who ever we will ever become in this
earthly life He has gifted to us is this: To Climb God's Mountain as
often as He, God requires it of us. Age not withstanding, physical
limitations not withstanding. Height of Mountain not withstanding. Your
own struggling hearts desires to remain behind and just brush God
off not withstanding. He, God is saying to us in no uncertain terms, "you'll
make the commitment to climb up to Me, do it!" "Now Then, If You Will Indeed Obey My Voice..." If indeed we will commit to God...!
If indeed we will fully commit ourselves to God... If indeed we will
commit to moving beyond the limitations we have committed ourselves to
live within... If indeed we will commit ourselves to believe there
is more to just living our lives than just living out our lives... If we
are indeed ready to commit ourselves to brush off the dust of what we
have become trying to do our own thing in our own way... If we will
indeed make the commitment to wipe the sleep and complacency of this world from our own eyes we'll see that "Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from
the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell
the sons of Israel:" If we...!
If indeed you will, In the
midst of committing to your daily lives, the incessant outflow of
useless energy devoted to attending to your own turmoil, you'll choose
to commit to diverting, sharing and channeling this incessant outflow of
turmoils very useless energies to lifting your eyes, focusing your ears
raising your voice to God's voice ... If you commit to doing all that
what could, will you learn about your truest relationship with God? First, is that it requires a lot of energy, a lot of focus, a lot of surrendering, a lot of re-learning, a lot of re-living, a lot of turning ourselves around - "about faces." Basically, a lot of everything we would probably choose to never do without incentive.
If indeed we will ever choose to commit to giving up so much of ourselves, human nature says that there had better be significant incentives, substantial rewards for doing so. When you commit to listening, to obeying God you should expect the Lord
to call you to something grand and lofty. You should expect God to
challenge us and to call us to something higher than ourselves. You
should expect God to call you to Mountains you would otherwise
never give yourself consent to climbing. God asked the Israelites to
commit to doing something great. They did ... they committed to lives of
grumbling against God, 40 years of stumbling around in the wilderness.
Your commitment IS...?
Let Us Pray: (Psalm 24:3) "Who may
ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?Lord
God, which of Your children shall come to choose to commit themselves
fully to you? Should it be I, Lord? Is it I, Lord? Will it be I, Lord?
Let the Living Words of Your Scriptures reach out to me. Let them reach
out to those areas of my life which I need to re-share with you through
prayer and refocus and redirect toward You that You, through Your Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit may subtly or not so subtly re-guide me
back to You. Lord, I pray, Lord, that You will show me where I need to
recommit myself to climbing, re-climbing Your Mountain to stand in Your
presence. I Pray, Lord, Help me to give, to surrender myself fully back
to You. watch?v=bBC0c3ei5vc
Read: Exodus 19:1 - 9
All that God ever requires of us is that we make a commitment. All that God will ask of us is to freely give, freely surrender all of who we are and have ever been, all of who ever we will ever become in this earthly life He has gifted to us is this: To Climb God's Mountain as often as He, God requires it of us. Age not withstanding, physical limitations not withstanding. Height of Mountain not withstanding. Your own struggling hearts desires to remain behind and just brush God off not withstanding. He, God is saying to us in no uncertain terms, "you'll make the commitment to climb up to Me, do it!" "Now Then, If You Will Indeed Obey My Voice..." If indeed we will commit to God...!
If indeed we will fully commit ourselves to God... If indeed we will commit to moving beyond the limitations we have committed ourselves to live within... If indeed we will commit ourselves to believe there is more to just living our lives than just living out our lives... If we are indeed ready to commit ourselves to brush off the dust of what we have become trying to do our own thing in our own way... If we will indeed make the commitment to wipe the sleep and complacency of this world from our own eyes we'll see that "Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel:" If we...!
If indeed you will, In the midst of committing to your daily lives, the incessant outflow of useless energy devoted to attending to your own turmoil, you'll choose to commit to diverting, sharing and channeling this incessant outflow of turmoils very useless energies to lifting your eyes, focusing your ears raising your voice to God's voice ... If you commit to doing all that what could, will you learn about your truest relationship with God? First, is that it requires a lot of energy, a lot of focus, a lot of surrendering, a lot of re-learning, a lot of re-living, a lot of turning ourselves around - "about faces." Basically, a lot of everything we would probably choose to never do without incentive.
If indeed we will ever choose to commit to giving up so much of ourselves, human nature says that there had better be significant incentives, substantial rewards for doing so. When you commit to listening, to obeying God you should expect the Lord to call you to something grand and lofty. You should expect God to challenge us and to call us to something higher than ourselves. You should expect God to call you to Mountains you would otherwise never give yourself consent to climbing. God asked the Israelites to commit to doing something great. They did ... they committed to lives of grumbling against God, 40 years of stumbling around in the wilderness. Your commitment IS...?
Let Us Pray: (Psalm 24:3) "Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?Lord God, which of Your children shall come to choose to commit themselves fully to you? Should it be I, Lord? Is it I, Lord? Will it be I, Lord? Let the Living Words of Your Scriptures reach out to me. Let them reach out to those areas of my life which I need to re-share with you through prayer and refocus and redirect toward You that You, through Your Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit may subtly or not so subtly re-guide me back to You. Lord, I pray, Lord, that You will show me where I need to recommit myself to climbing, re-climbing Your Mountain to stand in Your presence. I Pray, Lord, Help me to give, to surrender myself fully back to You.
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