Day 331: "God, Why did You Ever Send Me?
Read: Exodus 5:22 - 6:1
"You hit the nail right on the head, Son!" I do not know how many times
I heard that statement from my Dad. Identify a problem. Examine the
problem from all possible angles. Systematically, methodically, start
hammering away at it until the solution is found. Keep trying! Keep
struggling! There is a solution! Be confident, Son, you will eventually
discover the right solution to what ever the problem was. Keep hammering away at something like a nail on a 2x4 and it will go in eventually, guaranteed or you can give the wood back to the tree. Our lives are often like that nail that needs to be constantly pounded on by God. To do that I believe God allows struggle into our lives.
Struggles are God’s hammers. They pound away at us causing us to think
right, live right, trusting in God's might. This is very important, if
it were not for the struggles we face, we never give a thought to God,
or the danger we are in as we live in this world. Moses was in a lot of
trouble. Things were not going very well for him or his people. Pharaoh
hardened his heart and told the people to make bricks without straw. For all of Moses' best efforts, all that seemed to get accomplished was
one trouble after the other. Each one successively worse than the
previous. People were hostile! The Good News: God can and will cause good things to come out of your Worst Struggles!
Can you hear Moses' frustration? Can you identify with Moses' response
to that high grade frustration? God called Moses, Moses responded. This
no different than when God calls us and we respond. Moses was most diligent
in his efforts. He kept trying to work hard to bring success and glory to God and deliverance to God's people. Despite all of his best efforts the only result seemed to be a cascade of troubles, each worse than the one before. Can you hear Moses' cry in your own heart "Why did you
ever send me?" If all that was to be accomplished by my going was gloom,
despair, excessive misery, God, Why did you ever send me and You have not
delivered Your people at all.”
One of the most important
lessons we need to learn, it is not an easy one, is that this life is
not our friend. Struggles teach us God's Truth about living this life in
response devoted to God's call. Remaining wholly faithful to God, His
mission and His call upon our lives despite all of the worst possible
circumstances that may arise from our very best efforts. Struggle, while
a difficult option for us to swallow or accept, is a means of grace
which God will use to mature us in the faith (Philippians 1:6; 3:12 -
16). Our motto should be “I live, therefore, I struggle.” All of us
struggle. It does not matter who we are, it does not matter how old we
are, or how rich we are. We all struggle.
Let Us Pray: God,
no one, no not one, including me has to tell you that your children are
struggling mightily everyday fulfilling their call upon their lives. We
hear the cry of Moses and the Israelites and each day they sound more
and more like our very own. We try hard to love you as you first loved
us when you brought us forth from the dust and first breathed life into
us. Fulfilling the call of love like yours in this day and age only
seems to yield a ceaseless array of struggles, each one worse than the
one before it. My God, "Why did you ever see fit to send me into the
fray called life?"
I pray God, help us so to realize and
internalize that when we are commanded to do something by you, you have
already provided every internal and external resource necessary to carry
out that command, to meet each of the struggles head on and in your
name. Let us live out the struggle called of love with grace and
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ." "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye
steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:57 - 58) watch?v=kRtFi2Mw-c8
Read: Exodus 5:22 - 6:1
"You hit the nail right on the head, Son!" I do not know how many times I heard that statement from my Dad. Identify a problem. Examine the problem from all possible angles. Systematically, methodically, start hammering away at it until the solution is found. Keep trying! Keep struggling! There is a solution! Be confident, Son, you will eventually discover the right solution to what ever the problem was. Keep hammering away at something like a nail on a 2x4 and it will go in eventually, guaranteed or you can give the wood back to the tree. Our lives are often like that nail that needs to be constantly pounded on by God. To do that I believe God allows struggle into our lives.
Struggles are God’s hammers. They pound away at us causing us to think right, live right, trusting in God's might. This is very important, if it were not for the struggles we face, we never give a thought to God, or the danger we are in as we live in this world. Moses was in a lot of trouble. Things were not going very well for him or his people. Pharaoh hardened his heart and told the people to make bricks without straw. For all of Moses' best efforts, all that seemed to get accomplished was one trouble after the other. Each one successively worse than the previous. People were hostile! The Good News: God can and will cause good things to come out of your Worst Struggles!
Can you hear Moses' frustration? Can you identify with Moses' response to that high grade frustration? God called Moses, Moses responded. This no different than when God calls us and we respond. Moses was most diligent in his efforts. He kept trying to work hard to bring success and glory to God and deliverance to God's people. Despite all of his best efforts the only result seemed to be a cascade of troubles, each worse than the one before. Can you hear Moses' cry in your own heart "Why did you ever send me?" If all that was to be accomplished by my going was gloom, despair, excessive misery, God, Why did you ever send me and You have not delivered Your people at all.”
One of the most important lessons we need to learn, it is not an easy one, is that this life is not our friend. Struggles teach us God's Truth about living this life in response devoted to God's call. Remaining wholly faithful to God, His mission and His call upon our lives despite all of the worst possible circumstances that may arise from our very best efforts. Struggle, while a difficult option for us to swallow or accept, is a means of grace which God will use to mature us in the faith (Philippians 1:6; 3:12 - 16). Our motto should be “I live, therefore, I struggle.” All of us struggle. It does not matter who we are, it does not matter how old we are, or how rich we are. We all struggle.
Let Us Pray: God, no one, no not one, including me has to tell you that your children are struggling mightily everyday fulfilling their call upon their lives. We hear the cry of Moses and the Israelites and each day they sound more and more like our very own. We try hard to love you as you first loved us when you brought us forth from the dust and first breathed life into us. Fulfilling the call of love like yours in this day and age only seems to yield a ceaseless array of struggles, each one worse than the one before it. My God, "Why did you ever see fit to send me into the fray called life?"
I pray God, help us so to realize and internalize that when we are commanded to do something by you, you have already provided every internal and external resource necessary to carry out that command, to meet each of the struggles head on and in your name. Let us live out the struggle called of love with grace and perseverance;
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:57 - 58)
Your Love Never Fails | Jesus Culture
1: Nothing can separate Even if I ran away Your love never fails I know
I still make mistakes But You have new mercies for me everyday Your
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