Day 62: The Example God Expects You To Be
Read: Titus 2:7 - 10
My Father always told me and my mother always reminded me - set the
example for others to follow, be the example that others only wished
they would be able to follow. I remember these wise words from my
first days of Elementary School when my Dad would tap me on the top of
my head just as he walked out the door to go to work. It was my Mom's
responsibility I guess to make sure I always remembered what my Daddy
told a scared out of his mind little boy to keep me from being scared. I
guess you know the speech pretty well: "Keep your chin, put one foot in
front of the other, keep smiling, be daddy's brave little boy" so on.
"Be the example Dad expects of you."
Titus - was a young
gentile follower of Christ Paul had been training to carry out his
ministry. Paul was determined to instruct and mentor his young friend in
setting the 'proper basics' in setting the 'proper example' of living
the new Christian life as God might have expected of him being a leader
and mentor in the new movement. Please re read verse (7) of today's
scripture passage: "In everything set them an example by doing what is
good”. Paul with the reality of his ministry coming to a close teaches
this young minister to let “everything” be an example of surrender to
the teachings of Christ! Paul is mentoring Titus and us: "Be the best
example God knows you can be."
Chapter two of the Letter to
Titus is written for a young minister and its seasoned counsel for what
matters most in a believers walk with Christ. As the chapter unfolds
Paul speaks of the right conduct for older men and women and for younger
followers as well. Our passage while it may be directed toward men
mentoring young men is of course applicable for everyone who has come to
serve Christ. Anyone who as an older or younger adult with a goal
desiring to take a leadership role in guiding the life of a young person
- Boy or Girl scouts for example, Big Brother - Big Sister programs,
becoming a part of an after school program, tutoring and so many more
We set examples whether we like it or not! When
Paul writes of 7 "In everything set them an example by doing what is
good.” Good can likewise be understood as kind. Kindness is after all
one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). Is it active
in our lives? Are we in such a rush to keep our appointments that we
somehow miss the evident? What would happen if we decided that who ever
is in front of us at that moment is our divine appointment to put on
full display the "best example that God knows we can be, (and as
followers and believers in Christ) should be?" We must all strive hard
in everything we do to live, set, the best example of Christ in our
homes, our communities in our world.
Let Us Pray: Lord, help me to be more than I am now that I may set a better example for others. I pray Lord that the better you help me to be, others may
see the Christ in me and will then allow their foot steps to be guided
by You toward the very Gates of Heaven and eternal life in Jesus Christ
Your Son and my Savior for all time. Amen. watch?v=cTYSirKUiVw&feature=rel ated
Read: Titus 2:7 - 10
My Father always told me and my mother always reminded me - set the example for others to follow, be the example that others only wished they would be able to follow. I remember these wise words from my first days of Elementary School when my Dad would tap me on the top of my head just as he walked out the door to go to work. It was my Mom's responsibility I guess to make sure I always remembered what my Daddy told a scared out of his mind little boy to keep me from being scared. I guess you know the speech pretty well: "Keep your chin, put one foot in front of the other, keep smiling, be daddy's brave little boy" so on. "Be the example Dad expects of you."
Titus - was a young gentile follower of Christ Paul had been training to carry out his ministry. Paul was determined to instruct and mentor his young friend in setting the 'proper basics' in setting the 'proper example' of living the new Christian life as God might have expected of him being a leader and mentor in the new movement. Please re read verse (7) of today's scripture passage: "In everything set them an example by doing what is good”. Paul with the reality of his ministry coming to a close teaches this young minister to let “everything” be an example of surrender to the teachings of Christ! Paul is mentoring Titus and us: "Be the best example God knows you can be."
Chapter two of the Letter to Titus is written for a young minister and its seasoned counsel for what matters most in a believers walk with Christ. As the chapter unfolds Paul speaks of the right conduct for older men and women and for younger followers as well. Our passage while it may be directed toward men mentoring young men is of course applicable for everyone who has come to serve Christ. Anyone who as an older or younger adult with a goal desiring to take a leadership role in guiding the life of a young person - Boy or Girl scouts for example, Big Brother - Big Sister programs, becoming a part of an after school program, tutoring and so many more possibilities.
We set examples whether we like it or not! When Paul writes of 7 "In everything set them an example by doing what is good.” Good can likewise be understood as kind. Kindness is after all one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). Is it active in our lives? Are we in such a rush to keep our appointments that we somehow miss the evident? What would happen if we decided that who ever is in front of us at that moment is our divine appointment to put on full display the "best example that God knows we can be, (and as followers and believers in Christ) should be?" We must all strive hard in everything we do to live, set, the best example of Christ in our homes, our communities in our world.
Let Us Pray: Lord, help me to be more than I am now that I may set a better example for others. I pray Lord that the better you help me to be, others may see the Christ in me and will then allow their foot steps to be guided by You toward the very Gates of Heaven and eternal life in Jesus Christ Your Son and my Savior for all time. Amen.
Courageous-Casting Crowns with lyrics
everyone, to let everyone know, the correct words are, "walk humbly
with your God." I had typed "walk on be with you God." I did this video
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