Day 59: Describing The Indescribable
Read: Romans 8:31 - 39
Okay, all you cold, revved up, psyched out, shop till you drop or fall asleep, in shape, intrepid, just a wee bit out of your collective minds black Friday
shoppers out there, I have a question for you if you can separate
yourselves long enough from all the noise of the store, the humungous crowds of people trying to push through the front of the store, the hustle and bustle of planning your every move through every store down to the minutest detail, from your cell or smart phone apps telling you which aisle to run like crazy to, pushing yourself, trying to swat away hands trying to grab your bargain item, standing in impossibly long lines, opening your wallets and purses to pay day.
Here I am, over here in my cozy warm dining room. The only noises I hear are my Ice Maker and three of my wife's cats as they stretch out and go back
to sleep. My wife is sound asleep and all is actually quite calm and
pleasant and I pray it remains this way. What I just tried to do in the
above opening paragraph was to be as descriptive as I believed that I could
get away with of the annual black Friday day after Thanksgiving 2012
shopping rush. And now, after wracking my brain for every last bit of
imagery I could think to describe and compare the madness of today's
shopping world, the quiet
of my own inner sanctum home, I am finally going to get around to asking a question.
And the question is this: Can you please take a few moments to describe
for me the love that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
Spirit has for you this day, had for all your yesterdays, will continue
to have throughout all of your tomorrows? I know that this really is not a question you expected to be asked on a day like this. I guess you would have expected me to ask you to describe your most harrowing buy or your clever planning and maneuvers to get to that bargain only you
knew about or about that miraculous parking spot you found after praying
like crazy. Nope, I am truly sorry to disappoint you on that score. I am only asking you to try to describe God's love for you.
We’re all familiar with the description of HUMAN love. There’s “puppy”
love, Grand-parent love, “first” love, a love for the arts, a love of
chocolate, and much more. We have all kinds of friends … “fair-weather”
friends, “long-distance” friends, “new” friends, “old” friends, “former”
friends, “close” friends. These are HUMAN love, and HUMAN love has been
described as fickle, sporadic, temporary, and very conditional. But, God IS love, His love is being described as unconditional,
constant, and perfect. You can't simply describe God’s love, because God
IS love and God defies description (Isaiah 40:12 - 31, Romans 5:1 - 11, Ephesians 3:14 - 19). Try just for a while describing God's Indescribable Love for you.
Let Us Pray: In the beauty and stillness of our homes, O God, it is
easy to feel Your love and Your presence. In the busyness and craziness
of life outside - not so much. Help us while we are here, there and everywhere in between to center our lives and our hopes in the Indescribable love of Your Son Jesus Christ who willingly died for us while we're yet striving so indescribably hard to live as Your love's greatest enemy. watch?v=RpGi3964_fQ
Read: Romans 8:31 - 39
Okay, all you cold, revved up, psyched out, shop till you drop or fall asleep, in shape, intrepid, just a wee bit out of your collective minds black Friday shoppers out there, I have a question for you if you can separate yourselves long enough from all the noise of the store, the humungous crowds of people trying to push through the front of the store, the hustle and bustle of planning your every move through every store down to the minutest detail, from your cell or smart phone apps telling you which aisle to run like crazy to, pushing yourself, trying to swat away hands trying to grab your bargain item, standing in impossibly long lines, opening your wallets and purses to pay day.
Here I am, over here in my cozy warm dining room. The only noises I hear are my Ice Maker and three of my wife's cats as they stretch out and go back to sleep. My wife is sound asleep and all is actually quite calm and pleasant and I pray it remains this way. What I just tried to do in the above opening paragraph was to be as descriptive as I believed that I could get away with of the annual black Friday day after Thanksgiving 2012 shopping rush. And now, after wracking my brain for every last bit of imagery I could think to describe and compare the madness of today's shopping world, the quiet
of my own inner sanctum home, I am finally going to get around to asking a question.
And the question is this: Can you please take a few moments to describe for me the love that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has for you this day, had for all your yesterdays, will continue to have throughout all of your tomorrows? I know that this really is not a question you expected to be asked on a day like this. I guess you would have expected me to ask you to describe your most harrowing buy or your clever planning and maneuvers to get to that bargain only you knew about or about that miraculous parking spot you found after praying like crazy. Nope, I am truly sorry to disappoint you on that score. I am only asking you to try to describe God's love for you.
We’re all familiar with the description of HUMAN love. There’s “puppy” love, Grand-parent love, “first” love, a love for the arts, a love of chocolate, and much more. We have all kinds of friends … “fair-weather” friends, “long-distance” friends, “new” friends, “old” friends, “former” friends, “close” friends. These are HUMAN love, and HUMAN love has been described as fickle, sporadic, temporary, and very conditional. But, God IS love, His love is being described as unconditional, constant, and perfect. You can't simply describe God’s love, because God IS love and God defies description (Isaiah 40:12 - 31, Romans 5:1 - 11, Ephesians 3:14 - 19). Try just for a while describing God's Indescribable Love for you.
Let Us Pray: In the beauty and stillness of our homes, O God, it is easy to feel Your love and Your presence. In the busyness and craziness of life outside - not so much. Help us while we are here, there and everywhere in between to center our lives and our hopes in the Indescribable love of Your Son Jesus Christ who willingly died for us while we're yet striving so indescribably hard to live as Your love's greatest enemy.
Laura Story - You are Love - Lyrics
are justice for every oppression You're forgiveness for every
confession You are beauty, goodness, blessing You are love You are
healing for
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