Day 48: Dear God, About Your Idea of Accepting One Another ....
Read: Romans 15
Dear God,
Truth be told, I really do not know how You do it. I mean this business
of accepting anybody and everybody at any given time on any given day.
It's just that, I mean I know You are God and all and from what I have
read about You it just seems to be about Golden Rules, love one another
even (gasp) those who would find great joy and pleasure making my
life a piece of misery and even worse those who would act the same way
around else they might ever meet. You know, God, and I feel I must
lay it on thick here that what you are asking me and my
friends to do by setting all of our 'junk' aside, rejecting our
'worldly' experiences, is just way way to much to do.
In case You haven't already noticed (although You probably already have), and please do not take this wrong, but there are some remarkably strange people
down here that I just have absolutely nothing in common with. Some of
them are farmers who get up at ungodly (oops sorry) hours of the morning
and who do strange things like milk cows with their bare hands (yuck!),
feed pigs (double yuck) in the dead cold of winter. Some are die-hard
city folk that love the hustle and bustle and wildness and
unrelenting noise. Personally, Lord, I have nothing against anyone who
chooses to live a certain way, raise their families in their own way.
But I have to accept them all? They're just so completely different.
Let's face it, Lord, that idea
is quite a stretch for us human types. We are so different from one
another, that some of us have little or nothing in common that would
lead us to socialize or have anything to do with each other. Some of
them appear well off - not a financial worry in the world. Others look
like they wonder how they will pay your bills next week. I mean, we are
all so very different from each other. I do not come right out, walk up
to them and tell them that I openly reject them for some vastly silly
reason which they know nothing about and that is entirely my own thing. I pray that I am not nearly that insensitive or uncaring. But how do I communicate Your message of unconditional 'acceptance'?
And yet, Lord, here we are. We are humanity at its finest. We are all
striving to be the very best, brightest shining examples like Paul
wrote: 'We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak,
and not to please ourselves.' 'Each of us must please our neighbor for
the good purpose of building up the neighbor.' 'May the God of
steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one
another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with
one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.' 'Welcome
one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory
of God.' God, tell me truthfully: how are we doing with Your message?
Let Us Pray: God
of our hearts, You see us as we are and as we live amongst each other.
Help us to see and to know things as You see them for what they are,
both inside and outside of us. Help us to accept things as they are,
even when we may wish them to be different. Help us to experience the
importance of acceptance: and that if our eyes and our heart are open we
can gain and learn some much needed wisdom from what all things and the
vast diversity of people teach us about life. Help me to remember that
acceptance means that I can truly live in the world among all Your
people, accepting all those who are my neighbors knowing You accept us
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Read: Romans 15
Dear God,
Truth be told, I really do not know how You do it. I mean this business of accepting anybody and everybody at any given time on any given day. It's just that, I mean I know You are God and all and from what I have read about You it just seems to be about Golden Rules, love one another even (gasp) those who would find great joy and pleasure making my life a piece of misery and even worse those who would act the same way around else they might ever meet. You know, God, and I feel I must really
lay it on thick here that what you are asking me and my friends to do by setting all of our 'junk' aside, rejecting our 'worldly' experiences, is just way way to much to do.
In case You haven't already noticed (although You probably already have), and please do not take this wrong, but there are some remarkably strange people down here that I just have absolutely nothing in common with. Some of them are farmers who get up at ungodly (oops sorry) hours of the morning and who do strange things like milk cows with their bare hands (yuck!), feed pigs (double yuck) in the dead cold of winter. Some are die-hard city folk that love the hustle and bustle and wildness and
unrelenting noise. Personally, Lord, I have nothing against anyone who chooses to live a certain way, raise their families in their own way. But I have to accept them all? They're just so completely different.
Let's face it, Lord, that idea is quite a stretch for us human types. We are so different from one another, that some of us have little or nothing in common that would lead us to socialize or have anything to do with each other. Some of them appear well off - not a financial worry in the world. Others look like they wonder how they will pay your bills next week. I mean, we are all so very different from each other. I do not come right out, walk up to them and tell them that I openly reject them for some vastly silly reason which they know nothing about and that is entirely my own thing. I pray that I am not nearly that insensitive or uncaring. But how do I communicate Your message of unconditional 'acceptance'?
And yet, Lord, here we are. We are humanity at its finest. We are all striving to be the very best, brightest shining examples like Paul wrote: 'We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.' 'Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor.' 'May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.' 'Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.' God, tell me truthfully: how are we doing with Your message?
Let Us Pray: God of our hearts, You see us as we are and as we live amongst each other. Help us to see and to know things as You see them for what they are, both inside and outside of us. Help us to accept things as they are, even when we may wish them to be different. Help us to experience the importance of acceptance: and that if our eyes and our heart are open we can gain and learn some much needed wisdom from what all things and the vast diversity of people teach us about life. Help me to remember that acceptance means that I can truly live in the world among all Your people, accepting all those who are my neighbors knowing You accept us all.
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Hillsong - We The Redeemed - With Subtitles/Lyrics - Faith Hope Love - HD Version You like Hillsong
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