Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 44: Can God Be Known? Count The Stars!

Day 44: Can God Be Known? Count The Stars!

Read: Psalm 19

When I was a child, the mysteries of this world fascinated me. I was a very big Star Trek fan in those long ago years and whenever I could I would separate myself from whatever my parents said was more important to do and sneak away to the TV in the basement at the appointed hour sit down and watch Star Trek with the volume as low as I thought I could get away with and still enjoy. Winging and zinging through the the billions of stars at warp speed to strange looking planets with even stranger sounding names. Then as I would go on summer vacation with my parents to our country place I would go outside at night straining my neck to try to see all the stars that were on full display above.

Knowing how things worked in the universe was not really much of a priority to me as a kid. I just wanted to know how many stars I thought I could count before I began losing track and had to start over again. I did not really have much of a concept of a 'God who created the heavens with the moon and the stars' therein. A supreme being was my earthly Dad who tried very hard to make me eggs and bacon for breakfast every morning without too much success because I didn't like the way he made them. This is the 'supreme being' I came to know. Now, this morning, many years later we are going to try plumbing the depths of a much deeper mystery – can God be known?

This 'questions of all questions' has echoed down the halls of time sparking much heated debate among scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Many of us have pondered and meditated over this question in the middle of some noisy grid lock on some highway or the other trying to rush to get to work or within the quietness of our souls as we look up a star filled night out in the middle of absolutely nowhere. There are many of us who try crying out into the endless expanse of space and have asked the one burning question most on their minds, “God, are You really there? Can I know you?” And if God can be really truly be known how would that affect our lives?

Psalm 19 has long been known as one of the richest, noblest examples of Hebrew poetry in existence. This psalm was written by David while he was in the wilderness running from King Saul. It was written originally to be sung as a praise song. The Hebrew is graphic, dynamics and stunning and plumbs the endless depths of David’s deep abiding love for God and His creation. David answers the question, “Can God be known?” with a resounding YES! 'The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge.' Can God truly be known? Yes! Start counting stars and let me know when you are done!

Let Us Pray: As we ponder the richness and the depths of the heavens above and the vast beauty of the earth upon which we live and try to plumb the depths of our own imagination to give appropriate expression to the all of You that we survey before us; Let the inadequate words of my mouth and the finite limits of meditation from within my heart Be wholly acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my true rock and my Redeemer.

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