Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 250: Love's Softest Truth: "Great Is Thy Faithfulness!"

Day 250: Love's Softest Truth: "Great Is Thy Faithfulness!"

Read: Psalm 33, Lamentations 3:19 - 26

Do you ever sing your prayers? Do you ever sing when you are in love? Do you ever sing for the sake of singing if for no other reason your heart and spirit have been so completely and thoroughly moved to do so? No matter where you are, no matter who you are with, the company you are keeping, the mood you are in, the circumstance of life you are trying so desperately hard to live with, do you just stop what ever you are doing and start humming or singing? From Psalm 33:1 'Sing for joy in the Lord, O you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright.' Maybe while you are reading this you'll just spontaneously start singing for joy. Begin your day by softening the mood.

Jeremiah's lamentation. Jeremiah's prayer of hope for relief, of hope for God's mercy. His life, like many of ours, has been a long and winding road filled with more downs than ups. It has been a lifetime filled of 'weeping' for Jeremiah as his nation crumbles down around him from the Babylonian onslaught. Their nation as they knew it was in shambles. People were struggling to find any hope and salvation amongst the ruins. Perhaps there is yet a lingering, haunting refrain of David's words: 'Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.'(2,3) But what song can soften these blows?

Let us search Scripture for some verses for this new song: Deuteronomy 7:9 'Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments;' And Psalm 89:8 'O Lord God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You.' And Lamentations 3:22-23 'The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassion's never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. What a song of faith, of hope and of love that God's Word brings to mind. Love's softest truth: "Great is thy faithfulness O God."

Friends, how much more faithful is our heavenly Father! Whether trapped by fallen debris or ensnared by life’s hardships and struggles, we are never cut off from God’s faithfulness. He is true to His character. He is ever reliable and trustworthy and can be counted on always. Here's a very simple definition: “God’s faithfulness means that everything He says and does is certain.” He is 100% reliable, 100% of the time. He does not fail, forget, falter, change, or disappoint. He says what He means, He means exactly what He says ­and therefore does everything He says He will do. It may sound cliche' but tears of sadness at night will faithfully, lovingly always be collected by God.

Let Us Pray: Pray the passage from Lamentations as if it were your own. Place your life and the life of Jeremiah side by side with your own. Walk with him for a while. Let your footsteps and paths be the same for a period of time. Introduce Jeremiah to the hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". Learn it yourself if you have not already. Teach it to him. Find yourself a Lyre, Start a hymn sing and sing praises to God with a Harp of ten strings and let it go for as long as you both shall have need of it. For the sake of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, let God's Love and Faithfulness soften the blows each of you has taken in this life. Let the Joy of the Lord rise among you!

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