Day 205: "To The Extent That You Did It To One Of These Brothers Of Mine,"
Read: Matthew 25:31 - 40, Psalm 107:10 - 16
There are some passages in the Bible that when read really try to
hammer away at your heart. And this one is probably the toughest for me
to read. Right off the bat it gives the reader a choice: do you want to
be counted with the sheep on the right or the goats on the left. And if
that is not enough, there is a little turn of the screw by God that
strongly hints at our eternal destination when we finally pass from this
world to the next. Which will it be Jesus Asks - Heaven or hell?
That is an eye grabber and a nasty guilt trip just waiting for the right
moment, God's Special Moment, God's own Appointed Moment - our Kairos moment, to get firmly planted in our wandering spirit.
Today, I would ask you to prayerfully consider the Ancient Greek word 'Kairos'. From Wikipedia: 'Kairos means the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the
former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a
time between, a moment of indeterminate time in which something special
happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the
word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.'
Kairos, "God's Special Time", "God's Appointed Time" when we as
'Builders of God's Kingdom on earth' are called to account: "When did we see Jesus?"
It is not just when did we see Jesus homeless, hungry, sick, dehydrated, because we can all just sit back and say "I remember the time when I saw ...." We
can pinpoint verses in the Bible when we saw Jesus hungry and He fed the
thousands, lived the life of an Itinerant Rabbi going from place to
place with 'no rock to lay His head upon', thirsty and we gave Him
something bitter to drink and sick with grief over His much beloved
Jerusalem as He wished He could gather them together as a mother hen
will gather her chicks. Yes we can easily pinpoint those timeless
moments. Now, Jesus is asking us to take it one giant step further -
When did we ever see Him inside prison?
Anytime, the crowds
wanted to haul Jesus away, He always was able to move quietly through
the crowds 'because His time, His Kairos Time, God's Special and
Appointed time had not arrived yet'. It did not arrive until He
prophesied that it would and we know this as His Passion experience and
our Easter experience. But we still did not see Him in any Jewish and
Roman prison. If we had, it would have almost certainly been the
absolute last place we would have gone to visit this fully condemned
man. My association with Him at that moment would probably compelled me
to lie like a guy named Peter did. I am glad that Jesus qualifies this
with: 'to the extent possible.'
Let Us Pray: Lord, 'to the
extent possible', move in my life so I may more fully 'to the extent
possible' live in Yours. To the extent possible, move in my life so I
may to the fullest extent possible see You wherever I may be called to go. To the extent possible to move in my life so I may to the fullest extent possible build up Your Kingdom here. watch?v=YcSWpVKKMcs
Read: Matthew 25:31 - 40, Psalm 107:10 - 16
There are some passages in the Bible that when read really try to hammer away at your heart. And this one is probably the toughest for me to read. Right off the bat it gives the reader a choice: do you want to be counted with the sheep on the right or the goats on the left. And if that is not enough, there is a little turn of the screw by God that strongly hints at our eternal destination when we finally pass from this world to the next. Which will it be Jesus Asks - Heaven or hell? That is an eye grabber and a nasty guilt trip just waiting for the right moment, God's Special Moment, God's own Appointed Moment - our Kairos moment, to get firmly planted in our wandering spirit.
Today, I would ask you to prayerfully consider the Ancient Greek word 'Kairos'. From Wikipedia: 'Kairos means the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time between, a moment of indeterminate time in which something special happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.' Kairos, "God's Special Time", "God's Appointed Time" when we as
'Builders of God's Kingdom on earth' are called to account: "When did we see Jesus?"
It is not just when did we see Jesus homeless, hungry, sick, dehydrated, because we can all just sit back and say "I remember the time when I saw ...." We can pinpoint verses in the Bible when we saw Jesus hungry and He fed the thousands, lived the life of an Itinerant Rabbi going from place to place with 'no rock to lay His head upon', thirsty and we gave Him something bitter to drink and sick with grief over His much beloved Jerusalem as He wished He could gather them together as a mother hen will gather her chicks. Yes we can easily pinpoint those timeless moments. Now, Jesus is asking us to take it one giant step further - When did we ever see Him inside prison?
Anytime, the crowds wanted to haul Jesus away, He always was able to move quietly through the crowds 'because His time, His Kairos Time, God's Special and Appointed time had not arrived yet'. It did not arrive until He prophesied that it would and we know this as His Passion experience and our Easter experience. But we still did not see Him in any Jewish and Roman prison. If we had, it would have almost certainly been the absolute last place we would have gone to visit this fully condemned man. My association with Him at that moment would probably compelled me to lie like a guy named Peter did. I am glad that Jesus qualifies this with: 'to the extent possible.'
Let Us Pray: Lord, 'to the extent possible', move in my life so I may more fully 'to the extent possible' live in Yours. To the extent possible, move in my life so I may to the fullest extent possible see You wherever I may be called to go. To the extent possible to move in my life so I may to the fullest extent possible build up Your Kingdom here.
Build Your Kingdom Here - Rend Collective Experiment
the Rend Collective and from their new album "Home Made Worship" this
is "Build Your Kingdom Here" with lyrics. Download from iTunes.
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