Day 192: Living The Kingdom Life For Today: Returning To Jerusalem
Read: Luke 24:32 - 35
Okay, now we are ready to get started. The road to Jerusalem is before
us. We have just shared a meal with Jesus. We had set up our tents, we
were ready to make our home in Emmaus and move on with our life (such as
it was or ever could be without Jesus in it) and what a better way to
set up home base than to extend our hospitality to the one who had been
so kind to journey with us. Everything is in readiness to get on with
the meal and the rest of the night. We've worked hard to prepare the
bread and the rest of the food and wine. We give our guest the best of
everything we have as is the custom for our culture. The bread is broken
and blessed - The Aha moment! The moment when doubt fades.
What just happened? That
stranger we were walking with? It was the risen Jesus himself (gasp)!
Our eyes were opened! Suddenly we recognized the unrecognizable! What just happened? We did not even think to ask this stranger's name.
We did not believe it could be possible - we doubted! We did not take
the time to do anything but doubt - until the stranger came and
warmed our hearts through the Scriptures. But we still doubted the true
identity of this man. We were to deep into our own stuff to think twice
about anything but to simply believe in the possibility of Jesus living
again. We doubt so many things that God has said. We are naturally a 'your going to have prove/show it to me people.
But now, Jesus has been revealed to us through the breaking of the
bread and the reading of Scripture. Now our doubts have disappeared.
Jesus confronted the doubt and uncertainty in their hearts and minds by
speaking a word of reassurance, comfort and promise. Jesus brings
clarity of mind and understanding concerning the things of the Kingdom.
But now, Jesus has left our tents. He has just disappeared without even a trace except for the recognition of His presence in our hearts and in our spirits. Now we have decision to make. What are we to do with the message? What are
we to do with the rest of our kingdom lives? Remain safe and secure at home or race back
to our Jerusalem's?
A tough decision to make. It is nighttime
and the conditions are far from optimal for the journey back. Thieves,
robbers and the like are waiting to practice their craft at our expense.
What sort of fire could possibly be lit underneath us to convince us to
move now for the morning is surely a safer bet. Perhaps a change of
purpose given to us at the moment of recognition. We had no special
purpose before hand but now Jesus has re-purposed us. Jesus now
employs us in the work of the Kingdom. The believer has been employed by
God to share the true message of the gospel with the world. In this
impossibly fast paced techno world - there is no better time than the present which is right here right NOW! Right?
Let Us Pray: Lord, help us to live the kingdom life of today - that impossibly fast paced ever changing always moving techno gadget internet life - to spread the
Good News. Let us use what man has given us to reveal to the few and to
the many the Kingdom truths of our new purpose for living, new hope for
our future, new faith in someone greater than ourselves, a new kind of
love born through Your Cross and Resurrection. watch?v=9YfFiTxDwVg
Read: Luke 24:32 - 35
Okay, now we are ready to get started. The road to Jerusalem is before us. We have just shared a meal with Jesus. We had set up our tents, we were ready to make our home in Emmaus and move on with our life (such as it was or ever could be without Jesus in it) and what a better way to set up home base than to extend our hospitality to the one who had been so kind to journey with us. Everything is in readiness to get on with the meal and the rest of the night. We've worked hard to prepare the bread and the rest of the food and wine. We give our guest the best of everything we have as is the custom for our culture. The bread is broken and blessed - The Aha moment! The moment when doubt fades.
What just happened? That stranger we were walking with? It was the risen Jesus himself (gasp)! Our eyes were opened! Suddenly we recognized the unrecognizable! What just happened? We did not even think to ask this stranger's name. We did not believe it could be possible - we doubted! We did not take the time to do anything but doubt - until the stranger came and warmed our hearts through the Scriptures. But we still doubted the true identity of this man. We were to deep into our own stuff to think twice about anything but to simply believe in the possibility of Jesus living again. We doubt so many things that God has said. We are naturally a 'your going to have prove/show it to me people.
But now, Jesus has been revealed to us through the breaking of the bread and the reading of Scripture. Now our doubts have disappeared. Jesus confronted the doubt and uncertainty in their hearts and minds by speaking a word of reassurance, comfort and promise. Jesus brings clarity of mind and understanding concerning the things of the Kingdom. But now, Jesus has left our tents. He has just disappeared without even a trace except for the recognition of His presence in our hearts and in our spirits. Now we have decision to make. What are we to do with the message? What are we to do with the rest of our kingdom lives? Remain safe and secure at home or race back to our Jerusalem's?
A tough decision to make. It is nighttime and the conditions are far from optimal for the journey back. Thieves, robbers and the like are waiting to practice their craft at our expense. What sort of fire could possibly be lit underneath us to convince us to move now for the morning is surely a safer bet. Perhaps a change of purpose given to us at the moment of recognition. We had no special purpose before hand but now Jesus has re-purposed us. Jesus now employs us in the work of the Kingdom. The believer has been employed by God to share the true message of the gospel with the world. In this impossibly fast paced techno world - there is no better time than the present which is right here right NOW! Right?
Let Us Pray: Lord, help us to live the kingdom life of today - that impossibly fast paced ever changing always moving techno gadget internet life - to spread the Good News. Let us use what man has given us to reveal to the few and to the many the Kingdom truths of our new purpose for living, new hope for our future, new faith in someone greater than ourselves, a new kind of love born through Your Cross and Resurrection.
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