Day 189: Walk To Emmaus: Their Eyes Were Being Opened
Read: Luke 24:13 - 35
Why do children daydream? I think I know why. You see, I guess when
we’re young, we are not in charge. We are children. We do not make the
rules. We can’t always do what we want to do. There is always somebody
allot bigger, older and meaner. A child’s life is not all fun and games.
We want so much to be like the cowboys riding into the sunset on the
back of a great steed, the sheriff who always gets the bad guy in the
end. We play our games, we dream our dreams, until suddenly one day,
face to face and eye to eye with the guy on horseback and he is offering us a ride on his pony farm, with the policeman on the corner. Now we come to two disciples going for a long disheartening walk.
Two disciples going on a seven mile walk to Emmaus. Walking away from Jerusalem. A stranger they do not recognize comes beside them in their grief.
Inquiring minds want to know. They do not ask who it is, they do not ask
for His ID card. They just go on walking as though they have known
this stranger all their lives. Whoever they are, they are completely
disheartened. That week they had been with Jesus. They had followed Him.
It had been a glorious week - until Jesus had been arrested, tried, and
crucified. Now all their hopes and dreams were shattered and gone. Now
it was all over, and slowly, they are so slowly making their way home. It
was not a happy trip at all. It promised to be long and disheartening.
As they are walking along, talking
over all the things that have happened this past week, Jesus joins
Himself to them. Listen to the last part of verse 16, "But they were
kept from recognizing Him." Every time I read that verse, it disturbs me
because I wonder, "Would it actually be possible to meet Jesus and not
even recognize Him?" I mean these two disciples had probably met
Jesus face to face more than once. Had probably touched Him on the
shoulder. They had physically met Him. Now, they do not recognize His
resurrected presence. A disturbing thought, isn’t it? Now let’s think
about this for a moment. How might we bring this moment into our
conscience today? How might this play out for us?
We all have our Gethsemane's, do we not?
Times when we just feel like crying out, "Father, please let this cup
pass from me. I don’t want to drink it! It’s too much! It’s too hard!
Why is everything always happening to me?" Sound familiar? We also have our
Calvary's when we feel so alone, we cry out to God, "Why have you
forsaken me?" Is there a familiar ring to this too? It is also
possible for us to have a resurrection, too. Even as Jesus was raised
from the dead, we, too, are raised to walk in a new life. In Jesus we
can pass from death to life eternal! If all that was possible, is it
possible that we can have an Emmaus journey, have our eyes opened by the presence of Resurrected Jesus
walking beside us too?
Let Us Pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill
the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew
the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did
instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Jesus
Christ Our Resurrected Lord, Amen. watch?v=7KwrmlTPI8w
Read: Luke 24:13 - 35
Why do children daydream? I think I know why. You see, I guess when we’re young, we are not in charge. We are children. We do not make the rules. We can’t always do what we want to do. There is always somebody allot bigger, older and meaner. A child’s life is not all fun and games. We want so much to be like the cowboys riding into the sunset on the back of a great steed, the sheriff who always gets the bad guy in the end. We play our games, we dream our dreams, until suddenly one day, we're
face to face and eye to eye with the guy on horseback and he is offering us a ride on his pony farm, with the policeman on the corner. Now we come to two disciples going for a long disheartening walk.
Two disciples going on a seven mile walk to Emmaus. Walking away from Jerusalem. A stranger they do not recognize comes beside them in their grief. Inquiring minds want to know. They do not ask who it is, they do not ask for His ID card. They just go on walking as though they have known this stranger all their lives. Whoever they are, they are completely disheartened. That week they had been with Jesus. They had followed Him. It had been a glorious week - until Jesus had been arrested, tried, and crucified. Now all their hopes and dreams were shattered and gone. Now it was all over, and slowly, they are so slowly making their way home. It was not a happy trip at all. It promised to be long and disheartening.
As they are walking along, talking over all the things that have happened this past week, Jesus joins Himself to them. Listen to the last part of verse 16, "But they were kept from recognizing Him." Every time I read that verse, it disturbs me because I wonder, "Would it actually be possible to meet Jesus and not even recognize Him?" I mean these two disciples had probably met Jesus face to face more than once. Had probably touched Him on the shoulder. They had physically met Him. Now, they do not recognize His resurrected presence. A disturbing thought, isn’t it? Now let’s think about this for a moment. How might we bring this moment into our conscience today? How might this play out for us?
We all have our Gethsemane's, do we not? Times when we just feel like crying out, "Father, please let this cup pass from me. I don’t want to drink it! It’s too much! It’s too hard! Why is everything always happening to me?" Sound familiar? We also have our Calvary's when we feel so alone, we cry out to God, "Why have you forsaken me?" Is there a familiar ring to this too? It is also possible for us to have a resurrection, too. Even as Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, are raised to walk in a new life. In Jesus we can pass from death to life eternal! If all that was possible, is it possible that we can have an Emmaus journey, have our eyes opened by the presence of Resurrected Jesus walking beside us too?
Let Us Pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Jesus Christ Our Resurrected Lord, Amen.
Duck Commander Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus
other videos from Phil and find out about his NEW BOOK at: Phil Robertson, star of the hit A&E show Duck
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