Day 69: Entering The Kingdom of God: Kingdom Values
Read: Mark 10:23 - 31
Vacation is over. We have spent the last week trying to get ourselves
back into sync and getting the laundry done, the house cleaned up and
organized for the brand new school year begins in just a couple of days.
There will be the sounds of children as they are dropped off at our
home very early by their Mother at I guess about 615am. It will be
time for our home to once again become a 'city of refuge' (Joshua 20) so
these precious children of God can prepare themselves to get ready for
an education.
It is dawning on me right now as I type this devotional offering that my wife and I are in a transitional time of our lives where once again we must consider just why we are here in this moment. Why are we about to welcome this wonderful family
back into the life of our home, even if it may only be for a season or
two? Why will we wake up earlier than we usually do? Why will we buy more food on a limited budget? Why will we allow our daily schedules to be disrupted? Why will we do all these things again and do so much more? For ourselves to make us feel like good people or good Christians? For the love of God and our neighbors because these children, their Mom are also part of our family? Just what does the Lord require of us?
We pray to the Lord: Why with everything that is happening in our home, in our relationship as
husband and wife are you compelling us to take a small step back and take a deep
breath to ask ourselves; "What are the most important things in our
lives?" In the whole of God's vast Kingdom, the Lord desires us to carefully consider "At this moment in eternity, Who are they who are the most valuable
to us.?" "Who or what do we truly value?"
It is so unbelievably important that from time to time we must examine what it is that we value the most highly. We must look for those barriers that hide or conceal entry points into God's Kingdom. Are we satisfied just being Husband & Wife? Reaching out only to those who are our biological family? Or are there more Kingdom doors that need to be revealed? Doors we should all strive to be holding open? Reaching out to those who God declares neighbors? In fact, Jesus says it is all of these and so much more. Take the necessary time to prayerfully consider that:
1. We Value Material Wealth, God's Kingdom Values Wisdom (verses 23-27)
2. We Value Position and Status in life, God's Kingdom Values Penance (verse 28)
3. We Value Reputation and Reward, God's Kingdom Values Relationship (verses 29-31)
4. We Value Ourselves The Most Highly, God's Kingdom Values Humility (verse 31)
Let us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you have chosen us to worship and serve
you and to open up our homes and set aside our lives for those you have
called our neighbors. Now set us free to be beacons of your grace and
love. We freely and humbly do now commit ourselves to being open to
your will, to devote ourselves to the sacred task of serving your
kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that
we may go forth in the fullness of faith, hope and charity to grow your
kingdom. watch?v=Yz3FcxK1BJc
Read: Mark 10:23 - 31
Vacation is over. We have spent the last week trying to get ourselves back into sync and getting the laundry done, the house cleaned up and organized for the brand new school year begins in just a couple of days. There will be the sounds of children as they are dropped off at our home very early by their Mother at I guess about 615am. It will be time for our home to once again become a 'city of refuge' (Joshua 20) so these precious children of God can prepare themselves to get ready for an education.
It is dawning on me right now as I type this devotional offering that my wife and I are in a transitional time of our lives where once again we must consider just why we are here in this moment. Why are we about to welcome this wonderful family back into the life of our home, even if it may only be for a season or two? Why will we wake up earlier than we usually do? Why will we buy more food on a limited budget? Why will we allow our daily schedules to be disrupted? Why will we do all these things again and do so much more? For ourselves to make us feel like good people or good Christians? For the love of God and our neighbors because these children, their Mom are also part of our family? Just what does the Lord require of us?
We pray to the Lord: Why with everything that is happening in our home, in our relationship as husband and wife are you compelling us to take a small step back and take a deep breath to ask ourselves; "What are the most important things in our lives?" In the whole of God's vast Kingdom, the Lord desires us to carefully consider "At this moment in eternity, Who are they who are the most valuable to us.?" "Who or what do we truly value?"
1. We Value Material Wealth, God's Kingdom Values Wisdom (verses 23-27)
2. We Value Position and Status in life, God's Kingdom Values Penance (verse 28)
3. We Value Reputation and Reward, God's Kingdom Values Relationship (verses 29-31)
4. We Value Ourselves The Most Highly, God's Kingdom Values Humility (verse 31)
Let us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you have chosen us to worship and serve you and to open up our homes and set aside our lives for those you have called our neighbors. Now set us free to be beacons of your grace and love. We freely and humbly do now commit ourselves to being open to your will, to devote ourselves to the sacred task of serving your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may go forth in the fullness of faith, hope and charity to grow your kingdom.
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