Day 63: Five Loaves and Two Fishes: 100% Guaranteed Complete Satisfaction.
Read: John 6:41 – 52; Ecclesiastes 6:1 - 12
Let me begin by asking you this question: When was the last time you
ever tried to explain something important to a person only to have that
person not understand a word you had to say? You wives out there trying
so hard to tell your husbands of the overwhelming importance of some
great and wonderful opportunity called “Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
or your money back.” You get “I do not want to hear it. “I am not the
least bit Interested.” Or “It will cost too much money to find out I
will not like it” or the ubiquitous “Believe me dear, I did just not
understand what you said.”
The people were hungry; Jesus
was offering them food that would satisfy them not just for the next few
hours but for eternity. As with anything that sounds too good to be
true it will be met by a great all of skepticism. This eternal guarantee
sounded to too good to be true. The people all needed their stomachs
filled; they all wanted their lives to be filled with the bread out of
heaven until they heard Jesus tell them a little more about it. The
people were not ready to completely surrender control of their lives to
accept the gift of 100% eternal satisfaction through Jesus Christ.
This had to be a bit frustrating and heartbreaking to Jesus. The same
is true with us. We all grumble when we hear of something other that is,
on the surface at least, sounds too good to be even close to as
beneficial as the commercial tries so hard to sell it. But let us
interject a little reality of our own here: How would you completely
convince somebody, as Jesus tried to do, of the once in a lifetime
opportunity that is ‘Eternal Life? Would you just set them down at a
five star restaurant and pick up the check? Spend time, money and
efforts preparing for them a grand sumptuous ten course meal and Walla
have them instantly, completely accept Jesus into their heart?
Why do you believe that people today are not more ready to accept
Jesus’ 100% fully guaranteed gift of eternal satisfaction? What might be
holding your heart back from fully surrendering your very own hopes in
this life to Jesus’ eternal offer of 100% guaranteed complete
satisfaction? Finally, forever releasing your heart saying 100% of my life is God's?
Let us Pray: Lord, my eyes have seen You move in power both in times
past and in the present. Lord, You are my hope and health and salvation.
I know that Your love is better than life. In You is found my soul’s
satisfaction. Still, Lord, at times I turn away from You. There are
moments where my mouth says one thing and my actions show something
else. Take me deeper into the ways of life and satisfaction in You.
Lord, You are worthy of all worship and I want to praise You as long as I
live. I know my best life is to be fully satisfied in You. Lead me into
this reality. watch?v=bsjTU0jahMM
Read: John 6:41 – 52; Ecclesiastes 6:1 - 12
Let me begin by asking you this question: When was the last time you ever tried to explain something important to a person only to have that person not understand a word you had to say? You wives out there trying so hard to tell your husbands of the overwhelming importance of some great and wonderful opportunity called “Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back.” You get “I do not want to hear it. “I am not the least bit Interested.” Or “It will cost too much money to find out I will not like it” or the ubiquitous “Believe me dear, I did just not understand what you said.”
The people were hungry; Jesus was offering them food that would satisfy them not just for the next few hours but for eternity. As with anything that sounds too good to be true it will be met by a great all of skepticism. This eternal guarantee sounded to too good to be true. The people all needed their stomachs filled; they all wanted their lives to be filled with the bread out of heaven until they heard Jesus tell them a little more about it. The people were not ready to completely surrender control of their lives to accept the gift of 100% eternal satisfaction through Jesus Christ.
This had to be a bit frustrating and heartbreaking to Jesus. The same is true with us. We all grumble when we hear of something other that is, on the surface at least, sounds too good to be even close to as beneficial as the commercial tries so hard to sell it. But let us interject a little reality of our own here: How would you completely convince somebody, as Jesus tried to do, of the once in a lifetime opportunity that is ‘Eternal Life? Would you just set them down at a five star restaurant and pick up the check? Spend time, money and efforts preparing for them a grand sumptuous ten course meal and Walla have them instantly, completely accept Jesus into their heart?
Why do you believe that people today are not more ready to accept Jesus’ 100% fully guaranteed gift of eternal satisfaction? What might be holding your heart back from fully surrendering your very own hopes in this life to Jesus’ eternal offer of 100% guaranteed complete satisfaction? Finally, forever releasing your heart saying 100% of my life is God's?
Let us Pray: Lord, my eyes have seen You move in power both in times past and in the present. Lord, You are my hope and health and salvation. I know that Your love is better than life. In You is found my soul’s satisfaction. Still, Lord, at times I turn away from You. There are moments where my mouth says one thing and my actions show something else. Take me deeper into the ways of life and satisfaction in You. Lord, You are worthy of all worship and I want to praise You as long as I live. I know my best life is to be fully satisfied in You. Lead me into this reality.
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