Day 65/100 plus: .... and He Rested on the seventh day ....
Read: Genesis 2:1 - 3
What an incredible sight I just witnessed. My wife is sound asleep,
there is one of our six cats resting on her hip just purring away. There
are two more cats at the foot of the bed all stretched out and at the
head of the bed, there is our dog, lying on its back and stretching
away. What an incredibly serene and relaxing scene. It is a site that
almost makes me want to go back to bed. I guess that is the key word -
almost. I guess that word somehow finds it's way around my heart.
My wife will sleep until I waken her yet I will get up
at 530 every morning so that I may pray, study the Scriptures, seek a
snippet of God's ancient wisdom and bring it to you in the form of this
devotional offering. Every day for the last 65 days this has been my
morning routine. My wife marvels at my discipline of getting up so early
and doing what I am doing for God's own.
I realize that I and quite a few others have felt so enormously blessed by
my doing what I am doing. Knowing that these efforts are blessing so many I further realize that I am going to expend every effort to
completing this task that God has set before me: 100 +
devotionals and Prayers in 100 + days. I thoroughly believe without my wife's
ever present, ever welcomed encouragement and my God's ever present help when I alone could not come up with the right words or thoughts
that I could not have come close to getting this far. With all these sources of inspiration alongside of me I can't help but feel driven to continue on . I'm not praying for rest.
Why is it that
when we are in the midst of doing the work God has set before us we are
hesitant to relax, to take a Sabbaths day of rest like God did when He
had finished the work of creation? Is it because sometimes we feel
guilty? Maybe it is that there is always so much kingdom work to do.
Perhaps it is that we believe our part of the world just couldn’t
function properly without us. Perhaps we are driven by our 'zeal for the
Lord's house' that we keep on striving to keep God's kingdom moving,
keeping up or continuing the momentum God started the very next dawn of
It is an extraordinary verse to wrap one's mind
around: 'So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it
God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.' (Genesis
2:3) I mean meditate long and hard on this stunning revelation: God
rested from the work that He himself had done in creation! I mean 'God rests?'
Wow! Why don't we allow ourselves rest?
God sanctified the day He gave Himself to rest from the
great works of creation. Now, Is there anybody out there in God's kingdom
that would not desire just one second of God's rest at this moment? Can
anybody out there paint a picture of our God at this incomprehensible
moment of sanctified rest and not desperately strive to try to paint
themselves right into the middle of it of it all? I pray for the day I
could be so gifted.
Pray & Meditate long and hard on this stunner: God gave Himself permission to rest!
Pray for the single moment in your life when you can accept God's permission to rest.
Pray: God, help me find time each day to be alone and quiet and listen
to you, the most important voice of all. God, never let me believe that I
simply don’t have time to sit down and reflect on my blessings. Thru
Jesus Christ our Lord, our Resting place. watch?v=HCFK_R33SvE
Read: Genesis 2:1 - 3
What an incredible sight I just witnessed. My wife is sound asleep, there is one of our six cats resting on her hip just purring away. There are two more cats at the foot of the bed all stretched out and at the head of the bed, there is our dog, lying on its back and stretching away. What an incredibly serene and relaxing scene. It is a site that almost makes me want to go back to bed. I guess that is the key word - almost. I guess that word somehow finds it's way around my heart.
My wife will sleep until I waken her yet I will get up at 530 every morning so that I may pray, study the Scriptures, seek a snippet of God's ancient wisdom and bring it to you in the form of this devotional offering. Every day for the last 65 days this has been my morning routine. My wife marvels at my discipline of getting up so early and doing what I am doing for God's own.
I realize that I and quite a few others have felt so enormously blessed by my doing what I am doing. Knowing that these efforts are blessing so many I further realize that I am going to expend every effort to completing this task that God has set before me: 100 + devotionals and Prayers in 100 + days. I thoroughly believe without my wife's ever present, ever welcomed encouragement and my God's ever present help when I alone could not come up with the right words or thoughts that I could not have come close to getting this far. With all these sources of inspiration alongside of me I can't help but feel driven to continue on . I'm not praying for rest.
Why is it that when we are in the midst of doing the work God has set before us we are hesitant to relax, to take a Sabbaths day of rest like God did when He had finished the work of creation? Is it because sometimes we feel guilty? Maybe it is that there is always so much kingdom work to do. Perhaps it is that we believe our part of the world just couldn’t function properly without us. Perhaps we are driven by our 'zeal for the Lord's house' that we keep on striving to keep God's kingdom moving, keeping up or continuing the momentum God started the very next dawn of mankind.
It is an extraordinary verse to wrap one's mind around: 'So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.' (Genesis 2:3) I mean meditate long and hard on this stunning revelation: God rested from the work that He himself had done in creation! I mean 'God rests?' Wow! Why don't we allow ourselves rest?
God sanctified the day He gave Himself to rest from the great works of creation. Now, Is there anybody out there in God's kingdom that would not desire just one second of God's rest at this moment? Can anybody out there paint a picture of our God at this incomprehensible moment of sanctified rest and not desperately strive to try to paint themselves right into the middle of it of it all? I pray for the day I could be so gifted.
Pray & Meditate long and hard on this stunner: God gave Himself permission to rest!
Pray for the single moment in your life when you can accept God's permission to rest.
Pray: God, help me find time each day to be alone and quiet and listen to you, the most important voice of all. God, never let me believe that I simply don’t have time to sit down and reflect on my blessings. Thru Jesus Christ our Lord, our Resting place.
A Resting Place (w/ lyrics)
Resting Place' A Resting Place by Paul Wilbur from A Night of
Extravagant Worship, both available on iTunes
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