Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 75: Wow! God Can Be Kinda Weird Sometimes!

Day 75: Wow! God Can Be Kinda Weird Sometimes!

Read: Isaiah 55:6 - 12; 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 31

You are sitting there watching television and you come across somebody trying hard to build something, complete some sort project around the house or inside. You watch them struggle hard to go detail by detail so that who ever the consumer maybe who is watching can do it themselves. You might sit there and think to yourself "That was a strange way of doing it!" "That is not exactly the way I would have done that." "That was a pretty weird idea. "Hmm, you know something; I kinda like it better that way." People have marvelous, wonderfully creative, very original ideas of getting jobs done.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8 - 9)

Have you ever stopped and looked at the way GOD does things on earth? It’s weird! It’s not the way we think things should or would be done! We can see it early on in the Bible when for no apparent reason God tells Abram to pack up everything he has and go somewhere though Abram knows not where it is or even the direction to go. And there is the grand story of Noah who is told to spend years and years building an ark of gargantuan and precise proportions, collect all known animals 2 x 2 waiting for 40 days of rain smack dab in the middle of an arid desert. Then a little bit later on in the grand scheme of things, there He is speaking to Moses from a burning bush that doesn't burn. Wow! God seems to get kinda weird sometimes. I mean, what gives with this weirdness?

This GOD of ours is just plain weird! He’s just not normal! He’s just not natural and just not comprehensible! This is the same God who tells us to love and pray for those who hurt us, those who would be counted amongst our worst enemies. A God who tells us lay down our lives for people we may not even know or wouldn't other wise care about and to do it at the drop of a hat because we are supposed to love absolutely everyone. A God who would send His Own Son into our world not to wipe away our weirdness as one might really hope and pray that He would, to save us from our ridiculous selves? Why wouldn't we want a God who created weirdness to come into the midst of our own weirdness to offer His ultimate love? In a weird way this love should be kinda fun!

Pray: God, thank you for creating weirdness that transcends our own. Thank you ever so much for loving us in spite of ourselves. For the occasional nudge in our ribs that gently reminds us that it should always be You who does all the thinking around here.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 74: God: "Your Way or Mine?" "Which One?"

Day 74: God: "Your Way or Mine?" "Which One?"

Read: Isaiah 55:1 - 9

I knew them as the 'burger wars'. Some years ago, I believe about ten or so, there was an advertising war between Burger King and McDonald's. It was 'have it your way' at Burger King and 'special orders don't upset us' versus a “Big Mac Attack.” The intended implication was that your craving could be satisfied by getting two all beef patty, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Truth be told is that I was always going for the 'Big Mac', not so much for the taste or the ingredients but truth be told because I just absolutely loved their jingle as it sang through each ingredient.

Each one touted that their way was the better way for the consumer to ultimately find complete satisfaction for their stomachs. Like I said, I preferred the 'Big Mac', never really caring to try the 'Whopper' or any of its smaller siblings or cousins. That was just "My Way". I was never really out to try and influence anybody else's way nor was I ever trying to become a walking advertisement for the 'Big Mac' either - It was never an everyday kind of thing for me. It was not as if I'm trying to go on TV saying 'my way or the highway!'

From our Scripture reading, the Prophet Isaiah is preaching to the Israelite's that there is a better way, there is a 'higher way' to live and this is God's way. I do not specifically remember just how much Burger King or McDonald's sold their burger's for to sell 'their way or the highway (both were always the most expensive offerings on their menu). However, God's way is being advertised and proclaimed as 'free'! No cost attached. It is a way that even comes right out and challenges us point blank why we should anybody be paying for it at all (Isaiah 55:1 - 2) "without money and without price!" What do we have to do to receive this free food? I mean free is very good, no better way to save!

It’s been said that everyone has a God-shaped hole in their heart. We can choose to fill the hole our way or God’s way. We can try to do it our way. We can try to fill the “God-shaped” hole in our own way. There are two problems. Our way is not what it SEEMS. (Verse 2a). Have you ever wanted something; only to get it and find out that it was not as good as you thought it would be? Our way does not SATISFY. (Verse 2b) Have you ever noticed that some foods just don’t satisfy in the long run? Ultimately trying to fill the “God-shaped hole” in our life is like trying to cure a “Big Mac Attack” with a Whopper. It’s when we finally come to the revelation that we can’t filled the hole on our own terms, in our own 'way' that we decide we should probably do it God’s way.

Let us Pray: Lord, you know us better than we know ourselves. You know all too well the near absolute satisfaction we carry within us for living only in 'our own ways.' You know our strengths and weaknesses, the hurt and the pain we cause to each other trying to protect at all costs what we deeply believe is the better way - ours. Lord, I plea with you this day to reveal to us the smallest snippet of your free transforming grace. Open my eyes that I may see it, my hands that I may grab it, my mouth that I may eat of it and finally, once and for all time, truly experience 100% guaranteed satisfaction. 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 73: Balanced Victory Through Faith and Overcoming.

Day 73: Balanced Victory Through Faith and Overcoming.

Read: 1 John 5:1 -5

There is an saying in the world of sports that likewise drives how we live our daily lives - "The thrill of victory and the agony of of defeat". At a very young age, children are brought by their parents to local schools or community centers to try out for a spot on a competitive sports team - Football, Baseball, Soccer and so on. The kids come together, the parents spend the money on the equipment, arrange their work schedules so they can watch their children have fun and prayerfully in the process they learn something about fair play, sportsmanship and a healthy balance between the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." It is an important aspect of living life.

In our society and in our culture how we relate to others around us, in our homes, in our schools, in our workplace, in public, in private comes out the balance we learn to incorporate into our daily lives. You have heard "it said that it is not whether we win or lose but how we play the game." It is learning about how to shake the hands of your opponent whether or not the outcome is victory or defeat, It is about going over to help the other player, teammate or opponent, up from the ground when they fall. It is about learning to share a slice of pizza with your opponent after the game. It does not matter who won or who lost or what happened on the field - be gracious.

In a perfect world this is how it would be. If this were the garden of Eden we would know where the tree of life is but have no desire to find out what happens if we were to do what God commanded us not to do. But there is no perfection around here and we were cast out of the garden. Sometimes life feels more like the agony of defeat. Sometimes it is so heavy that it threatens to overwhelm us, and it becomes too hard not to focus on the problems that we are dealing with. When you are faced with loss in your life; Loss of health, Loss of loved one; Loss of possessions it is difficult to stay focused very long on 'thrill of victory'. You discover that your life is not so balanced.

There are powerful ways you can one day restore that balance to your life, to that 'thrill of victory'. You can live in the victory of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You don’t have to remain 'in the agony of defeat'. 
There is a promised balance to your inevitable victory that God tells us to take advantage of:
1. Set your mind to the things above, thinking and then believing in victory. (Colossians 3:1 - 4)
2. Don’t focus so much on the overwhelming defeat, instead focus your life on the extraordinary Promise of rest gifted to us through Christ. (Matthew 11:28 - 30)
3. You do not need to fear defeat. Take the first step, start overcoming. (John 16:33)

These are the steps to balanced victory. As you begin to make these steps you will find that God provides victory in every situation of your life. 'Who is it that conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?' (1 John 5:5)

Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you know well that we no longer live in the garden of Eden, that one place where we had perfect balance in our lives. You know well that we completely messed that one up. We chose to live our lives out of balance with your promises. We are surrounded by the twists and turns of life, and we often feel we have little or no control over the things that happen to us. Draw us to you that we may find ourselves, to find our way, to find our hope, to live and so to overcome.
Steady My Heart by Kari Jobe (with lyrics)"He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved." ~Psalm

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 72: A Sacred Time of Liturgy For God's Inevitable Victory

Day 72: A Sacred Time of Liturgy For God's Inevitable Victory

Read: Psalm 20

I can just about see King David as He came to write the verses of Psalm 20. I can just about see the full breadth of the vision that David almost assuredly beheld. I will just let my breath be taken from my lungs at the scope and the absolute sheer magnitude of this battlefield. Try to picture it with me: It is the season, it is the time of year for giving battle to his enemy. He has just awakened. He is standing outside of his tent in the early morning hours and the sight he beholds are his soldiers glistening in their battle armor, sharpening their swords. They are forming in battle line for the fight which is to come that day. I can see him standing with his commanders. He is moving among them shouting words of God's sure victory of Psalm 20 - A Liturgy for the King. A sacred Liturgy for the only true King of Glory - The Lord our God!

A sacred liturgy for any of us today for times when we suddenly find life hitting us in every part of our body with all the force it can muster. When life comes your way in such an overwhelming and tragic fashion, when the enemy suddenly arrays itself in full battle line directly in front of you, up close and all to personal, right before your eyes and you have respond to the awesome, indescribable challenge before you - what's next? Perhaps David looked at his enemy on the opposing side witnessed to an awesome display of might and strength, a long line of Charioteers and great horses and men with spears waiting to be put to their most deadliest of purposes. What's there to do?

This morning, as you might be in a place called Perry Hall, Maryland, might just be a youth trying organize the school body, and a community to give God's singular response to the sudden appearance of the enemy on the battlefield. You might be out side, rain or at the dawn of the school day - out in front of the Perry Hall High School Flag Pole with fellow students, teachers, parents and a community praying for what ever it will be that the Lord put's on their hearts to pray for. It promises to be just an awesome scene of indescribable inspiration, an indescribable scene of God's awesome grace the immeasurable love of a resurrected Jesus Christ, the Holy Fires of transformation unleashed by the Holy Spirit on those who are struggling to make sense of this time.

The verses we recognize as Psalm 20 is an absolutely awesome display of ultimate confidence in the face of the ultimate enemy - that the ultimate victory will belong to the Lord our God who will forever charge on before us into the battle lying before us. He will go before us and by the full measure of His grace and the unbeatable might and power of His strong right arm and, armed by our prayers, bring ultimate victory. Some trust in horses, some will trust in their chariots - let us unite trusting only God.

Today, please pray with all of your heart, soul and strength the words of Psalm 20
The Battle Belongs To The LORD
The Battle Belongs To The LORD by Maranatha Singers with EMI Records
The Battle Belongs To The LORD
The Battle Belongs To The LORD by Maranatha Singers with EMI Records

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 71: Some May Trust In Horses, Some May Trust In Chariots ....

Day 71: Some May Trust In Horses, Some May Trust In Chariots ....

Read: Psalm 20:6 - 9

First I just want to begin by thanking my God and my wife for arriving at this point of 100 + days of of devotions and prayer. In the absence of either one these sources of undying encouragement and indispensable support, the struggle to remain disciplined enough bring you these 71 consecutive days may well have been too overwhelming to contemplate. It is not even close to anything I would have believed to be possible when my Sovereign God first called me to this act of obedience about 100 days ago.

During the past 100 days I have had to give battle to my perpetually irritating and painful left hip. I have had to give battle to a health care system the last four years to provide to me an effective diagnosis and means of effectively treating my left hip. It was only in the last 100 days or so that I have finally been treated with six Steroid Injections into the offending hip regions. 
Now there does not seem to be an end in sight for the injections because being Diabetic the healing process takes that much longer. In the mean time my Blood Sugar consistently hovers above, some days well above 200 (Normal is 80 - 120). I fear what these consistently high values will do to the rest of my body - my kidneys, my heart etc..

When trouble comes your way, to whom do you run to bail you out? Consider this; When you have overwhelming needs, who do seek out to meet those needs? When you just can’t do it your self and you need someone to give you a helping hand to make it through, who do you reach out to for help? You may feel like there is no one you can run to and you fully recognize every single opportunity to say "I just gotta quit - It is just not worth it!" Striving and fighting hard against that temptation to throw your arms up in complete surrender, getting very angry at yourself.

Believe me, I have been there and I am fighting against it even now. However, the Psalmist gives us the very best news possible: There is One who will hear when you call for help. My own faith journey tells me very strongly that God will pick the right moment to bless me with the miracle I need to move one more step and then another into the Kingdom of God and just persevere.

I have to put my trust in the health care system because in the end they are the one's who have the medication and the surgical skills that I am going to one day need. I know that I must still continue to endure waiting for their right moment to act. I know that in the end all the delays in the treatment of my hip will one day collapse, I will move into the operating room and In Jesus' name, they'll finally do what needs to be done.

The moment will inevitably arrive when, with God's help and my wife's, that we will reach this place of security when God will answer us and our eternal victory awaits! With my God's, and my loving wife's help, my victory will be that I will rise again. I will enter a new chapter of what it means to be the legs and feet of Jesus Christ in the world I live in.

Pray: Father, You bless those who revere Your name and delight in Your commands. In the midst of my inner turmoil or outer conflict I pray I shall not be to badly shaken, for my heart to remain steadfast and true, trusting in You and Your overall plan for my life. My fervent desire is to remain firmly grounded in your eternal victory as I seek to one day overcome the daily obstacles common to all who live on earth.
some may trust in horses with lyrics.mp4

Some may trust in horses, Some may trust in chariots, But we will trust in the name of our God...... Psalm 20:7
some may trust in horses with lyrics.mp4
Some may trust in horses, Some may trust in chariots, But we will trust in the name of our God......

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 70: Oh Hum; "I Guess God Isn't Listening to Me."

Day 70: Oh Hum; "I Guess God Isn't Listening to Me."

Read: Psalm 20:1 - 5

Have you heard this before - the oh hum's? You are waiting for that something to happen. You tell somebody how important and how wonderful it would be if that one thing you are waiting for would just show up. You are waiting in eager anticipation for this singular moment but only end up in an endless cycle of delays and excuses and hopeful expressions of maybe tomorrow, maybe next week or next month looks very promising. People keep asking you how it's going and you just keep your chin up.

There is the endless array of hopeful expressions. "Oh hum, don't worry about it, just keep waiting something is just bound to happen sooner or later." "Oh, hum, just be patient I am sure that something will change real soon." "Oh hum, just hang in there, things cannot stay the same forever - it just seems that way." It is "Oh hum" this and "Oh hum" that. Lets face the truth of it, it is incredibly frustrating to listen to even the very best of their intentions. Believe me, I appreciate their thoughts but my circumstance is still not changing neither is much progress being made toward better.

Well this is how I am feeling right now while I am patiently (?) waiting for some small bit of meaningful resolution. It has been four years worth of waiting and it has been little more that one "Oh hum" after the other - even from the Doctors treating me. I can read the first four verses of this Psalm and I think to myself "Oh Great, David's great chorus of "Oh Hum's!" Just what I need to hear -- I don't think so! I keep right on praying to God like I am supposed to for a break through. However, the only answer I seem to be getting from God is "Oh Hum, yeah I'll get to that eventually."

Sometimes it seems like God's attitude toward answering our prayers is too close to "Oh Hum" for comfort. There are moments when even though I know God is alive and well and answering prayers somewhere, from the midst of my frustration with my hip I find myself sitting in my chair and only reluctantly praying for my healing. I know that 'eventually' will arrive one day and there will be resolution, however I do find myself deeply desiring that God will one day rise up delivering my 'eventually' today. Right now, I will try to put my "Oh Hum's" in their proper place - God's Altar!!

Father God, Help me to transform my all too many "Oh Hum" moments into great and glorious moments of song, worship and loudest praise to you. In Jesus' name.
Hillsong - You Hold Me Now Video w/ Lyrics
From Hillsong's newest release, United, A_Cross//The Earth: Tear Down Walls, "You Hold Me Now" I pray this video touches your heart and provides you the hope...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 69: Entering The Kingdom of God: Kingdom Values

Day 69: Entering The Kingdom of God: Kingdom Values

Read: Mark 10:23 - 31

Vacation is over. We have spent the last week trying to get ourselves back into sync and getting the laundry done, the house cleaned up and organized for the brand new school year begins in just a couple of days. There will be the sounds of children as they are dropped off at our home very early by their Mother at I guess about 615am. It will be time for our home to once again become a 'city of refuge' (Joshua 20) so these precious children of God can prepare themselves to get ready for an education.

It is dawning on me right now as I type this devotional offering that my wife and I are in a transitional time of our lives where once again we must consider just why we are here in this moment. Why are we about to welcome this wonderful family back into the life of our home, even if it may only be for a season or two? Why will we wake up earlier than we usually do? Why will we buy more food on a limited budget? Why will we allow our daily schedules to be disrupted? Why will we do all these things again and do so much more? For ourselves to make us feel like good people or good Christians? For the love of God and our neighbors because these children, their Mom are also part of our family? Just what does the Lord require of us?

We pray to the Lord: Why with everything that is happening in our home, in our relationship as husband and wife are you compelling us to take a small step back and take a deep breath to ask ourselves; "What are the most important things in our lives?" In the whole of God's vast Kingdom, the Lord desires us to carefully consider "At this moment in eternity, Who are they who are the most valuable to us.?" "Who or what do we truly value?" 
It is so unbelievably important that from time to time we must examine what it is that we value the most highly. We must look for those barriers that hide or conceal entry points into God's Kingdom. Are we satisfied just being Husband & Wife? Reaching out only to those who are our biological family? Or are there more Kingdom doors that need to be revealed? Doors we should all strive to be holding open? Reaching out to those who God declares neighbors? In fact, Jesus says it is all of these and so much more. Take the necessary time to prayerfully consider that:

1. We Value Material Wealth, God's Kingdom Values Wisdom (verses 23-27)

2. We Value Position and Status in life, God's Kingdom Values Penance (verse 28)
3. We Value Reputation and Reward, God's Kingdom Values Relationship (verses 29-31)
4. We Value Ourselves The Most Highly, God's Kingdom Values Humility (verse 31)

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, you have chosen us to worship and serve you and to open up our homes and set aside our lives for those you have called our neighbors. Now set us free to be beacons of your grace and love. We freely and humbly do now commit ourselves to being open to your will, to devote ourselves to the sacred task of serving your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may go forth in the fullness of faith, hope and charity to grow your kingdom.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 68: Entering The Kingdom Of God: Fixing Your Own Pants!

Day 68: Entering The Kingdom Of God: Fixing Your Own Pants!

Read: Mark 10:23 - 27

For all you out there who count yourselves as an artist with needle and thread, you probably have some sense of what it will take to place an impossibly thin strand of thread through the eye of a needle. Like my mother did so many times, you could be sitting in the most comfortable chair in the house, relaxing to some good music to try to settle you down. You pick up the offending piece of clothing that ripped somewhere inconvenient. You look at it, see what needs to be done then pick up needle & thread. Mom would look back over her shoulder into my eyes: "This one is going to cost you!"

I cannot tell you how many times I heard my Mom say that to me. I would watch her as she deftly moistened the thread then picked up the sewing needle and with almost no effort at all, with her well practiced hands, the thread was through the eye of that needle. I usually knew that the cost of that effort was that I had to do the single most impossible chore there was for me - I had to clean up my bedroom. I had to put all of my precious stuff where it belonged. Believe me if you knew my bedroom you too would absolutely cringe at the size of the task. But, I really needed to have my pants.

Today I am talking about entering the Kingdom of God. Do we understand what that means, what that requires of us? Where do we start? It begins with an openness of mind to something different. It is a mindset that begins with asking first the simple questions: Mom, will you please repair the hole in these pants? I just knew that my Mother's love for me would soon find needle and thread in her hand. Then move to the more daring questions I always feared to ask: "Would you mind if I watched you to see how you do it? Usually out of guilt for ripping them for I never really believed she would ever actually give me the needle and the thread. Then the question I truly feared finally came: "Why don't you sit down here and just fix your pants yourself?

It would be easier for a camel to put itself through the eye of my mothers needle. I did not hesitate to decline the offer. I would much rather do the impossible and clean up my room that try to repair my own pants. But my Mom thundered in "Then how do you suppose or expect these pants are going to get fixed if you don't learn to do it?" "It is the right time for you to do it yourself" She handed me the needle and thread. I sat down in the chair and with much struggling, repeated failures, repaired them. The hardest part for me was to put the thread through the needle, but I really did it!

Entering the Kingdom of God can be as easy as learning from Mom how to fix your own pants then sitting down and actually putting in the effort to just do it or as hard as just handing Mom the pants, never bothering to take the time to watch Mom do it. Today, I admit that my sewing skills would never support my going into business. I regret that for I haven't forgotten how to rip my pants and I still hesitate to pick up a needle and thread just leaving it up to my wife. Maybe I should learn this over again.

Lord Jesus, please teach me how to fix my own pants that I may one day teach others of entering Your Kingdom on earth as it most assuredly is in heaven. Amen
God is Able - Planetshakers w/lyrics is Able by the Planetshakers. This is a powerful and emotional song, declaring just how able God is. I hope you enjoy the video. :) - Tessa "Now to Him

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 67: That One More Thing To Do Might Be ....

Day 67: That One More Thing To Do Might Be ....

Read: Mark 10: 21 - 31

23 Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, ‘How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!’ 24 And the disciples were perplexed at these words. But Jesus said to them again, ‘Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! (verses 23 - 24)

Did you happen to catch something about the way these verses are phrased? They are phrased as questions but they are delivered by Jesus as stern pointed statements meant to hold the disciples' attention in place. There was a sharp lesson that Jesus wanted them to be wholly aware of. Try to picture the look in Jesus' eyes, the stern appearance of His face as He is taking the time to deliberately look at the face of each of His disciples. Envision the look in Jesus' eyes, the stern appearance of His face as His attention suddenly turns towards you. Jesus is teaching you something.

The stern tone in Jesus' voice would seem to imply that the answer to the statement is seemingly rather obvious to them if they would just open their mouths and talk about why they were following Jesus in the first place. Why had they so quickly left their lives as fisherman behind? Why had they unquestioningly left their livelihoods behind to follow Jesus all through the vast wilderness? Subjected themselves to hardships they could not have envisioned themselves being in the middle of. Why had they not turned around, gone back to the way they were living before Jesus called on them? Most important of all might be why didn't they themselves try to talk to the rich man?

21 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ 22 When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

Please observe for yourselves what the disciples who were standing there observed:

This is what they stood there observing: 'When the man heard what Jesus required of him, he was shocked and went away grieving for he had many possessions.'

Now observe what did not happen: the disciples did not follow after this man and try to offer their testimonies to him. There did not seem to be much effort devoted to encouraging this 'shocked' man who desired nothing more but to follow after Jesus. They did not offer to provide any assistance the man may have needed to help him come to grips with making the same decision they had already unquestioningly made. The man desired change, the man needed encouragement to change, and apparently the man received nothing of what he needed at that critical moment. So I just sit here and wonder: Is this why Jesus sternly said "What does it take for anybody to enter God's Kingdom!" Jesus loved him, had compassion for him.
The disciples just stood there and let him walk away 'shocked'!

Now Pray long and hard, carefully considering your own place in this story: How well does that 'I'm going to do nothing but watch' attitude sit in your heart? Been there, done that? Me too!
Lord Jesus Son of the Living God, Forgive my poor efforts at sharing my life's testimony with those in need that You have placed before me. Help me to be more courageous, to move my life far beyond my powers of observation and inaction. Guide me through this valley of darkness, into the light where I can be bold enough to step forward becoming a difference to someone. video by Josh Wilson performing I Refuse. (P) (C) 2011 Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 66: Good Teacher, What One More Thing Must I Do?

Day 66: Good Teacher, What One More Thing Must I Do?

Read: Mark 10:17 - 31

As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ (Mark 10:17)

This is a story of a man, of someone, of a rich young ruler or if it were you or me today it might just as well have been your name or mine or your best friend or your worst enemy. I believe the point is that someone placed himself at the feet or in the face of Jesus and wanted to know 'Is this all there is to my life? 'Is there more that I could be doing for my people?' 'I am tired of the way things are and I desire to be a meaningful agent of change - what one more thing can I do, should I do, must I do? Are not these the same important questions we should all be daring to ask of Jesus?

Somehow you get a sense that whoever this man is, he has been on the fringe of desiring something radically different. Gradually, over an unknown period of time he has been experiencing a growing sense of unrest within him. He knows how things are, has had a good life living within how things were but now there was something going on inside of him, something he could not easily dismiss. We do not know what that might have been for him. However, we can reasonably believe it was something very important to him, something very personal to him or his family. It was something that he felt very compelled to get involved in. Something he felt compelled to change.

Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ (Mark 10:21).

Place yourself in the moment for a minute. Look closely at the deliberate eye contact being made between Jesus and the man. What thoughts go through your mind and then your heart when Jesus said point blank to the man, 'you lack one thing'. What just happened to your heart when you heard 'you lack one thing'? Did your heart just try to jump through your throat? 'One more thing?' Just what does Jesus mean when He tells you that 'I need one more thing'? What is this one more thing that I must do?

This cannot be too hard! Or is it so hard that the Lord knows I will have to overcome the impossible - myself - just to achieve it? Jesus is saying to us that we need to look at ourselves from the inside out. We must each be prepared to make the one single decision we never thought we'd have to make. What ever that choice is for each of us, and it is different for all of us, we must consciously choose to cross the line that we decided long ago was uncrossable. Its the line we erased a very long time ago. What might that be for you? What is that 'one more thing' that Jesus requires of you?

Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, What 'one more thing' do you require of me? What 'one more thing' must I do to finally achieve my breakthrough and to truly follow you?
Britt Nicole - "Breakthrough" (Lyric Video)
Download the brand new album "GOLD" from Britt Nicole on iTunes starting March 26, 2012. the brand new album "GOLD" from Britt Nicole on iTunes starting March 26, 2012.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 65/100 plus: .... and He Rested on the seventh day ....

Day 65/100 plus: .... and He Rested on the seventh day ....

Read: Genesis 2:1 - 3

What an incredible sight I just witnessed. My wife is sound asleep, there is one of our six cats resting on her hip just purring away. There are two more cats at the foot of the bed all stretched out and at the head of the bed, there is our dog, lying on its back and stretching away. What an incredibly serene and relaxing scene. It is a site that almost makes me want to go back to bed. I guess that is the key word - almost. I guess that word somehow finds it's way around my heart.

My wife will sleep until I waken her yet I will get up at 530 every morning so that I may pray, study the Scriptures, seek a snippet of God's ancient wisdom and bring it to you in the form of this devotional offering. Every day for the last 65 days this has been my morning routine. My wife marvels at my discipline of getting up so early and doing what I am doing for God's own.

I realize that I and quite a few others have felt so enormously blessed by my doing what I am doing. Knowing that these efforts are blessing so many I further realize that I am going to expend every effort to completing this task that God has set before me: 100 + devotionals and Prayers in 100 + days. I thoroughly believe without my wife's ever present, ever welcomed encouragement and my God's ever present help when I alone could not come up with the right words or thoughts that I could not have come close to getting this far. With all these sources of inspiration alongside of me I can't help but feel driven to continue on . I'm not praying for rest.

Why is it that when we are in the midst of doing the work God has set before us we are hesitant to relax, to take a Sabbaths day of rest like God did when He had finished the work of creation? Is it because sometimes we feel guilty? Maybe it is that there is always so much kingdom work to do. Perhaps it is that we believe our part of the world just couldn’t function properly without us. Perhaps we are driven by our 'zeal for the Lord's house' that we keep on striving to keep God's kingdom moving, keeping up or continuing the momentum God started the very next dawn of mankind.

It is an extraordinary verse to wrap one's mind around: 'So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.' (Genesis 2:3) I mean meditate long and hard on this stunning revelation: God rested from the work that He himself had done in creation! I mean 'God rests?' Wow! Why don't we allow ourselves rest?

God sanctified the day He gave Himself to rest from the great works of creation. Now, Is there anybody out there in God's kingdom that would not desire just one second of God's rest at this moment? Can anybody out there paint a picture of our God at this incomprehensible moment of sanctified rest and not desperately strive to try to paint themselves right into the middle of it of it all? I pray for the day I could be so gifted.

Pray & Meditate long and hard on this stunner: God gave Himself permission to rest!
Pray for the single moment in your life when you can accept God's permission to rest.
Pray: God, help me find time each day to be alone and quiet and listen to you, the most important voice of all. God, never let me believe that I simply don’t have time to sit down and reflect on my blessings. Thru Jesus Christ our Lord, our Resting place.
A Resting Place (w/ lyrics)
'A Resting Place' A Resting Place by Paul Wilbur from A Night of Extravagant Worship, both available on iTunes

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 64: Five Loaves & Two Fish: In Grumble or In Gratitude?

Day 64: Five Loaves & Two Fish: In Grumble or In Gratitude?

Read: John 6:41 – 51; Colossians 1:9 - 14

Have you ever taken the time to notice that the people who are habitually ungrateful, habitual grumblers are strangers to happiness? There are those people who, through no small amount of effort on any one person’s part, never seem to be satisfied with anything. You can offer the best of everything, you can give the very best of everything you have and there will always be something they will find to grumble over. For one person, their glass is always half full, for the grumblers the cup is eternally half empty. Giving thanks is something that just will never fill any of their cups to overflowing. Jesus gave the five thousand Israelites enough bread and fish to fill their bellies to well over overflowing. The very best they could do is grumble. There was not a single word of thanks voiced to Him!

One of the greatest privileges of being a Christian is that of having the capacity to give thanks regardless of what happens. It is relatively easy to be thankful when things are going our way, but a Christian can rise above any situation even when grumbling might be the single most important and appropriate response. When have I been here before? Yesterday or Right now?

Paul, the Apostle, was a man who suffered a great deal of pain, had every single reason to grumble and groan and yet he wrote, "May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light." For Paul, ‘Thanks be to God’ is actually at the pinnacle of one's spiritual strength, a time of flexing your spiritual muscles , a powerful measure of one’s own faith to persevere through the midst of your worst grumbling session. What did 'thank you Lord' mean to Paul? What does it mean for each of us today?

Paul put his emotional, mental and spiritual focus on all the good things He had in Christ. Paul allowed every circumstance to teach Him more about Christ and His will. Paul saw every one of his problems as an opportunity to advance God’s kingdom and righteousness. Paul thanked God for everything as it directed Him back to Christ’s priorities. Paul thanked God in every situation because He knew that God could use it to bring greater maturity, wisdom and greater usefulness even to the greatest of grumblers. Paul thanked God for every trial because He knew it would result in a greater witness for Jesus Christ. There so many overwhelming reasons to give all thanks to God. Find it in your heart of hearts to rise above what is dragging you down.

Pray Psalm 138 – Bring your grumbles unto the Lord. Make your plea that by God’s grace, the Love of Jesus Christ, the comforting presence of The Holy Spirit that your heart may be restored, that your heart may be strengthened through perseverance and a holy smile. As Often as you can, Whenever you can, All the times you can: Stop and shout your ‘thanks’ be to God.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 63: Five Loaves and Two Fishes: 100% Guaranteed Complete Satisfaction.

Day 63: Five Loaves and Two Fishes: 100% Guaranteed Complete Satisfaction.

Read: John 6:41 – 52; Ecclesiastes 6:1 - 12

Let me begin by asking you this question: When was the last time you ever tried to explain something important to a person only to have that person not understand a word you had to say? You wives out there trying so hard to tell your husbands of the overwhelming importance of some great and wonderful opportunity called “Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back.” You get “I do not want to hear it. “I am not the least bit Interested.” Or “It will cost too much money to find out I will not like it” or the ubiquitous “Believe me dear, I did just not understand what you said.”

The people were hungry; Jesus was offering them food that would satisfy them not just for the next few hours but for eternity. As with anything that sounds too good to be true it will be met by a great all of skepticism. This eternal guarantee sounded to too good to be true. The people all needed their stomachs filled; they all wanted their lives to be filled with the bread out of heaven until they heard Jesus tell them a little more about it. The people were not ready to completely surrender control of their lives to accept the gift of 100% eternal satisfaction through Jesus Christ.

This had to be a bit frustrating and heartbreaking to Jesus. The same is true with us. We all grumble when we hear of something other that is, on the surface at least, sounds too good to be even close to as beneficial as the commercial tries so hard to sell it. But let us interject a little reality of our own here: How would you completely convince somebody, as Jesus tried to do, of the once in a lifetime opportunity that is ‘Eternal Life? Would you just set them down at a five star restaurant and pick up the check? Spend time, money and efforts preparing for them a grand sumptuous ten course meal and Walla have them instantly, completely accept Jesus into their heart?

Why do you believe that people today are not more ready to accept Jesus’ 100% fully guaranteed gift of eternal satisfaction? What might be holding your heart back from fully surrendering your very own hopes in this life to Jesus’ eternal offer of 100% guaranteed complete satisfaction? Finally, forever releasing your heart saying 100% of my life is God's?

Let us Pray: Lord, my eyes have seen You move in power both in times past and in the present. Lord, You are my hope and health and salvation. I know that Your love is better than life. In You is found my soul’s satisfaction. Still, Lord, at times I turn away from You. There are moments where my mouth says one thing and my actions show something else. Take me deeper into the ways of life and satisfaction in You. Lord, You are worthy of all worship and I want to praise You as long as I live. I know my best life is to be fully satisfied in You. Lead me into this reality.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 62: Five Loaves and Two Fish: Overflowing With Expectation.

Day 62: Five Loaves and Two Fish: Overflowing With Expectation.

Read: John 6:22 - 40

I believe that all of us have certain expectations and hopes in life. I believe that to a certain degree we are all acquainted with the reality that some pan out while there are others that don’t. Without expectation and hope we will not get very far in life. In the absence of an overwhelming sense anticipation, eagerness, or excitement we will hesitate to set or we will not set many meaningful, achievable goals for ourselves.

This morning I have questions for you to prayerfully consider. It is this: When has your level of desire for something, anything, risen to the level that the heights of your anticipation goes flying off the charts? When has this overwhelming desire for that certain something filled your heart to overflowing with sure and certain expectation of its arrival? When have you arrived at a point in your life when you would literally do anything to satisfy that unrelenting drive to find, and experience, all the blessings which you now so eagerly expect or hope or anticipate you will eventually receive?

This morning I am in eager anticipation that you will want to do a little work, other than at your place of employment or to set aside that school work or all that work that you plan to do while you are on vacation. I'm praying that you will eagerly take the time, with a heart overflowing with the expectation that you will surprise yourself and learn something new, to prayerfully respond with as many answers as you can. There are no right or wrong responses.

1) Read the Bible passage from the Gospel of John 6:22 - 40.
2) Pray over it asking God to reveal one more snippet of His Ancient Wisdom & Truth.
3) Then prayerfully answer each statement listed below by:
a. Placing yourself in the walking shoes of Jesus. THEN
b. Placing yourself in the walking shoes of the Disciples. THEN
c. Placing yourself in the walking shoes of the Israelites who were so eagerly and expectantly following Jesus all over the country side. FINALLY
d. Placing yourself in your very own walking shoes.

Here are the Statements I am asking you to prayerfully consider and respond to:

I pray to the Heavenly Father who gave me life that first Today, then Someday that;

With an overflowing heart, I eagerly expect to…
With an overflowing heart, I eagerly expect that ...
With an overflowing heart, I eagerly hope to ...
With an overflowing heart, I eagerly hope for...
With an overflowing heart, I eagerly hope that ...
With an overflowing heart, I eagerly anticipate that ...
Title: Expectation Authors: Don Poythress and Tony Wood Copyright: 2009 New Spring, Row J, Seat 9 Songs, Integrity's Hosanna! Music, Pure

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 61: Five Loaves and Two Fish: In Anticipation Of A Miracle.

Day 61: Five Loaves and Two Fish: In Anticipation Of A Miracle.

Read: John 6:1 - 13

In today’s passage, a fascinating miracle about food takes place. It is referred to as the miracle of “The feeding of the 5000 with five loaves of bread and just two fish.” It is one of those places in the Bible that offers us a contrast between what man would quickly dismiss as 'Impossible' and what Jesus says is 'Possible'. It is also truly fascinating to observe the magnitude of the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 for it causes it to be found in all four gospels. It is really an absolutely breathtaking story to read.

Jesus climbs a mountain with His disciples to gain a vantage point, while observing the crowd great stirrings of compassion well up inside of Jesus' heart. At that all too precise moment, Jesus knows exactly what 'Possibilities' are going to be dramatically unleashed upon the lives of the disciples. And you would think that after all the time the disciples had spent with Jesus they would anticipate what was coming next. That such anticipation would yield to immediate action on their part and Jesus would not have to say another word to them. Jesus would sit back and watch his disciples work.

1. The first issue with anticipation is the problem of man not being aware enough of his own surroundings and recognizing the pressing needs there in. Jesus said to Phillip; look around you. What do you see? Now what is it that we should be doing about it (John 6:5 - 7)? Jesus will always begin with a test of our own powers of observation. What might Jesus be testing your very own powers of observation with?

2. The second issue with anticipation is the self preparation of the messenger for the task at hand. The disciples had walked with Jesus for a long time. Each of them had witnessed many marvelous and even miraculous healings take place. Where was the disciple's growing sense of excitement? Where was there sense of anticipation for the next miraculous thing Jesus would inevitably perform? Why does it not seem to grow? Today, where is our own sense of excitement? Is your sense of anticipation growing?

3. The third issue with anticipation is believing in the messages and promises of the Master (verses 7 - 9). Neither Phillip nor Andrew believed it could be done because there was not enough money to buy the food and what was on hand was insufficient. But Jesus had clearly taught them through word and deed that it only took a mustard seed of faith to move a mountain so why not five loaves of bread and just two fish? If all you have to offer is the equivalent of a small mustard seed of belief, but just a few precious loaves of bread and two fish then you should believe you have the necessary level of energy and anticipation to witness your own miracles happen in Jesus' name.

Pray: Psalm 34:1 - 10 (verse 8) O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in Him. (verse 10) The young lions suffer want and hunger,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
Carly Simon - Haven't Got Time/Anticipation/That's The Way (Live At GC)
Three of the live performances from her Grand
Carly Simon - Haven't Got Time/Anticipation/That's The Way (Live At GC)
Three of the live performances from her Grand

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 60: All Things Possible: Walking on the Water

Day 60: All Things Possible: Walking on the Water

Matthew 14:28 - 33 (Peter Walks With Jesus - On The Water!); Psalm 107:23 - 32

This passage of the Bible is one that people generally find themselves having a tough time wrapping their minds around. It is the second in a line of incredibly miraculous events in the life of the disciples and their fellow Israelite brethren. First came the feeding of an incredible 5000 people from a few loaves of bread and a few fish. To have been there on that day at that moment to witness this would do more than just fill your stomach. It would undoubtedly shocked you to the very core of your senses.

Without even giving the people or His disciples the chance to absorb the enormous scope of what has just taken place, He put His disciples into a boat instructing them to go to the other side while He stayed behind to dismiss the crowd and then pray. Then Bing Bang Boom we next see the disciples in the middle of a great storm which even these well skilled fisherman have no idea what to with or even how to survive it. From the most miraculous of good suddenly thrust into the most horrific of bad. What a journey through one extreme to the other and before they have a chance to get to the other side of the lake to try to take the time to sit down and figure things out.

What is Jesus' answer to this: an invitation to join with Him walking on the water to save themselves and to get to the other side! Another stunner! What is Jesus talking about? From miraculous feeding to massive panic to an invitation to willingly drown? Things are happening so fast and furiously we cannot begin to adjust ourselves to a time sufficient to gather our thoughts, to make well considered decision: whats next? Jesus' response to us: Take My hand. Come walk on the water with me for while. I still, as I am writing this, cannot completely picture what Jesus is asking of us. What is it that He wants us to believe? What is it that Jesus so desperately wants us see? The storm? A sinking boat? Or our life in His outstretched hand?

There is a body of water called Sinepuxent Bay and a short distance away across the Bay and on the other side of our camp site is Assateague Island. I just found out the other day I could walk on the water getting maybe halfway to the island. I have to confess that I was actually walking on a large sandbar, but still, I found myself walking several hundred yards away from shore and standing in less than a foot of water. There were many others with me with their small children and dog's that were not able to swim. All were in the middle of playing. All seemed to be rather confident standing in less than a foot of water in the middle of the Bay
What did I see? When I began all I could see was "How did they do that?" That is supposed to be impossible? However, from the middle of the bay looking back I saw where I began. Looking forward I saw the brand new possibility of getting to the other side. In between that was water of which I had no knowledge. But I could see people who had walked on the water before me. In faith, In trust, In prayer, I journeyed forth and guess what - I made it there, I made it back and I am alive and talking to you about it now. Jesus wanted His disciples to finally see beyond the impossible, dare to see all the possibilities when we all we can see is the impossible before us. It is not going to necessarily change the strength of the storm or the depth of the water beneath our feet but it will dramatically change our perception of what is possible as we dare ourselves to reach out to Jesus, in faith, hope and trust, grasping Jesus' hand, walking to the other side.

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, You tell us all things are possible through You. However, one too many times we see only the troubles and problems that cause us to doubt You. Please take away
our doubts, give us more faith and trust and love to walk hand in hand on the water with you.
Walk on the water by Britt Nicole (With lyrics)
Kool and awesome song by britt nicole with lyrics and kool graphics i do not own any graphics or
Walk on the water by Britt Nicole (With lyrics)
Kool and awesome song by britt nicole with lyrics and kool graphics i do not own any graphics or

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 59: ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’

Day 59: ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’

Read: Matthew 14:22 - 33

Last night was a very difficult night for many. Two inches of rain pounded the area in a very short span of time. There was flash flooding in many areas. Roads were being flooded. People were driving to get to some destination - suddenly there were many reports of motorists who got trapped in their vehicles on impassible roads. Water flooded out their engines as they tried to get to their homes or other destinations. They quickly found out the water was just to fast. Now they were finding themselves trapped in their vehicles, their safety gravely threatened. What will do they do now?

They, or someone else makes a phone call to an Emergency Response Center. They try their best to say where they are and what has happened. Specially trained Swift Water Rescue teams are called and dispatched to the scene. They try to call out to the trapped motorist from above the raging storm with words: "where are you? "are you okay? "I am here, I will be coming to get you soon!" "try to stay calm." "Come to Me, Peter, I am here, reach out for my hand". You hear the voice but cannot see Him.

But what next? What is the next step we need to take? So often when we have been offered a fresh start in our circumstances, we do nothing and it leads no where. We do not readily accept the hand that offers the rescue we need. We are surprised to find ourselves in sudden, unplanned, difficult circumstances we thought we could just deal with on our terms. Then suddenly it becomes too late and we can do next to nothing to rescue ourselves. This is where the Disciples found themselves one night after they witnessed 5000 people get miraculously fed. They are in a boat, in the middle of the lake and suddenly the storm is upon them threatening to sink them all.

Jesus sees them in their plight from the far away shore where He was standing. He goes to them walking on the water, through the great storm, to reach them. The disciples cannot believe their eyes, they become afraid, they do not recognize rescue. ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ Jesus said "Come." But, now presents the same choice each disciple absolutely had to make. Stay in the boat or accept the offer of rescue extended to them from the hand of Jesus Christ? Based on your own life experiences what do you think you should do next? What do you think you will do next? Now, what does your very own heart say say you should actually do next? In faith consider this: what action(s) will the rest of your body take?

Today as you pray consider this question: ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ Lord, help me to recognize you when I am blinded by the storm. Lord, help me to trust the hand that you freely extend to me. Lord, I beg of you, give me the freedom to accept by faith that I too can walk on water as long as I walk with you. Help me to extend my own hand, with yours, to the other disciples in the boat. Lord Jesus, take my hand, take all that I am and ever shall be. In the name of the One who saw my plight from a distance: use me for your glory!
Carrie Underwood "Jesus Take the Wheel (How Great Thou Art)
Carrie Underwood "Jesus Take the Wheel (How Great Thou Art) Live @ The Borgata Event Center

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 58: "For We Are Well Able To Overcome It"

Day 58: "For We Are Well Able To Overcome It"

Read: Numbers 13:25 - 33; Psalm 46; John 16:29 - 33 (New Living Translation)

I ask you this question, How are we suppose to live in the light of new, 'never been seen or done before possibilities of life', that we might become the person or people that God would have us to be?” That isn’t such a silly question, because if we don’t believe all things are possible ----we won’t live our lives like all things are possible! Let's face the truth, while we work hard to let 'Impossible' rest in piece it is not as easy to completely dismiss from our memories when we are confronted by the 'never been done before' possibilities life presents to us each and every day. We cannot possibly plot, plan or prepare for all the contingencies that life's possibilities throws our way.

Somehow, someway, it never seems to fail that 'Impossible' is going to speak deeper and deeper into our consciousness from the grave and try to convince us of that better way of living.
'Impossible' always seems able to rally that enormously steadfast and loyal fan base that will never stop speaking messages of 'why do you bother to try?' into our ear. But for that single person steadfastly faithful to the Gospel message of Father, Son, Holy Spirit that speaks saying ‘Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.’ Jesus Christ went up at once to the peak of Calvary's mountain and occupied it with everything that He had. Complete faith in & love for His Father.

Jesus asked His disciples then, and each of us today “Do you finally believe? When will we finally believe? Jesus warned us that the time is coming — indeed the time is here now —when you will be scattered throughout the land of 'Impossibility, each one leaving 'Possibility' behind and leaving Jesus alone - Is that day here yet for you when 'Impossible' lures you back into his country?. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me despite your own best efforts to believe you are leaving me behind. I have always told you that you cannot leave ' All That Is Possible' behind 33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

The Word of God faithfully reminds each of us that one day Caleb stood before the great congregation of unbelievers and quieted the people before Moses, and said, ‘Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.’ Let Jesus come before you and hand in hand, heart to heart, spirit to Spirit to bring you safely to the of quiet peace, prosperity and 'Possibility', a land flowing with all the very best milk and all the very best honey. The land of thorny brush and dry wilderness where all things 'Impossible' is overcome by the milk and honey of: 'All things through Christ.' who's shed blood give's me the strength to overcome.

Today, Please spend as much time as you can praying through the verses of Psalm 46

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 57: Jesus Shouted With A Loud Voice, “Impossible, Come Out!”

Day 57: Jesus Shouted With A Loud Voice, “Impossible, Come Out!”

Read: John 11:17 – 27; 38 – 44

Many have come and gathered for this most solemn of occasions. They have come from both near and far to remember a close friend who has passed from this life into the next. Today is the funeral for ‘Impossible’. It has taken a little more time than usual for the arrangements to be made. It was a dying request of ‘Impossible’ to be buried in the wilderness cave from which the world first received it. It took four days to locate the right one but finally they laid ‘Impossible’ to rest inside rolling the large stone over the entrance. A few prayers later, the ceremony ended. But I ask you to consider – Could the death of ‘Impossible’ really be God’s end to this story?

Consider that Lazarus had been dead and buried for four days. On the fourth day Jesus shouted into Lazarus’s tomb “Come Out”. The stone was rolled away, Lazarus walked out and people walked up to him, embraced him and released from his wrappings and Lazarus strolled into a new life filled with infinite ‘Possibilities’. For us today, how is it that ‘Impossible’ can be raised like Lazarus from the dead and become transformed by the power God through His Son Jesus Christ unto new life now to become known to all mankind as ‘Possible’? We must call out to our own ‘Impossible’ residing within us. Walk up, embrace the ‘Possible’ that God releases.

23 Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ 24 Martha said to him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.’ 25 Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ Today, Jesus tells us that Everything we embrace as ‘Impossible’ will be transformed into ‘All Things Are Possible’ through belief in  Jesus Christ. Do You Believe this is really 'Possible'? Is 'Possible' really truly possible for you?

Let us pray: Lord of the Resurrection, Help our Unbelief. Help Us to live as your resurrection people. Help us so that we may help others overcome themselves through the power of Christ. Call out to the ‘Impossible’ within each of us that we may embrace Your light of ‘Possibility. Help us to believe in our own full potential.