Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 225: The Body Of Christ: Set Apart For A Particular Work

Day 225: The Body Of Christ: Set Apart For A Particular Work

Read: Acts 13:1 - 5

My eager brothers and sisters when it comes to doing work for the Lord, we all have a particular job to do. Even though many in the church would much rather work hard at someone else’s job, we must realize that the Lord has already picked us out for a particular mission that has nothing to do with what we prefer we want to do. That is why as Christians we must learn to know when the Lord is speaking to us or not. One of the ways you can tell when and where the Lord is speaking, is when He tells us to do something that might never be on our agenda. So, today, as the warmer weather of Spring and Summer start rolling in, consider where the work of the Lord is for you. Where's the Holy Spirit pointing?

2 While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” While they were in the course of their early ministry, those who were at Antioch in the church that was there, the Holy Spirit came upon those who were present and began to reveal what the will of God was for each of them as individuals. The Holy Spirit would now point to some becoming prophets, some teachers, some would become missionaries, some would become church planters, some would become exhorters, some would become Pastors. But each of them, and each of us today would be, will be, pointed to Christ, set apart by God for His work.

Here is an example of the Holy Spirit's direction: In the early church, the followers are were seeking God through worship and fasting when the Holy Spirit prompted them to commission Barnabas and Saul who would become Paul for service. As a ministry team set apart by God they would take the Good News of Jesus Christ to many countless towns, villages, cities, travel great distances, encounter many who had never heard of Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit, had never experienced the truest expression of love, mercy, forgiveness of sin, reconciliation, sacrifice - grace of God. On his own, Paul would spread the life giving message throughout the known world. What direction is the Holy Spirit pointing for you? 

We are the church. We are the Body of Christ set apart by God for His Kingdom work. I am asking that each of you prayerfully consider the relevance of that truth in your life. Consider the awesome responsibility of what that entails for you as individual, you as one of untold millions of essential member of the church universal. Seek His leading and be patient for you may not hear such a direct call from the Holy Spirit right away. At some point, God is going to find your heart, create a want, a desire, a passion. He is going to draw you in. Draw you in unexpected ways to direct you to go into those unexpected directions. The Challenge: Are we prepared to be the church? Are we prepared to be sent?

Let Us Pray: Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, set us apart for the work of building Your kingdom, proclaiming undying love for Your Son, loving and ministering to our neighbors whoever and wherever they may be, whenever they may be there, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, one Love, now and for ever. Amen.

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