Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 222: Bearing One Another's Burdens: Care Givers, Those Who Bear Our Burden

Day 222: Bearing One Another's Burdens: Care Givers, Those Who Bear Our Burden

Read: Mark 2:1 - 12

On this short devotional journey we seem to be on 'bearing one another's burdens', it occurred to me yesterday while I was away at a day long conference there was one more burden that was placed on my spirit in no uncertain terms by the Lord. It is one that really hit me square between the eyes - it gave me great pause because it was one that I can quickly identify with for the brief time I was confined in one. I was not in any way tied down, handcuffed, strapped in against my will or anything like that. You see, at the conference I attended, I saw an attendee in a motorized wheelchair.
I realized - What about when the burden carried belongs to those caring for them - The Care Givers?

I ask this with some measure of authenticity because there was a time when I had shattered my Left Hip into seven pieces following a fall on black ice in 2003 and for 5 weeks following replacement surgery I was confined to a wheelchair. I could not walk on my own, nobody would let me walk on my own without the strictest of supervision. What about this burden - when your body will no longer allow you to do like the rest of most people and someone needs to provide care for you? When your own body is your greatest burden to be born by that wheelchair, by that hospital bed, by that tank of oxygen being pulled behind you, a mind once so very whole and complete that is slowly vanishing before ones eyes? 

Remember Christopher Reaves of 'Superman' fame? Remember him before and after he fell off the horse? Remember his wife, by his side - that loving and devoted wife by his side caring for him before and after they were married and until the day he died? So today, I am asking you to pray for those caregivers. I am praying that you will take some time out of this Sunday to pray about those whose burden is the caregiver of the one who can no longer care for themselves - husbands for wives, and vice versa, children caring for parents or grandparents, Doctors, Nurses, Aides, Care Facilities. I am absolutely confident there are more than just a few who bear our burden who deeply need prayers.

Four of a Kind. The Burden Bearers. Of like mind. Their hearts desire was to see this paralytic man brought to Jesus for what care and attention that just only Jesus knew. Of like motive. These men had one single motive, to get this paralytic to their Savior. Nothing would stop them, not pride, manners, people, nothing could deter them from their goal of seeing this man meet Jesus, the great physician. Not willing that any, no not one should perish. Of like Motion. Their effort was concerted, if they had worked hard, but in different directions - would the man have been touched and healed? Yes, our burden bearers, those with caring hands, compassionate hearts - In Jesus Name, please pray for them!

Beatitudes for Caregivers

Blessed are those who care and who are not afraid to show it — they will let people know they are loved.

Blessed are those who are gentle and patient — they will help people to grow as the sun helps the buds to open and blossom.

Blessed are those who have the ability to listen — they will lighten many a burden.

Blessed are those who know how and when to let go — they will have the joy of seeing people find themselves.

Blessed are those who, when nothing can be done or said, do not walk away, but remain to provide a comforting and supportive presence — they will help the sufferer to bear the unbearable.

Blessed are those who recognize their own need to receive, and who receive with graciousness — they will be able to give all the better.

Blessed are those who give without hope of return — they will give people an experience of God. (Author Unknown)

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