Day 270: Our Next Unconventional Act: Opening The Pathway To Jesus
Read: John 4:39 - 42
What does it take, to say, convince people that Niagara Falls is the honeymoon capital of the world. I mean, being from that region of the great state of New
York, having been to the Falls more than my fair share of the time, I
can tell you by my witness of it's magnificent grandeur day or
night. I can try to tell you of the thunderous roar of the water as you
virtually stand right next to it as though it is an intimate part of
your being. I can tell you that for me, there has yet to be any sight or sound, magnificence to compare it with. But how is that going to help you believe that what I'm telling you is the least bit believable? How is it going to compel you to move one inch closer to it?
What will convince people to seek, find Jesus? I write these words in the Lord's name and will post it to Facebook and from the host of friends that I have, maybe only one person will read it and in all likelihood, not one person will comment how these words may have impacted their day. One person might click 'like'. I'll post
it on my Blog site, send it all over the known world and get back some
wonderful comments. I will also receive as I did last night, a comment
"I hate all people because of my religion". I've so much respect,
admiration for the one's who can articulate a well reasoned defense for Jesus' life and ministry. But do our efforts open up, reveal any pathway to Jesus?
Are they supposed to move people one inch closer? Are we supposed to get wrapped up in this question "What do we have to do to get the people to
believe"? Is there a formula of one part of this mixed with three parts
of that, then add secret ingredient? What might the Lord say about this? Jesus did not tell the Samaritan what to do with her witness. I believe that what truly brings people to accept Jesus as their Lord is the simple testimony that we don't read about in the Gospel - the woman ran back to the rest of her people: 'From that city many of the Samaritans believed in
Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all the
things that I have done.”
Jesus did not go with her when she
returned to the villagers. Mark 5:14 - 20, when Jesus cured the demoniac
of his 'legion', the people compelled Jesus to leave so He left the man
in his healed state to "go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you and how He had mercy on you."
And that is what the Samaritan woman did. The woman’s bold witness
opened the way to Jesus. This stage of belief is, can only be an
introduction. For their way to be open to Jesus, they needed their own
personal encounter with Jesus. The magnificent climax is that the
Samaritans came to settled conviction, acclaiming Jesus as Savior of the
Let Us Pray: Lord, send us out in the name of Christ; fill us with your love and mercy. By your Holy Spirit, enable us so to live and speak that your love and
joy may flow into every corner of life. We will go in the holiness of
your name. We will go in the greatness of your love. We will go forth in
the righteous glory of your great name. watch?v=4m_GVAx3EKA
Read: John 4:39 - 42
What does it take, to say, convince people that Niagara Falls is the honeymoon capital of the world. I mean, being from that region of the great state of New York, having been to the Falls more than my fair share of the time, I can tell you by my witness of it's magnificent grandeur day or night. I can try to tell you of the thunderous roar of the water as you virtually stand right next to it as though it is an intimate part of your being. I can tell you that for me, there has yet to be any sight or sound, magnificence to compare it with. But how is that going to help you believe that what I'm telling you is the least bit believable? How is it going to compel you to move one inch closer to it?
What will convince people to seek, find Jesus? I write these words in the Lord's name and will post it to Facebook and from the host of friends that I have, maybe only one person will read it and in all likelihood, not one person will comment how these words may have impacted their day. One person might click 'like'. I'll post it on my Blog site, send it all over the known world and get back some wonderful comments. I will also receive as I did last night, a comment "I hate all people because of my religion". I've so much respect, admiration for the one's who can articulate a well reasoned defense for Jesus' life and ministry. But do our efforts open up, reveal any pathway to Jesus?
Are they supposed to move people one inch closer? Are we supposed to get wrapped up in this question "What do we have to do to get the people to believe"? Is there a formula of one part of this mixed with three parts of that, then add secret ingredient? What might the Lord say about this? Jesus did not tell the Samaritan what to do with her witness. I believe that what truly brings people to accept Jesus as their Lord is the simple testimony that we don't read about in the Gospel - the woman ran back to the rest of her people: 'From that city many of the Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all the things that I have done.”
Jesus did not go with her when she returned to the villagers. Mark 5:14 - 20, when Jesus cured the demoniac of his 'legion', the people compelled Jesus to leave so He left the man in his healed state to "go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you and how He had mercy on you." And that is what the Samaritan woman did. The woman’s bold witness opened the way to Jesus. This stage of belief is, can only be an introduction. For their way to be open to Jesus, they needed their own personal encounter with Jesus. The magnificent climax is that the Samaritans came to settled conviction, acclaiming Jesus as Savior of the World.
Let Us Pray: Lord, send us out in the name of Christ; fill us with your love and mercy. By your Holy Spirit, enable us so to live and speak that your love and joy may flow into every corner of life. We will go in the holiness of your name. We will go in the greatness of your love. We will go forth in the righteous glory of your great name.
Love & The Outcome - City Of God [Official Video]
© 2013 WMG Love & The Outcome - "City Of God" [Official Video] For more information, visit
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