Day 255: Lighting Our Lights, Upending Our Furniture, Seeking Lost Souls
Read: Luke 15:1 - 10
I am having fun right now. I just want you to know that. The more that I
delve into this Parable the more and more God is ever enlightening my life
with deeper and deeper truth of what I actually mean to Him in the grand scheme of this thing called my life. I just cannot wait to find what greater joy the Shepherd has in store
for me and for you. Today desire to focus on, and share with you a new
revelation the Lord gave me yesterday. Something I feel we need to
consider over and over again because it is so that important we do it. A
message that deals with our purpose, why we are a church and why God has called us to do the things that we are to do. How will you respond?
For those in His audience with our Lord then and our reading audience today who are not able to relate as well to the cost and importance of a sheep to a shepherd, Jesus is now driving home the point using something an object nearly everyone
present is able to identify with - money. Jesus wants to make sure in
no uncertain terms that we understand the full depth of loss God feels when any one of us finds themselves lost. So He gives us a new Parable - this one about a woman who lost a silver coin. We do not know if she was young or old, widow or married, a Jew or a Gentile,
but we do know that the coin was of a highly critically value to her
present and future existence.
Jesus says, "Suppose you’re a woman who loses a valuable coin, what would you do? I will tell you what you’d do. You would light a lamp and move the
furniture. You’d go through every nook and through every cranny in the
house until you found it. And when you found it there would be a
celebration. You’d call your neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me. I have
found that which was lost.’" Speaking to the Pharisees that were present He knew that their love of every last nickel and dime would send them to their knees (no prayer here except maybe 'Lord, show me my money'). Why do we or should we seek to upend an entire household of extraordinarily heavy furniture?
But what have we as the Body of Christ, the church really been called
to do? What is our purpose? Light the light that we may seek that which
we assign great value to is lost? We are not the one's who assign the
value to that which we are called to seek. One coin is not of much value to me and definitely not worth upending furniture that I will have to break my back on to put back to its original place. But for God, that coin is a soul lost in sin and definitely worth more than any one of us can imagine. I do not guess that God has much furniture to upend in heaven above. But He did have a Son, The Light of all our lives who upended His perfect household just for you, just for me.
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Light of my life, Author of my
Salvation, Restorer of my Soul, most days I simply cannot bring myself
to assign any value to a single coin lost somewhere in my household.
It is after all just one coin that can eventually be replaced with
another. I just do not see why I should tear up my house, throw my
furniture every which way for the sake of a coin which has minimal value
to me. Why should I seek to cause to bring great personal anguish and physical pain upon myself when I know deeper still in my spirit, that it may eventually show up
or it may not. I am convinced my attitude of 'so what I could never have
purchased anything with it' is more important than just knowing where it is. I am after all merely a human being.
But You are God! And every lost 'coin', every lost soul is of infinite
value to You. So much so, that You upended Your household in the
heavens, sent Your Son Jesus into mine and my neighbors and by His
sacrifice, He upended ours and set things a right. He put us and our
furniture in their proper places. For we have a home waiting for us above, a mansion with many rooms. Help me and my neighbors to never lose sight of how precious each and every person, each and every household in Your Kingdom is to You. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, give unto us a steadfast desire and
passion to help find those who are of the greatest, most infinite value
to You. Lord, give unto us Your strength that we too may light our
lights and upend furniture! Thank You Lord. Amen watch?v=KwpuHQlqUPM
Read: Luke 15:1 - 10
I am having fun right now. I just want you to know that. The more that I delve into this Parable the more and more God is ever enlightening my life with deeper and deeper truth of what I actually mean to Him in the grand scheme of this thing called my life. I just cannot wait to find what greater joy the Shepherd has in store for me and for you. Today desire to focus on, and share with you a new revelation the Lord gave me yesterday. Something I feel we need to consider over and over again because it is so that important we do it. A message that deals with our purpose, why we are a church and why God has called us to do the things that we are to do. How will you respond?
For those in His audience with our Lord then and our reading audience today who are not able to relate as well to the cost and importance of a sheep to a shepherd, Jesus is now driving home the point using something an object nearly everyone present is able to identify with - money. Jesus wants to make sure in no uncertain terms that we understand the full depth of loss God feels when any one of us finds themselves lost. So He gives us a new Parable - this one about a woman who lost a silver coin. We do not know if she was young or old, widow or married, a Jew or a Gentile, but we do know that the coin was of a highly critically value to her present and future existence.
Jesus says, "Suppose you’re a woman who loses a valuable coin, what would you do? I will tell you what you’d do. You would light a lamp and move the furniture. You’d go through every nook and through every cranny in the house until you found it. And when you found it there would be a celebration. You’d call your neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me. I have found that which was lost.’" Speaking to the Pharisees that were present He knew that their love of every last nickel and dime would send them to their knees (no prayer here except maybe 'Lord, show me my money'). Why do we or should we seek to upend an entire household of extraordinarily heavy furniture?
But what have we as the Body of Christ, the church really been called to do? What is our purpose? Light the light that we may seek that which we assign great value to is lost? We are not the one's who assign the value to that which we are called to seek. One coin is not of much value to me and definitely not worth upending furniture that I will have to break my back on to put back to its original place. But for God, that coin is a soul lost in sin and definitely worth more than any one of us can imagine. I do not guess that God has much furniture to upend in heaven above. But He did have a Son, The Light of all our lives who upended His perfect household just for you, just for me.
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, Light of my life, Author of my Salvation, Restorer of my Soul, most days I simply cannot bring myself to assign any value to a single coin lost somewhere in my household. It is after all just one coin that can eventually be replaced with another. I just do not see why I should tear up my house, throw my furniture every which way for the sake of a coin which has minimal value to me. Why should I seek to cause to bring great personal anguish and physical pain upon myself when I know deeper still in my spirit, that it may eventually show up or it may not. I am convinced my attitude of 'so what I could never have purchased anything with it' is more important than just knowing where it is. I am after all merely a human being.
But You are God! And every lost 'coin', every lost soul is of infinite value to You. So much so, that You upended Your household in the heavens, sent Your Son Jesus into mine and my neighbors and by His sacrifice, He upended ours and set things a right. He put us and our furniture in their proper places. For we have a home waiting for us above, a mansion with many rooms. Help me and my neighbors to never lose sight of how precious each and every person, each and every household in Your Kingdom is to You. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, give unto us a steadfast desire and passion to help find those who are of the greatest, most infinite value to You. Lord, give unto us Your strength that we too may light our lights and upend furniture! Thank You Lord. Amen
We could change the world - Matt Redman (Worship Song with lyrics)
Matt Redman - We could change the world, New Album - 10,000 reasons, Year: 2011 Could we live
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