Day 99: Another Bucket Full Of Silence - Is Humility Close By?
Read: James 1:1 - 8
This is the day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice. I am in the mood for singing. Last night, I just had this unshakable confidence of today being just a wonderful day. We would all like to be able to sing the song, “Oh what a beautiful
morning, Oh what a beautiful day, Oh what a beautiful morning, I have a
wonderful feeling that everything’s going to to be going my way.”
Sometimes we have days like that. But a lot of our days don’t quite come
up to those expectations. One irritating truth I would love to dispense
with is in “real life” we experience too much frustration, too much
We ask, “well, why can’t things go my way once in
awhile? Why am I always having delays and hassles all the time?” Are we
asking too much of today too soon? We are only making a simple request
of today -- please let this be the day when all things go okay. However,
it is not destined to be so. There seems to be no end to things you
could name. There are all kinds of delays as well as numerous other
circumstances that cause us to lose our patience. Consider these:
abrasive people at work, delays on the interstate, a slow moving
checkout line at WalMart, the cat ate the canary bird.
So, what
do we do? What have we been taught to do in the midst of this kind of
not so wonderful day? We pray "God, what good are these delays? What
good do these host of unceasing frustrations serve in my life especially
on this, your day of all days?" Invariably, all we get is one big
bucket filled with silence. Others seem to have their prayers answered.
But not us, not this time, not the last time either and probably not the
next time other. We pray again "What gives with this silent treatment,
Lord?" One more time we are on the receiving end of an aggravating, irritating bucket of silence.
Immanuel, God with us, except that right now, hanging on to these buckets of silence, it does not seem that Immanuel is very close by, hearing the cries of
our frustration. Then it dawned on me. Maybe I have things confused.
Maybe this silence is not God neglecting me in my hour of greatest need.
Maybe this silence is a well calculated, very carefully considered
expression of God's vast wisdom - "Be still, learn patience, My son!"
I believe I am
on to something awesome here. All the frustration that is weighing my
heart down is constantly forcing me to my knees in prayer. My Immanuel
is with me, His patience, His humility is always with me when I pray.
God's silence is God's voice!
Lord, thank you for the wisdom of Your great silence. For it is there that the answers to all of life's frustrations may surely be found. Let the weight of our frustrated hearts ever send us to our knees to consider the vast awesomeness of your still silent voice.
You Are For Me - Gateway Worship
You Are For Me featuring Kari Jobe and the Gateway Worship team. From
the God Be Praised DVD So faithful, so constant and so true So
Read: James 1:1 - 8
This is the day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice. I am in the mood for singing. Last night, I just had this unshakable confidence of today being just a wonderful day. We would all like to be able to sing the song, “Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, Oh what a beautiful morning, I have a wonderful feeling that everything’s going to to be going my way.” Sometimes we have days like that. But a lot of our days don’t quite come up to those expectations. One irritating truth I would love to dispense with is in “real life” we experience too much frustration, too much silence.
We ask, “well, why can’t things go my way once in awhile? Why am I always having delays and hassles all the time?” Are we asking too much of today too soon? We are only making a simple request of today -- please let this be the day when all things go okay. However, it is not destined to be so. There seems to be no end to things you could name. There are all kinds of delays as well as numerous other circumstances that cause us to lose our patience. Consider these: abrasive people at work, delays on the interstate, a slow moving checkout line at WalMart, the cat ate the canary bird.
So, what do we do? What have we been taught to do in the midst of this kind of not so wonderful day? We pray "God, what good are these delays? What good do these host of unceasing frustrations serve in my life especially on this, your day of all days?" Invariably, all we get is one big bucket filled with silence. Others seem to have their prayers answered. But not us, not this time, not the last time either and probably not the next time other. We pray again "What gives with this silent treatment, Lord?" One more time we are on the receiving end of an aggravating, irritating bucket of silence.
Immanuel, God with us, except that right now, hanging on to these buckets of silence, it does not seem that Immanuel is very close by, hearing the cries of our frustration. Then it dawned on me. Maybe I have things confused. Maybe this silence is not God neglecting me in my hour of greatest need. Maybe this silence is a well calculated, very carefully considered expression of God's vast wisdom - "Be still, learn patience, My son!"
Lord, thank you for the wisdom of Your great silence. For it is there that the answers to all of life's frustrations may surely be found. Let the weight of our frustrated hearts ever send us to our knees to consider the vast awesomeness of your still silent voice.
You Are For Me - Gateway Worship
You Are For Me featuring Kari Jobe and the Gateway Worship team. From the God Be Praised DVD So faithful, so constant and so true So
You Are For Me - Gateway Worship
Are For Me featuring Kari Jobe and the Gateway Worship team. From the
God Be Praised DVD So faithful, so constant and so true So
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