Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 77: Where Only The Few Will Dare To Go

Day 77: Where Only The Few Will Dare To Go

Read: Exodus 28:1 - 3; Hebrews 4:14 - 16

Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

Well, once again it is Sunday. However, it is not just any Sunday. It is the second day of a long Labor Day weekend. It is the time when it seems to symbolize the traditional end to those most valuable hazy lazy crazy days of summer. Summer vacations are coming to an end for the children who have been to school for about one week now. They are getting themselves established into a routine that will last until the next summer begins. For we who are adults our summer vacation ends and there is the return to our work. It was the summer, a time to pick a point on the compass, find an excuse and go there.

It was a sacred and holy time when the last place on earth few would dare to do was the office where work we did not really want to do was waiting for us, beckoning us, pleading with us, calling out to us to boldly go, at great risk to our sanity, in to finish. Wives and children could think of a hundred perhaps a thousand different, probably much better things to do with your time than you going to work to dare to pay the mortgage. Going where only the few will dare to go is not always to the top of the Matterhorn. It is more courageous, more daring to stay closer to home to boldly do and go when and where there ample more reason not to do either.

A long time ago, God had established a “Tent of Meeting” where He would come down and dwell in the midst of his chosen people, the Children of Israel. Every last part of that "Tent of Meeting" was meticulously designed by God, who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, inspired Moses to write down even the minutest detail of how it was to be built, of the materials that were to be used, and the manner in which the work was to be completed. There were only a few specially chosen by God who would dare to approach it - Moses, Aaron and his sons. No one else dared to consider going near it fearing for their very lives. It was the throne of God's presence, of His grace & mercy.

It was God’s mercy, grace and love that brought about the establishment of a “Tent of Meeting” where He could come to dwell and commune with man whom God had created to worship, love and serve God. God chose the Children of Israel just as he is still choosing people to serve him today. God is still “Looking for a Few Good Men”; not good in the sense of holy or righteous, or deserving of his grace, for not one of us will ever be worthy. God is looking for a “good man” in the sense that he is looking for a man whose heart will boldly and courageously allow God to dwell within, and for a bold, courageous man who will surrender his will to God’s will and for a man who will boldly, courageously dare to become just as much like God as any human being can become.

Let us Pray: Lord, help me to be more daring, more bold, more courageous to become that beloved child of God you need me to be for the sake of your kingdom on earth. Help me to be more daring, more bold, more courageous to seek more of you in me.

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