Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 91: I believe We Can Fly

Day 91: I believe We Can Fly

Read: Isaiah 40:21 - 31

Ever thought about how cool it would be, to be able to fly? I mean you with just your body, soaring above the earth; you, banking over the forests; you skimming over the rivers; you darting through the canyons; you breathing deeply in the fresh air of free and effortless flight! Almost everybody at one time or another has wondered what it would be like to fly like a bird, If not at the present, then at least when you were only a kid you probably thought about it. Slowly coming back to earth and you remember that you can never break the laws of gravity. There seems to be something heavier.

Perhaps it’s not just gravity that seems to be holding you down, but everything. For as your mind comes back on line and you think about the things that lie behind, that lie directly in front of you and those things that lie ahead, your shoulders will visibly slump as if you were actually carrying something. There may not be anything visible to the eye, but it feels real. Truth is, you are carrying something, probably many.

There are burdens that bring there own gravity to life, burdens that don’t show up on bathroom scale. But you can still detect them. You can detect them in your face made weary by what it has endured. You can detect them in eyes made sad by what they have seen. There are work issues. There are family issues, the people you love. You see your parents getting older; perhaps becoming infirm. You see your children struggling in this or that. Perhaps you’ve hit a rough patch in your marriage. Someone you know is dying or has already succumbed. Yep, there will be no flying today.

And yet, what does the text say? “....but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Perhaps we spoke too soon! The Lord says that we can “soar on wings like eagles!” I don’t know about you, but he’s got my attention! He is suggesting that there is a way to overcome the gravity of our lives, a way to lighten our loads, a way rise above it all. Has he got your attention? He certainly has mine!

“Do you not Know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,....He will not grow tired and weary and his understanding no one can fathom.” “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. “ “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like Eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” God wants you to soar. And the way it happens is through the changing of perspective. When you begin to entrust your life to him instead of yourself your perspective is changed. Everything in life is dwarfed against the largeness and authority of the Lord. Gravity is overcome by faith!

Let us pray: Lord, in the midst of all those things of life that keep me grounded, work with me, come alongside of me, help me to change my worldly perspectives. Help me to overcome the gravity of my life, help me to lighten my load, place before me a way to rise above it as Jesus Christ rose above the grave. Lord, I truly believe I can fly!
I Believe i can fly lyrics
This is my supposed to be my 1st video i made, and i got over 2500 views! Thank you for all watch,comment,subscribing,and flavoriting. I do not claim ownership...
I Believe i can fly lyrics
This is my supposed to be my 1st video i made, and i got over 2500 views! Thankyou for all watch,comment,subscribing,and favoriting. I do

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