Day 300: Divine Antidote To Worry
Read: Matthew 6:25 - 34
I have a rather off the wall question for the readership today. It is
this: How many people here would love to learn how to worry more? How
many of you feel that your life would be 180 degrees improved if only
you could spend more time worrying? How many of you count 'worry' as
your very best friend 'in the whole wide world'? I know these are silly
questions with rather obvious answers. Still, I would love to hear the thoughts from someone who found these to be all too true in their life.
Whether you know worry as an occasional visitor, a constant live in
companion, whether you find it to be mildly uncomfortable or intensely
painful, the good news is you can worry less.
Everyone has their own solution, their own 'old family recipe' to deal with it. There are simply
are too many to recite here, like those wholly unique finger prints we all have, we will all
undoubtedly have just as much wisdom regarding an answer for worry. By all means you should use them if they have proven successful for you and you will trust the source. By the way, have you noticed just a little, or at all, that level of your worry,
the time and energy that you devote to giving it credence in your life,
is about the same, perhaps worse as you losing your sight or your awareness of God's presence? They will usually go hand in hand. Lose yourself in a world of your worry, you will likely lose your sense of God's healing presence.
Whether you experience worry as just a slight distraction or just as a force that
so completely immobilizes you, however you may come to experience it
for it is as uniquely individual as our
fingerprints (and we all have 10 of those!) we all would like, nay, LOVE to worry less. It may not surprise you to learn that God has something to say about worry.
God has an important message about nearly everything you can think of.
In His book, filled with cosmic events like the creation of the
universe, heaven and hell, the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms, and
the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He also considers it vital
to devote wisdom to giving us some help with this very ordinary human
Read and re-read the passage from Matthew's Gospel. Read it collectively as a whole. Absorb as you can the significance of this teaching provided directly
from the heart of Jesus Christ spoken directly to only your worry. Then read
these verses individually, take what time you need to prayerfully consider
the deeper meanings which the Holy Spirit may reveal to you about each
verse. Take each verse one at a time at a pace that allows you to slowly
give more of your own worldly worry to the effort it will take you to study
the verses you are reading. Study the deeper meanings of these
Words of God instead of studying the deeper meaning of your worry. Let
the wisdom and presence of God be those which arise within you!
Let Us Pray: Let your
prayer time be devoted to these wonderful verses from the Gospel of
Matthew. From God's heart through the voice of infinite wisdom, His Son
Jesus Christ as He taught all those who had gathered on the Mount of
Beatitude, the Mount of God's Blessings to all, for all who seek Him
with distracted hearts, to the Mount of your heart locked in a battle
you cannot win on your own. Give to Caesar what worries Caesar, give to
God the victory, the victory of God over all things. Give to God your
victory over the ways and worries that struggle for prominence within
you. Give all thanks to God who gives us all the eternal victory through
Jesus Christ. watch?v=v9gMuFP6S-g
Read: Matthew 6:25 - 34
I have a rather off the wall question for the readership today. It is this: How many people here would love to learn how to worry more? How many of you feel that your life would be 180 degrees improved if only you could spend more time worrying? How many of you count 'worry' as your very best friend 'in the whole wide world'? I know these are silly questions with rather obvious answers. Still, I would love to hear the thoughts from someone who found these to be all too true in their life. Whether you know worry as an occasional visitor, a constant live in companion, whether you find it to be mildly uncomfortable or intensely painful, the good news is you can worry less.
Everyone has their own solution, their own 'old family recipe' to deal with it. There are simply
are too many to recite here, like those wholly unique finger prints we all have, we will all
undoubtedly have just as much wisdom regarding an answer for worry. By all means you should use them if they have proven successful for you and you will trust the source. By the way, have you noticed just a little, or at all, that level of your worry, the time and energy that you devote to giving it credence in your life, is about the same, perhaps worse as you losing your sight or your awareness of God's presence? They will usually go hand in hand. Lose yourself in a world of your worry, you will likely lose your sense of God's healing presence.
Whether you experience worry as just a slight distraction or just as a force that so completely immobilizes you, however you may come to experience it for it is as uniquely individual as our
fingerprints (and we all have 10 of those!) we all would like, nay, LOVE to worry less. It may not surprise you to learn that God has something to say about worry. God has an important message about nearly everything you can think of. In His book, filled with cosmic events like the creation of the universe, heaven and hell, the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms, and the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He also considers it vital to devote wisdom to giving us some help with this very ordinary human emotion.
Read and re-read the passage from Matthew's Gospel. Read it collectively as a whole. Absorb as you can the significance of this teaching provided directly from the heart of Jesus Christ spoken directly to only your worry. Then read these verses individually, take what time you need to prayerfully consider the deeper meanings which the Holy Spirit may reveal to you about each verse. Take each verse one at a time at a pace that allows you to slowly give more of your own worldly worry to the effort it will take you to study the verses you are reading. Study the deeper meanings of these Words of God instead of studying the deeper meaning of your worry. Let the wisdom and presence of God be those which arise within you!
Let Us Pray: Let your prayer time be devoted to these wonderful verses from the Gospel of Matthew. From God's heart through the voice of infinite wisdom, His Son Jesus Christ as He taught all those who had gathered on the Mount of Beatitude, the Mount of God's Blessings to all, for all who seek Him with distracted hearts, to the Mount of your heart locked in a battle you cannot win on your own. Give to Caesar what worries Caesar, give to God the victory, the victory of God over all things. Give to God your victory over the ways and worries that struggle for prominence within you. Give all thanks to God who gives us all the eternal victory through Jesus Christ.
Paul Wilbur - Kadosh (Holy) - Lyrics and Translation
Kadosh (Holy) - by Paul Wilbur with Lyrics and Translation. Praise and Worship to Yeshua (Jesus).
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