Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 237: Love: When We Were Children ... When We Became Adults ...

Day 237: Love: When We Were Children ... When We Became Adults ...

Read: 1Corinthians 13, 1 John 4, Psalm 64

Today, my friends, my heart is a bit on the troubled side. Today, my heart and spirit is squarely on these words: 'When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.' (11,12) Why should my heart be on the heavy side - in as few words as possible - family strife. Not between me and my wife, but between my sisters, my niece, and two growing great nieces. Why? A years long ago exchange of many hurtful words that today has become a quiet? war.

Perhaps some of you know from first hand experience what I'm talking about and can put forth some heavy prayer on my and my family's behalf. Family at war? It seems so completely contrary and so completely hurtful to what we prayerfully hold Love to be all about. A Love that bears all things, suffers all things, patient with all things, is kind with all things, believes, hopes, endures all things, rejoices in all things of truth, is not provoked, does not count the cost or keep a score card, never ever fails .... Yes my friends this is the example of Love that God has set before all mankind. But, I sit here and wonder, how much of this do we actually live by? Can there be Love in war?

In Psalm 64, David calls to God for deliverance, not from those who would do him any bodily harm but from those who are talking behind his back and speaking ill of him. In verse 3 he says: "Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword. They aimed bitter speech as their arrow,". You know, it has been written somewhere that perfect Love casts out fear, but now I am in complete wonderment about what perfect Love does when it is confronted by a war of words .... does it likewise cast out or cast off or cast away all the fears of all that has been, all that is, all that will become of a family at war with itself? As children we loved, reasoned like children, so as adults are we any different?

The Permanence of Love. Love that lasts forever. Throughout all eternity love will never end. The Corinthians had their focus on the wrong things. They were overly concerned about the temporary and had little concern about the permanent and eternal. For the sake of Love every Christian will want to build his/her life upon the permanent, the most preeminent love of God. The gifts of the Spirit are temporary. Even when compared with the other two eternal virtues, faith and hope, love reigns supreme. Love is God’s gift of gifts. Love is the most excellent way of life. But what about in a family at war?

Let Us Pray:

Precious Lord,

You are the source of all love and grace – the one who redeems and heals. You have a plan for us to live in harmony yet we are driven by other forces. I lift into the light of Your love, a family, my family whom I love, that has been torn asunder.

Lord, please let your love surround each part of this broken family. For each person, Lord, minister to needs as only You can. Heal the hurts. Quicken each spirit to find refuge and guidance in You. Please, Lord, do not let the dividing walls continue to grow. As the Prince of Peace, As the Lord of Truth and Love, stop the destruction.

Be a common ground where each one is enabled to put down the tools of war. Let Your tender mercy flow and encourage their hearts toward a faith that gives way to perseverance. Send angels, Lord, to protect and to bring message of hope. Restore to them a joy they once knew, and lead them to a great peace they have yet to see.

May each ones connection to Your Love become the common bond that holds them together until You can heal and restore. Please, Lord, send the support they need from every direction to reinforce Your plan and hold at bay whatever would hinder.

Lord and Love of my life, we desire a miracle today .... What can You do for us?

Signed with a broken heart

In Your precious name, Amen.


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