Day 228: It All Begins With A Blessing
Read: Psalm 1
For the last week or so there has been a growing sense of hunger in my spirit. In the beginning of the week it was all about exploring baring or bearing burdens. A time of preparation if you will set in motion by God. A time of preparation for taking on a new and deeper and more personally challenging step in my journey towards
completion. I felt in my heart that maybe I was being strategically
guided or politely cajoled, and gently prodded forward toward a new beginning in my life. There was the newness of entering Prison Ministry, discovering this strangely growing warmth
in my heart. I look, smiling at my wife having just returned to College,
diligent in her Online studies. Yes, my friends, I am reflecting on beginnings, blessings.
I look at our shared journey
together as husband and wife, just three years old three days ago. I
look back at where we have both been along those widely divergent paths we both walked, to the beginning of our new life together, the getting
to know each other, the rough spots (and there were a few) we worked
through together, getting to know each others families. All the while
realizing that God was doing an amazing work in both of us - molding and
shaping us into one each trying to be more in love with the other
everyday and more in love still with the Creator, His Son and The Holy Spirit. Yes, I look back reflecting on what God has done - It all began by His blessing. I am looking back on what God has done, looking forward to much more.
Look at the first promise we find in the Psalms - it is one of
blessing, of a joy that resides deep inside the heart. What a marvelous
place for all new things in God to begin. Sit back for a while
contemplating the incredible joy found when we truly know the depths
of the Father and Son's love for us all. Notice that the order for the
fruits of the Spirit mentioned begin with love and joy and peace and the
rest all flow from them. It all begins with God blessing us with the
fullness of His Love and Joy for us. It is humbling to know that God
loves me and my wife, has joy over our watching our shared lives come
together, through the assortment of struggles that come from being newlyweds, coming together more everyday. Coming together in the image of our Creator.
When we place the blessings of the Father first in our hearts and minds something of
incredible magnitude takes place. We are made alert, we are awakened, shaken from our slumber. We experience the joy of God's ways. Likewise we are reminded of the enemy's deceptive ways trying to steal this joy away, hold us back from
experiencing God's very best for us. If the enemy had as much joy in
thievery as he had in love, I wonder how the world would be different
today. Every time I begin reading any of these Psalms, my thoughts turn
to Jesus and my joy is renewed. My prayer is that you too will experience the truth that life in Christ is the greatest blessing in, for, your life. I pray that you will be the beginning of someone's blessing.
Let Us Pray: Take the time to reflect on the depth of the blessings to
be mined from the Ancient Wisdom, the Living Words and the Glorious
Truths from Psalm 1. Reflect on them in your own right, then in God's
name, set aside some special time with your family. Begin sharing
and reflecting on the wonders and the newness of all of God's blessings.
Pray unto Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that you may be the beginning of
someone else's blessing today. Blessed is he/she who comes in the name
of the Lord. watch?v=1CSVqHcdhXQ
Read: Psalm 1
For the last week or so there has been a growing sense of hunger in my spirit. In the beginning of the week it was all about exploring baring or bearing burdens. A time of preparation if you will set in motion by God. A time of preparation for taking on a new and deeper and more personally challenging step in my journey towards completion. I felt in my heart that maybe I was being strategically guided or politely cajoled, and gently prodded forward toward a new beginning in my life. There was the newness of entering Prison Ministry, discovering this strangely growing warmth in my heart. I look, smiling at my wife having just returned to College, diligent in her Online studies. Yes, my friends, I am reflecting on beginnings, blessings.
I look at our shared journey together as husband and wife, just three years old three days ago. I look back at where we have both been along those widely divergent paths we both walked, to the beginning of our new life together, the getting to know each other, the rough spots (and there were a few) we worked through together, getting to know each others families. All the while realizing that God was doing an amazing work in both of us - molding and shaping us into one each trying to be more in love with the other everyday and more in love still with the Creator, His Son and The Holy Spirit. Yes, I look back reflecting on what God has done - It all began by His blessing. I am looking back on what God has done, looking forward to much more.
Look at the first promise we find in the Psalms - it is one of blessing, of a joy that resides deep inside the heart. What a marvelous place for all new things in God to begin. Sit back for a while contemplating the incredible joy found when we truly know the depths of the Father and Son's love for us all. Notice that the order for the fruits of the Spirit mentioned begin with love and joy and peace and the rest all flow from them. It all begins with God blessing us with the fullness of His Love and Joy for us. It is humbling to know that God loves me and my wife, has joy over our watching our shared lives come together, through the assortment of struggles that come from being newlyweds, coming together more everyday. Coming together in the image of our Creator.
When we place the blessings of the Father first in our hearts and minds something of
incredible magnitude takes place. We are made alert, we are awakened, shaken from our slumber. We experience the joy of God's ways. Likewise we are reminded of the enemy's deceptive ways trying to steal this joy away, hold us back from experiencing God's very best for us. If the enemy had as much joy in thievery as he had in love, I wonder how the world would be different today. Every time I begin reading any of these Psalms, my thoughts turn to Jesus and my joy is renewed. My prayer is that you too will experience the truth that life in Christ is the greatest blessing in, for, your life. I pray that you will be the beginning of someone's blessing.
Let Us Pray: Take the time to reflect on the depth of the blessings to be mined from the Ancient Wisdom, the Living Words and the Glorious Truths from Psalm 1. Reflect on them in your own right, then in God's name, set aside some special time with your family. Begin sharing and reflecting on the wonders and the newness of all of God's blessings. Pray unto Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that you may be the beginning of someone else's blessing today. Blessed is he/she who comes in the name of the Lord.
Laura Story - Blessings
iTunes link:
Listen to the story behind the song at:
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