Day 149: Facing The Enemy Men Have Called Fear
Read: John 20:19 - 21
Never Give Up! Never Surrender! It's a simple enough message for us to tell someone who is being confronted by an unrelenting foe. In any field of athletic endeavor it is a goal for every athlete that they will train hard that they may achieve
the best result. In the military setting when the Drill Instructor takes
their new recruits out for a long march or for high intensity
physical training, they teach them certain cadences that gives the
recruits a pace to follow, words that will help them focus not on their
efforts but on the catchy phrases of the Instructor. I remember from my time in the Navy and Army these cadences might sound like "No Quit" "No Quit" "Never, Never, Surrender, Surrender" Hoo Ra!
It was that inner drive to always go beyond "your best like the rest"
that worked to instill a sense of esprit d' corps in the troops.
Overcoming fatigue, overcoming pain, overcoming the natural limits of
your body mind and spirit, overcoming the fear that one day you could
very well find yourself on some foreign battlefield and someone is
shooting at you. Overcoming the fear of being wounded or meeting death
up close and personal requires achieving a certain level of inward
discipline. Courage is highly
valued, sacrifice of self to save others are the stuff that leadership are made of and is what people will follow, remain loyal to, even if it'll probably lead to their own death.
In light of this, what if the battle you are being disciplined for,
being called to fight is against 'fear' itself? What if God is your
Drill Instructor and He is trying to prepare you for the fight of
your life? What if in the midst of your trying to achieve the best you
can in the field of life, in the midst of trying to figure out the
simplest or most complex issue, when you reach an ending to your physical and spiritual limits for an answer, it is God who is running alongside of you: "Peace be with you!," "Peace Be with you!" or "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Love You, Love
You, Love Me, Love Me!" "Here we go!" "Here we go!" My spiritual blood
is just pumping, just boiling on overtime!
There is no way to overestimate it or over state it, facing the enemy men have called fear is one that requires a great storehouse filled with a courage borne of, centered in, and steadfastly fixed upon the Rock of our Christian Foundation - Jesus the Christ. He is the Rock of our Salvation that will never be moved even by the
greatest fears we might array against it. Isaiah 54:17 'But no
instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice
raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It is that
simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will
always vindicate them.' God is alongside us saying in full cadence count: "Never fear, Never fear" "I'll live, I'll live!" Hoo Ra!
Let Us Pray: Lord, I cry out for help today for my brothers and sisters
who are at this very moment struggling with their own individual fears.
These fears are holding them back from accomplishing the very thing
they were created to accomplish. I know You are standing in the gap for
them before the throne of God, and You are calling out to them to come
and lay their burdens down at Your feet. We simply cannot allow fear to
become our ruler. We are told to walk by faith, not by fear. I know as I
pray that today is to be a day of breakthrough for someone. As today is
a new opportunity to stand fast and be strong and courageous, "So as
You have said it, So let it be done." In Jesus' strongest name. watch?v=BenoeaN2dYk
Read: John 20:19 - 21
Never Give Up! Never Surrender! It's a simple enough message for us to tell someone who is being confronted by an unrelenting foe. In any field of athletic endeavor it is a goal for every athlete that they will train hard that they may achieve the best result. In the military setting when the Drill Instructor takes their new recruits out for a long march or for high intensity physical training, they teach them certain cadences that gives the recruits a pace to follow, words that will help them focus not on their efforts but on the catchy phrases of the Instructor. I remember from my time in the Navy and Army these cadences might sound like "No Quit" "No Quit" "Never, Never, Surrender, Surrender" Hoo Ra!
It was that inner drive to always go beyond "your best like the rest" that worked to instill a sense of esprit d' corps in the troops. Overcoming fatigue, overcoming pain, overcoming the natural limits of your body mind and spirit, overcoming the fear that one day you could very well find yourself on some foreign battlefield and someone is shooting at you. Overcoming the fear of being wounded or meeting death up close and personal requires achieving a certain level of inward discipline. Courage is highly
valued, sacrifice of self to save others are the stuff that leadership are made of and is what people will follow, remain loyal to, even if it'll probably lead to their own death.
In light of this, what if the battle you are being disciplined for, being called to fight is against 'fear' itself? What if God is your Drill Instructor and He is trying to prepare you for the fight of your life? What if in the midst of your trying to achieve the best you can in the field of life, in the midst of trying to figure out the simplest or most complex issue, when you reach an ending to your physical and spiritual limits for an answer, it is God who is running alongside of you: "Peace be with you!," "Peace Be with you!" or "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Love You, Love You, Love Me, Love Me!" "Here we go!" "Here we go!" My spiritual blood is just pumping, just boiling on overtime!
There is no way to overestimate it or over state it, facing the enemy men have called fear is one that requires a great storehouse filled with a courage borne of, centered in, and steadfastly fixed upon the Rock of our Christian Foundation - Jesus the Christ. He is the Rock of our Salvation that will never be moved even by the greatest fears we might array against it. Isaiah 54:17 'But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It is that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will always vindicate them.' God is alongside us saying in full cadence count: "Never fear, Never fear" "I'll live, I'll live!" Hoo Ra!
Let Us Pray: Lord, I cry out for help today for my brothers and sisters who are at this very moment struggling with their own individual fears. These fears are holding them back from accomplishing the very thing they were created to accomplish. I know You are standing in the gap for them before the throne of God, and You are calling out to them to come and lay their burdens down at Your feet. We simply cannot allow fear to become our ruler. We are told to walk by faith, not by fear. I know as I pray that today is to be a day of breakthrough for someone. As today is a new opportunity to stand fast and be strong and courageous, "So as You have said it, So let it be done." In Jesus' strongest name.
New Life Worship - Overcome (Lyrics/Subtitles) (Best Worship Song for Jesus)
New Life Worship - Overcome, from the bonus DVD
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