Day 130: "You May Have The Gift Of Serving, Giving, Or Mercy"
Read: Romans 12:1 - 8
It promises to be a long and rewarding day today as I begin preparation
for the start of a Kairos (Inside) teaming experience. Kairos is a
prison ministry designed to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all
incarcerated men, women and children, to their families and to those who
work in the prison environment. Kairos Inside weekends are held in
men's and women's correctional institutions. The weekends are designed
to help the residents experience spiritual renewal and to help the
residents accept God's call to a life of Christian witness and service. I
ask that you lift us up in prayer.
Today's devotional effort comes directly from the "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Here these words from the "Listening To God" devotional book as if God
is speaking directly into your life. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
add their infinite blessings and infinite wisdom to the reading of
these words as they seek to enter your heart:
"I want to tell you about one more group of spiritual gifts - the one's involving the way you serve others.
The gift of serving can take many forms, but people with this gift have a sensitivity to know exactly how they can be a help to others. More important than just
knowing what to do, this gift empowers people to spring into action and
get the job done.
The gift of giving has nothing to do with an
amount that you give - it involves an unusual sensitivity to special
needs, along with an overwhelming generosity to special needs, along with an overwhelming with whatever means I have given. Those with this gift really give!
I expect all of my children to be sensitive to the needs of others -
you should be available to comfort them in times of trouble and
discouragement. But many people are oblivious to these needs, or they
see the distress in others and are not able to muster a desire to help. A
person with the gift of mercy has both the desire and the willingness
to help - and it is never a burden."
Let Us Pray:
Living God,
help us so to hear your holy Word
that we may truly understand;
that, understanding, we may believe,
and, believing,
we may follow in all faithfulness and obedience,
seeking your honor and glory in all that we do;
through Christ our Lord. Amen. watch?v=c2U3PU-E32E
Where You Go I Go -Kim Walker / Jesus Culture
Kim Walker singing "Where You Go I Go" from the "Your Love Never Fails" CD/DVD, available on
Day 130: "You May Have The Gift Of Serving, Giving, Or Mercy"
Read: Romans 12:1 - 8
It promises to be a long and rewarding day today as I begin preparation for the start of a Kairos (Inside) teaming experience. Kairos is a prison ministry designed to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated men, women and children, to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos Inside weekends are held in men's and women's correctional institutions. The weekends are designed to help the residents experience spiritual renewal and to help the residents accept God's call to a life of Christian witness and service. I ask that you lift us up in prayer.
Today's devotional effort comes directly from the "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Here these words from the "Listening To God" devotional book as if God is speaking directly into your life. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit add their infinite blessings and infinite wisdom to the reading of these words as they seek to enter your heart:
"I want to tell you about one more group of spiritual gifts - the one's involving the way you serve others.
The gift of serving can take many forms, but people with this gift have a sensitivity to know exactly how they can be a help to others. More important than just knowing what to do, this gift empowers people to spring into action and get the job done.
The gift of giving has nothing to do with an amount that you give - it involves an unusual sensitivity to special needs, along with an overwhelming generosity to special needs, along with an overwhelming with whatever means I have given. Those with this gift really give!
I expect all of my children to be sensitive to the needs of others - you should be available to comfort them in times of trouble and discouragement. But many people are oblivious to these needs, or they see the distress in others and are not able to muster a desire to help. A person with the gift of mercy has both the desire and the willingness to help - and it is never a burden."
Let Us Pray:
Living God,
help us so to hear your holy Word
that we may truly understand;
that, understanding, we may believe,
and, believing,
we may follow in all faithfulness and obedience,
seeking your honor and glory in all that we do;
through Christ our Lord. Amen. watch?v=c2U3PU-E32E
Where You Go I Go -Kim Walker / Jesus Culture
Kim Walker singing "Where You Go I Go" from the "Your Love Never Fails" CD/DVD, available on
Read: Romans 12:1 - 8
It promises to be a long and rewarding day today as I begin preparation for the start of a Kairos (Inside) teaming experience. Kairos is a prison ministry designed to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated men, women and children, to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos Inside weekends are held in men's and women's correctional institutions. The weekends are designed to help the residents experience spiritual renewal and to help the residents accept God's call to a life of Christian witness and service. I ask that you lift us up in prayer.
Today's devotional effort comes directly from the "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Here these words from the "Listening To God" devotional book as if God is speaking directly into your life. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit add their infinite blessings and infinite wisdom to the reading of these words as they seek to enter your heart:
"I want to tell you about one more group of spiritual gifts - the one's involving the way you serve others.
The gift of serving can take many forms, but people with this gift have a sensitivity to know exactly how they can be a help to others. More important than just knowing what to do, this gift empowers people to spring into action and get the job done.
The gift of giving has nothing to do with an amount that you give - it involves an unusual sensitivity to special needs, along with an overwhelming generosity to special needs, along with an overwhelming with whatever means I have given. Those with this gift really give!
I expect all of my children to be sensitive to the needs of others - you should be available to comfort them in times of trouble and discouragement. But many people are oblivious to these needs, or they see the distress in others and are not able to muster a desire to help. A person with the gift of mercy has both the desire and the willingness to help - and it is never a burden."
Let Us Pray:
Living God,
help us so to hear your holy Word
that we may truly understand;
that, understanding, we may believe,
and, believing,
we may follow in all faithfulness and obedience,
seeking your honor and glory in all that we do;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Where You Go I Go -Kim Walker / Jesus Culture
Kim Walker singing "Where You Go I Go" from the "Your Love Never Fails" CD/DVD, available on
Where You Go I Go -Kim Walker / Jesus Culture
Kim Walker singing "Where You Go I Go" from the "Your Love Never Fails" CD/DVD, available on
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