Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 156: That Profound Secret To Humbling Ourselves

Day 156: That Profound Secret To Humbling Ourselves

Read: Philippians 2:1 - 4

As I begin today's devotional effort, I feel the need to drop one of the most profound secrets I know of in the daily life of someone who chooses to refer to themselves as a Christian man or woman - that the secret to humbling ourselves lies solely in our making others greater than ourselves -- both in our perspective and in our pursuits. I know that this may not sound so profound or very much like a great secret, however, in a culture where everyone wants to read the next great self help book of secrets to getting ahead in life, about standing out in a crowd and get noticed or stand head and shoulders above your co-workers for that promotion, inquiring minds want all the best secrets to gain the advantage.

In a time in our country when the long term unemployed, economically challenged folks out there just want to feel like they are successfully accomplishing the basics of life - food on the table, bills being paid, roof over their heads, money in the bank and so on, they try everything to create the right resume for their next job. They dig and dig through libraries, book stores, on-line resources, local, state, Federal government agencies for the one thing, that one word, that one phrase, that right moment, in other words, that most valuable, seemingly the most secret source of hope. In our culture that can come across as believing that the only secret, the best secret to success in life is looking out for #1 being ME.

Let me make this clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong about looking out for #1. In such challenging circumstances, we as individuals must survive. We must be alive to thrive. But it is how we choose to help others thrive afterward that is the real secret. Most valuable secrets involve something people long to know and try their hardest to discover and achieve previously unknown riches and success. Unless someone goes to great pains to carefully conceals such a secret it reproduces rapidly until it cannot be labelled a secret any longer and must be shared. Here we have a secret that God is trying to reveal, but no one seems to want to discover it, dare put it into practice. What is that singularly profound secret?

So what is that secret few will ever want to discover or dare put into practice? Here it is for all to read and dare to meditate and reflect on: 'Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Do not, Do not (my emphasis) look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.' Is this so or too profound for anyone?

Let Us Pray:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive---
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. (St. Francis of Assisi 1181-1226)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 155: How Long Is Your Shadow?

Day 155: How Long Is Your Shadow?

Read: Matthew 5:14 - 16, 1 John 1:1 - 10

How long is your shadow in the dark? I know that this is kind of an odd and obvious question - but none the less - how long is your shadow in the dark? The most obvious answers would be "I cannot have one" "I do not know, I have never looked" or "wait a minute, let me step into the light so I can figure it out for you." Yes, silly is as silly does I guess. What is the point I am trying to convey? Here it is ... if there is just one thing we all have in common with each other, is that we all know that there can never be a shadow in the dark. But why ask such an obvious silly question as this? Simply just because we're all uniquely created individuals does not mean that we still do not share a common shadow.

As followers of a common belief in Christ we also have a lot in common. But for some reason or another our common conversations don’t lead us to talk about our common Christian experiences. The common shadow that I am talking about is our influence on other people. When we walk into the darkness of the world outside, we cannot see nor control our shadow anymore than we can stop having a shadow while we are in the sun of a bright sunny day. In the same way we have precious little control over our influence of those we come in contact with on a daily basis - in our workplaces, at
lunch with friends, a child's birthday party, a school function, little league ball games, at a wedding.

In the book of Acts chapter 5:15, we read that when Simon Peter walked though the streets of Jerusalem, people tried to get in touch with his shadow because they had a common belief that it had miraculous powers of healing. We “ALL” exert a shadow of influence everywhere we go, either a good one or a bad one. Our influence, for the most part, is unconscious. Commonly, we are not very conscious of our shadow while we are walking down the street. We hardly even think about or consider the common influence that our shadows might have on others, but guess what? It is there all the time.
At least it used to be. At least it should be because this common shadow of ours is cast of God's light.

We think we can influence people by our performance or our intention, but in reality, we exert the most influence when our guard is down. We don’t even think about it and for the most part don’t even care about it. Why, because the world teaches us to be ourselves, to do our own thing, it won’t affect anyone else, but it does, and we so need to be more aware of how much our influence does affect those that dare to get close to us. While children are growing up, while young adults are maturing, while we encounter people having difficulty walking within the darkness their lives have become
we should have a shadow to shadow talk for God's light desires to influence the darkness of their life.

Let Us Pray: "O Lord, grant us that love which can never die, which will enkindle our lamps but not extinguish them, so that they may shine in us and bring light to others. Most dear Savior, enkindle our lamps that they may shine forever in your temple. May we receive unquenchable light from you so that our darkness will be illuminated and the darkness of the world will be made less. Amen." Saint Columba of Ireland
Go Light Your World - Be a Beacon - Chris Rice HD
Be a beacon of Christ's Light. Take your flame to the world and let it shine. Matt 5:16 - In the same

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 154: Faith...Takes A Licking And Keeps On Ticking

Day 154: Faith...Takes A Licking And Keeps On Ticking

Read: 2 Peter 1:1 - 9

Let us go back to a time, years and years ago, when Timex had this wonderful slogan about their watches: "Timex…takes a licking and keeps on ticking.” The big idea was simply that no matter what you did to a Timex watch, it would just keep working. If I remember correctly, they even had a commercial that showed a barren wasteland after a nuclear explosion. Lying on the ground was a Timex watch…ticking away! I so remember an old 50's live television commercial where one of those watches was wrapped around the propeller of an outboard motor and spun like crazy. The watch fell off the motor to the bottom of the tank, When the watch is seen again - amen - it was still ticking!

Faith is a lot like that…it takes a licking and keeps on ticking! So many things try to disrupt our faith, so many things that we encounter in our every minute of every day living threatens to throw us off balance. This maybe a bit like the cheesy cliche, but sometimes we feel like that poor Timex watch being tested, then retested, put out on full display before a live television audience, proved and reproved that no matter what full measure bizarre thing comes along, we are the ones left standing in the end, we are the ones who, while at the bottom of a water tank, feeling sufficiently dizzy, are looking brand right out of the box new. The question is - how long can one endure it? How far out can our faith be pushed?

What amazes me is this: the makers of those commercials kept on pushing the limits of those watches and I suppose man too came up with a few ways to stretch the limit of durability - anyone remember using a sledge hammer like I did once? I will not tell you what happened but suffice to say the owner got very mad and I had to buy a new watch. So, that is how heavily life's circumstances repeatedly tries our faith - right to the brink of collapse. What are the limits of human endurance? Peter's answer: 'His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue.' God's grace without limit!

This is the catch: Even though our faith gets heavily testes at times, even though our faith is disrupted beyond our ability to manage it by ourselves … we must understand that behind it all … God is very definitely hard at work within us. Faith is hard work and we will get beaten down, no question about it. And in that, like Peter, as your body mind and spirit strives to recover, I truly wish you a full measure of God's grace and peace as you grow in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord and The Holy Spirit. Yes indeed, on any given day, our faith takes a great beating which means lot of love will be expended and freely given by God, without limit, on our behalf toward recovery, refitting, restoration and revival.

Let Us Pray: Today, privately or with someone personalize Psalm 121 toward your own individual concerns and other weighty matters.
Hillsong UNITED Stay and Wait Lyric Video
Stay and Wait Lyric Video - for more information on the Zion album and Hillsong UNITED visit - to purchase:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 153: Staying Balanced In An Unbalanced World

Day 153: Staying Balanced In An Unbalanced World

Read: Psalms 119:49 - 56

We all know we live in a fast-paced, hectic world. Some days in this thing we call life seems like the most bizarre jigsaw puzzle that no matter how hard you try, how long you try just does not want to come together the way the big picture shows you it is. Or in some cases, as has happened to me all the pieces are not in the box - and it is a brand new puzzle box. Looking around under the furniture, between the cushions is useless, then the 'help line' is no use. Many times we will struggle with the questions; "How do we make sense out of nonsense?”, “How can we or are we expected to keep our sanity in balance?"

How do we keep our balance in an unbalanced world? Can we keep our balance in an unbalanced world? I am not simply just talking about trying to physically walk across the top of your roof to fix a leak in a rain storm with a bag of nails swinging from the hip. Nor am I talking about walking across a tight rope from one side of Niagara Falls to the other for I sincerely doubt there are many who consider themselves balanced enough to perform such tasks. Balance is a powerful thing to be in full possession of. Staying upright is a good thing to have when you are constantly trying to walk along a spiritual straight line too. Balance for the individual here brings strong self esteem, assurance, self confidence.

The psalmist provides for us two truths in this section of Scripture of how we can stay balanced in an unbalanced world. First of all, if we are to remain balanced in and unbalanced world, we must have… Courageous hope (49) 'Do not forget Your promise to Your servant; through it You have given me hope.' Hope in God’s Word. Remember the Psalmist did not have the complete Word of God as we do but he has still found that hope, within the Word of God that was available to him. In this verse he is reflecting on the hope of the promises God has made through His Word during his own lifetime. What is hope? It is FAITH. For the Christian their faith is securely built upon, developed through God's Word.

Our faith is founded on the premise that God will not allow His Word to return void that He will never betray or turn away from what He has promised. As the psalmist searches and looks for balance in and unbalanced world the first support he clings to is his hope in the Word of God. Then next he speaks of the help God has been (50).  'This brings me solace in the midst of my troubles: that Your word has revived me.' Here again is that word 'revive'. The Psalmists' balance comes after his spirits revival.
He's brought back into balance, comforted after he's secure in his relationship with God. Struggling today with balancing life's circumstances? Let the God be your help. Let God be your source of balance.

Let Us Pray: God, I know that You have created me with a purpose and plan. I know it is Your desire that I too have a life filled with joy, purpose and victory. Please help me today to fulfill the destiny You have planned for my life. I know that in order to do this, I must live a life obedient to Your Word, and a life of balance, with my priorities in the proper place and my heart focused on You. Lord, please be my balance today. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 152: The Spirit Of Your Revival Has Arrived!

Day 152: The Spirit Of Your Revival Has Arrived!

Read: Isaiah 11:1 - 10

Most people feel a bit uneasy when they see an ambulance racing down the road. At First, it catches us off guard, and, then, all other vehicles try to get to the side of the road so that the speeding ambulance has a clear path through the traffic. Sometimes I have also noticed that people will try to out race the ambulance to their turn so they wont have to pull over. Those flashing lights blaring sirens send a somber message; someone is in desperate need of help. Often times, a speeding ambulance puts things
in perspective. Not only is it an obvious sign that someone is hurting, but also reminds us that we are all too mortal ourselves. We'll all need help at one point or another.  We all need to feel revival sometimes.

It also very much helps us to know that there is a source of help that we can call on when we really need it - prayerfully a reliable source that will know exactly what to do when called on. It is critical to ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbors whom we do not know that we can pick up a phone, or some other means of two way communication, relate what the issue is to the person on the other end, and hear the words "I understand, help is on the way", "help will soon be there". That moment in the midst of a personal crisis when we can briefly take a step back and catch our self is likewise critical to our personal survival and spiritual well being. God hears prayer! God hears your spirit crying out to Him.

That’s the very same message God gave to the people of Judah in the eighth century B.C. and to us today. To them, and to us, Isaiah says, "Hang on. HELP HAS ARRIVED. Someone has come to save you--someone uniquely qualified for the job. From verses 1 - 3 'There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. 2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.' I. He has the Spirit’s anointing on his head. II. And he carries the garments of your revival with Him. He is ever so ready to clothe you.

He Has the Spirit’s Anointing on His Head. Just as an ambulance seems to come out of nowhere, Isaiah tells us that help is coming from an unexpected place. Consider that the bulk of the first half of Isaiah’s book is about how Judah was on its way to destruction, because of its sins of idol-worship and so much more. God was going to level Judah like a lumberjack clear-cutting a forest, one who leaves nothing behind but stumps. But then suddenly, a sprout would come up from the stump of David's tree. A baby was born to a poor couple, laid in a manger. As we move thru Lent, God seems like that lumberjack, our
spiritual forests will be hopelessly laid to waste. Be assured, Your Spirit of Revival has already arrived!

Let Us Pray: O God, Giver of life and truth and grace, we gather today in a spirit of great thanksgiving for all Your mercies. We praise Your faithfulness to Your people throughout the ages, and for the gift of Jesus, son of David, Son of God, this child from David’s line, upon whom the Spirit of the Eternal One alights and rests. This Son of God in whom we have remission of our sin and renewal of our hearts. Receive each one of us as we come before You in humility and prayer. Revive us, re clothe us again.
Revival by Robin Mark with Lyrics
From album Revival in Belfast.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 151: Plugging Your Leaks

Day 151: Plugging Your Leaks

Read: Hebrews 1:1 - 3, 2:1 - 4

Today my readership I am feeling very excited and I pray that you might be excited too, at least about one or two things going on around you. I do not guess that there will be much excitement about the weather with the freezing rain and the ice that will inevitably cause someone to slip and fall on their pride. No! Today my excitement is to know deep within my heart that we are a people that are greatly blessed. We are living in the greatest time that man could ever hope to ask for. We are seeing the culmination of all of the prophecies of the Bible as we come down to the very end of God’s great plan for the ages. I can't help think isn’t it wonderful to know a living God, to know a loving and holy God?

Last night I watched a wonderful short video called "Who Is The God of Prophecy? by Rev. Dr. Tim LaHaye from his "Left Behind Biblical Prophecy Series". Now, for myself, I do not know much or have a particular opinion about the overall picture of fulfilled prophecy over the course of biblical history. I have not paid that much attention to it. I guess I thought it was either too complicated or their were just one too many leaks in the plumbing and I was no where close to being a master plumber. However, as a part of my wife's and mine shared Lenten experience, I agreed to watch this series with her to see where it'd help me plug a few leaks about our living and loving in the prophetic 'End Times'.

Reading these particular passages of Scripture, I was struck by these words from chapter 1: 'Long ago, at different times and in various ways, God’s voice came to our ancestors through the Hebrew prophets. 2 But in these last days, it has come to us through His Son, the One who has been given dominion over all things and through whom all worlds were made.(1 - 2)' Long ago, at various times and in various ways? I guess this is where I find most of the leaks. God's voice? One more leak for who has actually heard 'God's voice! Our ancestors through the Hebrew prophets - one more leak - man interpreting God's Voice and then putting it all accurately down on paper. All in all, just way too 'hole'y.

End time prophecy and it's fulfillment is a great mystery even to the best of Scholars today. Even as we're inclined to raise the question "Who is the God of Prophecy", the question of who God is, is the greatest mystery of all time. But yet, I sit here and I am wondering, with so many obvious and apparent holes in the study of our 'End Time's, is it the fact that there are so many holes to plug up that God uses them to try and create a 'divine sense of curiosity' within our spirits, in a well considered well thought out plan to draw us ever closer into relationship with Him, His Son and His Holy Spirit?
God knows one important truth: Where ever man's see's a leak to plug, he absolutely must do it!

Let Us Pray: According to the riches of Your glory, O Lord, strengthen me with might through Your Spirit in my inner man, That Christ may dwell (manifest His presence) in my heart through faith; root me and ground me in Your love for me, that I may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height– to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; so I can be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16 - 19).
You Are God Alone Lyrics by VBCRealLyrics
First Video Ever! I know it's an old song but you can praise God with any song on your heart! Credit to Phillips Craig & Dean for this amazing song! Lyrics:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 150: Where There Is A Will, There Is Always A Way

Day 150: Where There Is A Will, There Is Always A Way

Read: 2 Peter 3:9 - 18

I would like to talk to you for just a few minutes today upon a subject simply entitled, “Where There is a Will, There is always a Way.” On my mind in particular is verse 9: 'Now the Lord is not slow about enacting His promise - slow is how some people want to characterize it—no, He is not slow but He is patient and merciful to you, not wanting anyone to be destroyed, but wanting everyone to turn away from following his own path and to turn toward God’s.' Peter is writing to us in this teaching that no matter what we do, where we come from or where we’re at, that it is NOT God’s will for anyone of us to perish or to die without His forgiveness, but that we would repent, God's will and ours becoming 1.

I believe it necessary today to spend a little time looking into what Peter is talking about. The past two days we have been considering some of life's very toughest of adversaries - those of pride and fear. Somewhere in the back of my mind I can hear the voices being raised against me saying: "you are expressing it as though that by a flick of the switch, I can just be done with my pride and I can be done with my fear." I spent some time yesterday considering that and the first thing I will do is to validate
that impression of how my devotion was written and can be legitimately interpreted. I freely admit to you that by God's will there is an immediate way. Man, not so much! Where there's our will there is Ugh.

The scripture teaches allot about repentance. We are taught by Paul, “To repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and we shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38) Jesus taught that “Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” (Luke 24:45) In addition Luke records, “That except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3). The Bible talks too much about repentance to block it out, rather
over the course of time we should look into it and see what it’s all about. If you will notice there are no specific time frames given. God understands it will take us time. That's why there's God's time and ours.

The word repentance means to have a change of mind, a change of heart, to have Godly sorrow for one’s actions and to decide to change. One definition says to go in a new direction. I like that. That implies we may be going in the wrong direction!!! In our Scripture text we read how that it wasn’t God’s will for man to perish, but that he would have everlasting life through repentance. Put the two of these together. Think about this for a moment. Ask yourself: "How long will it take before MY will realizes it is going in the wrong direction - months or even years maybe?" God only knows the answer. But one day there'll be a crossroad meeting with God's Will. Yes, One day soon 2 wills will become 1!

Let Us Pray: Lord, if what I seek be according to our will, then let it come to pass and let success attend the outcome. But if not, my God, let it not come to pass. Do not leave me to my own devices, for you know how truly unwise I can be. Keep me safe under your protection Lord my God, and in your own gentle way guide me toward the truth and patiently shepherd me through my life as only You know best. Amen.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 149: Facing The Enemy Men Have Called Fear

Day 149: Facing The Enemy Men Have Called Fear

Read: John 20:19 - 21

Never Give Up! Never Surrender! It's a simple enough message for us to tell someone who is being confronted by an unrelenting foe. In any field of athletic endeavor it is a goal for every athlete that they will train hard that they may achieve the best result. In the military setting when the Drill Instructor takes their new recruits out for a long march or for high intensity physical training, they teach them certain cadences that gives the recruits a pace to follow, words that will help them focus not on their efforts but on the catchy phrases of the Instructor. I remember from my time in the Navy and Army these cadences might sound like "No Quit" "No Quit" "Never, Never, Surrender, Surrender" Hoo Ra!

It was that inner drive to always go beyond "your best like the rest" that worked to instill a sense of esprit d' corps in the troops. Overcoming fatigue, overcoming pain, overcoming the natural limits of your body mind and spirit, overcoming the fear that one day you could very well find yourself on some foreign battlefield and someone is shooting at you. Overcoming the fear of being wounded or meeting death up close and personal requires achieving a certain level of inward discipline. Courage is highly
valued, sacrifice of self to save others are the stuff that leadership are made of and is what people will follow, remain loyal to, even if it'll probably lead to their own death.

In light of this, what if the battle you are being disciplined for, being called to fight is against 'fear' itself? What if God is your Drill Instructor and He is trying to prepare you for the fight of your life? What if in the midst of your trying to achieve the best you can in the field of life, in the midst of trying to figure out the simplest or most complex issue, when you reach an ending to your physical and spiritual limits for an answer, it is God who is running alongside of you: "Peace be with you!," "Peace Be with you!" or "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Never fear, I AM is here!" "Love You, Love You, Love Me, Love Me!" "Here we go!" "Here we go!" My spiritual blood is just pumping, just boiling on overtime!

There is no way to overestimate it or over state it, facing the enemy men have called fear is one that requires a great storehouse filled with a courage borne of, centered in, and steadfastly fixed upon the Rock of our Christian Foundation - Jesus the Christ. He is the Rock of our Salvation that will never be moved even by the greatest fears we might array against it. Isaiah 54:17 'But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It is that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will always vindicate them.' God is alongside us saying in full cadence count: "Never fear, Never fear" "I'll live, I'll live!" Hoo Ra!

Let Us Pray: Lord, I cry out for help today for my brothers and sisters who are at this very moment struggling with their own individual fears. These fears are holding them back from accomplishing the very thing they were created to accomplish. I know You are standing in the gap for them before the throne of God, and You are calling out to them to come and lay their burdens down at Your feet. We simply cannot allow fear to become our ruler. We are told to walk by faith, not by fear. I know as I pray that today is to be a day of breakthrough for someone. As today is a new opportunity to stand fast and be strong and courageous, "So as You have said it, So let it be done." In Jesus' strongest name.
New Life Worship - Overcome (Lyrics/Subtitles) (Best Worship Song for Jesus)
New Life Worship - Overcome, from the bonus DVD

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 148: The Con Artist Named Pride

Day 148: The Con Artist Named Pride

Read: Psalm 10 'The Song Of Our Pride', Matthew 10:26-27

26 "Do not be afraid of those who may taunt or persecute you. Everything they do—even if they think they are hiding behind closed doors—will come to light. All their secrets will eventually be made known. 27 And you should proclaim in the bright light of day everything that I have whispered to you in the dark. Whatever whispers you hear—shout them from the rooftops of houses." Matthew 10:26-27

I believe it is a great and marvelous thing that we were able to expose those things in life which taunt and persecute us. Even if they believe with a rock solid assurance that as long as they remain locked behind closed doors, even if they believe that they can evade detection by the very best radar or sonar system or Law Enforcement Agency, the fact remains that there is no such thing as the perfect lock, perfect door that will prevent them from making their own mistakes, becoming themselves, the source of their own downfall. So, today, I want to expose to you; “The Con Artist Named Pride.” Yes, this is a truly clever fellow. Yes, extraordinarily cunning and remarkably devious. You say "So What" "Big Deal".

What is a con artist anyway? A con artist is someone who is skilled and experienced at devising and executing scams and other fraudulent schemes. In worldly terms, the purpose is normally to get as much money from a victim as possible, but to do so in a way the victim actually believes they are getting a benefit. This is exactly how Pride works in our lives. And I believe that the Con Artist Named Pride is even craftier than any other professional Con Artists. He ever so slowly creeps into our lives, makes us feel comfortable, befriends us, and all the while his mind is focused only on taking as much of us to the spiritual cleaners as he possibly can. There's no remorse or regret. It feeds and it consumes.

9 Ominously, like a crouching lion in its lair, he lurks in secret to waylay those who are downtrodden. When he catches them, he draws them in and drags them off with his net. 10 Quietly crouching, lying low, ready to overwhelm the next by his strength, 11 The wicked thinks in his heart, “God has forgotten us! He has covered His face and will never notice!” Yes, our pride, like that crouching, hungry lion is quietly lurking in his secret places, our hearts, our minds, our spirits just waiting to pounce and eat us alive. It waits and lurks for all races, gender, and economic classes. Pride is waiting to bring down those hearts pitched against God. It has no remorse. It has no regret. It strike without announcing.

Some of you may be sitting out there thinking to yourself about how this message will not apply to you because you tell yourself that you are too good to allow pride to affect you and that you never have had any problems with Pride because you are so different, so very much better than everyone else. "Nope, not me, not today Mr. Lion." What is pride? This Lion 'Pride' means to act arrogantly; possess a very high opinion of ones worth, self-conceit. We admit, we all know people that by their actions we would nominate them as prideful people. But let us be careful because pride pounces upon the lives of every person sometimes without being recognized until it's too late. Recognize then the Lion Of Judah.

Let Us Pray: Lord God, You instruct Your people to listen carefully and ever heed Your instruction because pride can cause the Lord's flock to be taken captive, to being so easily deceived. Father, help me to understand that the pride in my heart is deceiving me. Those who walk in pride and arrogance, those who step into the Lion's Den, You are able to humble. (Daniel 6:16 -25) Pour out Your mercy and grace upon me O Lord that I can be this kind of person. Change my heart to be like Yours Father! My Savior and Redeemer, help me to take Your yoke upon me and learn from You, for You are gentle and humble in heart, and I will find rest for my soul. In Jesus' name - Amen.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 147: In God We Trust? Really?

Day 147: In God We Trust? Really?

Read: Proverbs 3:5 - 6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Trust? What about that word 'trust'? If I were to ask each of you individually, most of you would say without hesitation that I trust my husband, my wife, my children, my mother, my father and so on - right? RIGHT?. Yeah, I kind of thought that might be the case. You say it with your lips in front of man, but what is it - your deepest heart sense, really say about that trust of family? I can sit here and say with all honesty that I trusted my mother. But the day would be distant indeed about my Father. So how about Father God? Hm? In God, do we trust?

Do you? Well? WELL? However, if you are honest, you will have to admit that there are times when trusting will never be not so simple when another person mouths these words: "Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart." If my dad told me to do that, and by the way - he never did, because I was sure he never did - at least until he was on his death bed, I never would have because I did not trust my father with one word he said. The lack of trust? What about that? Is it not supposed to be natural? I
guess so because that way of life is often perilous and hard, with no end in sight. We cannot or do not wish to see what lies ahead, feeling helpless, alone in our struggles. And Father - nowhere to be found!

Yes, I know. This is the word of our Father God for the people of God and God wants you to trust even when you do not understand, when the future is uncertain, when you feel like you cannot go on. God says trust Him! But just the moment before it was to become the word of God, it was the word of one man - King Solomon whose Dad was King David. What about the trusting nature of this royal family relationship? A son who sees all manner of court intrigue? Sees all manner of plots and conspiracies to kill? One time after the other, watching his father run away into the wilderness, become acquainted with one more cave? "But, Dad, you always said 'trust in God? Why run? Why are you always running?"

Consider that eyeball to eyeball exchange? "Dad, you told me you were a man after God's own heart, but all I seem to see is you running away into the hills and leaving me behind? Dad, I thought you trusted God a whole lot better than that! What sort of example am I supposed to take away from that for my own children? Can you see this exchange taking place just before David kisses Solomon on the forehead, turns right around and leaving him, a child, behind to face an uncertain future? Well, friends, the reality is it did and more than once! What about Solomon's heart? Wow! Tough One! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him"

Let Us Pray: Father God, dearest ABBA, when all is darkness and we are feeling our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength. Help us to achieve a more complete and perfected trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, by living closer to You each day, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. ABBA, Father, help us overcome worldly influences, draw us close to You.
Draw Me Close To You ( with lyrics )
Praise & Worship by Michael W. Smith

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 146: The Lord Will Set My Heart Free!

Day 146: The Lord Will Set My Heart Free!

Read: Psalm 119:25 - 32

"Incoming!" "Hurry, get down" “Hit the dirt! Take cover!” Those are words spoken by someone on the defensive. You’d expect soldiers to shout such things. Bullets are flying. Explosions are going off, hot shrapnel is going every which way. People in a panic screaming. “Hit the dirt!” And so down go the soldiers, and the civilians laying low because they are on the move. They’re protecting themselves. Then there are those soldiers and civilians who have “hit the dirt” because they themselves have been hit. They aren’t on the defensive. They aren’t protecting themselves anymore. They’re defenseless and vulnerable. Pray, please tell me, where is this battlefield? "Pray tell Me, O Man, where is this battlefield?"

Is it some remote region of Afghanistan or somewhere else that's afflicted by war and combat? Is it in one of the neighborhoods we live in, our own nations streets? In one of our nations schools, movie theaters or other public place? Could be, but not this time. This time the field of battle is located in three places - me, myself and I. It is localized, inside anyone of us, your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers. Yes, if you have a heart, a soul or a spirit, it is anywhere and everywhere all at the same time - at least this is what the Psalmist seems to imply with this very personal plea. From within a soul's wounded heart: (25) 'My very being clings to the dust; preserve my life, in keeping with Your word.'

Preserve my life, he writes. Preserve my heart, my soul my spirit O Lord in keeping with Your word. Incoming! "Hurry, get down!" "Hit the dirt!" O my innermost being, "Take cover!" O my soul, it is time for us to eat the dust and dirt of the ground from whence we came! Our lives are being constantly assailed from all directions, there are explosions of personal anguish are coming from everywhere and anywhere. My entire body is being wounded, the shrapnel of life's demands, my children, my job,
my banker, my candlestick maker are puncturing holes everywhere. Big ones and large gaping one's. My life is being poured out. There is only one truly safe place. But where can this possibly be for me?

Suddenly, from outside the great din of my battle come these assuring words: Hit the dirt, hurry, get on your knees! Now plant your face to the ground! "Good! Now, my son, you are right where I need you to be!" Now, My child, eat no more dust nor dirt. Now, My child, listen to me and eat your fill of my words which brings and restores all life. My afflicted child, I know all your sorrows. Your heart grows weary when you or someone is confronted by great and constantly overwhelming challenges. Your soul is burdened, the weight on your shoulders are unbearable. Open your heart to me My child, to your heavenly Father, Surrender yourself to the promise of My Living Word!" "Surrender Your life to Me."

Let Us Pray: "Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; 'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, a life of joy and peace. When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun." Amazing Grace, John Newton 1779
Passion 2007 - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
from Passion 2007, held in Atlanta, Georgia on January 1st - 4th. This is Chris Tomlin leading

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 145: The "Almost Persuaded" Syndrome

Day 145: The "Almost Persuaded" Syndrome

Read: Acts 26:24 - 32

Let me start off by asking you a question. How many of you have fallen victim to the "I am Almost Persuaded" syndrome? You know what I am talking about... it is when you have a bad cold and almost make it to the store before it closes… it is when you almost invest in that stock that has quadrupled in the last two weeks… it is when you almost forgot to remember your anniversary… it is when you were almost persuaded and you almost took that chance and well, I think you get the idea now so you fill in the blank for that. It is Agrippa asking: 'Paul, have you so quickly moved on from defending yourself to
trying to persuade me to become a Christian'? Agrippa - Almost persuaded to radically change his life?

Most of the time, being afflicted by the "Almost Persuaded" syndrome adds up to no more than a little inconvenience, minimal monetary loss, an uncomfortable nights sleep spent on the couch, or a rethinking of priorities in your life. However, I want to look at a biblical example where the "Almost" syndrome will cost you greatly. Now please read verse 24 'Festus (interrupting): You’ve gone crazy, Paul! You have read one book too many and have gone insane! One could wonder just who in this passage was almost on the brink of insanity - Paul or Festus? Here was a man that didn’t understand the value of “advanced planning” when it came to his own soul. Was Festus almost persuaded?

He was a prefect example of what Christ was talking about when He said "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul" (Matt 16:26)? Festus was "almost persuaded" to give up everything (riches, power, control, prestige) but he neglected making a decision on one the most important thing; his eternal destination. Looking back over our lives, there were those decisions that we made that totally changed the direction of our lives. For me it was when I boarded the plane for Great Lakes, Illinois and Navy Basic Training. I almost turned around to look back at my parents, with it almost persuaded to surrender my will to move on.

Each choice that we make has the potential to impact me either for the positive or negative. Some choices that I made worked out and were good, others fell apart and were not so good. And it is the same with your life. You have probably made some great decisions that you're proud about, but on the other hand, you also have made some bad choices that you regret. But in order for it to become a decision there is one key component; you have to act on it. Just thinking about it is not enough. Just saying "I was almost persuaded to ..., but didn't because ..." almost leaves too much room for regret. Festus, almost persuaded by Paul's Testimony to save his eternal soul? And you? Almost Persuaded?

Let Us Pray:

Dear Lord,

I almost admitted that I am a sinner. I almost admitted that I have done many things that would not please you. I have lived my life for myself. I can almost bring myself to say that I am sorry and I repent. I am almost ready to ask you to forgive me. I almost believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. I almost believe You did what I could not do for myself. I am almost ready to come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I am almost ready to give it to you. Lord, I am so close to almost asking you to help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I am almost ready to say I love you, Lord, and I am almost ready to say thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Lord, help me to recover my sanity, to overcome my 'almost' belief. Help me to cross the 'almost' bridge to Your Glory.
Toby Mac: lose my soul
christian music

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 144: "Jesus Claimed To Be God"

Day 144: "Jesus Claimed To Be God"

Read: John 10:25 - 30

It promises to be a long rewarding day today as I continue to prepare for the next Kairos (Inside) teaming meeting. Kairos is a prison ministry designed to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated men, women and children, to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos Inside weekends are held in men's and women's correctional institutions. The weekends are designed to help the residents experience spiritual renewal and to help the residents accept God's call to a life of Christian witness and service. I ask that you find a small amount of Kairos time, 'God's perfect time' to lift us, the support team, the Chaplain, the 'Residents' up in prayer.

Today's devotional effort comes directly from the "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Here these words from the "Listening To God" devotional book as if God is speaking directly into your life. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit add their infinite blessings and infinite wisdom to the reading of these words as they seek to enter your heart:

"I want to clear up a lingering misconception about My Son.

Through the centuries since He walked the earth, many people have doubted His divinity. And it is not just the skeptics who question Jesus. Some Theologians say my Son was just a man who said wise things and helped people, but never declared He was God.They say this claim of deity was foisted on Him by biblical writers and church leaders who wanted Him to be someone He was not.

This is a ridiculous argument because Jesus demonstrated His deity in many ways - through His miracles, His fulfillment of dozens of prophesies, and ultimately through His resurrection. He is not the same Person as Me, but He has the same essence and nature. You have to be willfully ignorant or in rebellious denial to come to any other conclusion.

As for My Son never saying He was God? It is true that He never made the statement,
"I am God." He did not have to - His life was enough to show that He is. Never forget,
though, that Jesus did say that He and I are ONE. He could not have made a more clearer statement about His deity."

Let Us Pray: Gracious Lord, like Nicodemus, we come to you in the darkness. We come to the Word with many questions. Like the Pharisees, we can be captivated by correctness, intent on right answers. As we turn to your Word, Spirit of God, do not let our desire for information dominate our need for transformation. Let us hear the Word and be moved to recognition of Your Son, greater faith and obedience. Amen.
Gaither Gospel - You Are My All In All (Music Videos)
You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 143: "I do Believe, Lord, Please Help My Unbelief!"

Day 143: "I do Believe, Lord, Please Help My Unbelief!"

Read: Mark 9:14-29

Many are not able to achieve success and greatness in all of life's endeavors because of the several barriers before them. People talk about breakthroughs showing that there are forces and things limiting them, so they want the mighty power of God to break the limiting barriers before them. The truth is that most of the barriers are manmade. They are invisible walls that we through negative thoughts have built in our minds that limit and serve to prevent us from taking positive and powerful steps that prayerfully will one day bring success and accomplishments. Negative thoughts build barriers that limit the thinker. We can't go higher than our thoughts will permit. We must acknowledge limits.

Please carefully take the time to consider this one thing; You cannot be greater than what you think and believe you can. How easy is it for us to assign ourselves limits in our minds and extend them into our everyday lives, then just sitting back and allowing ourselves to be entirely content with it all? Life lived within the bubble of our very own comfort zone! What an incredible thought for some of us who can never seem to find it possible to live without the stress of the human condition. There are some of us in this earthly realm who do not hold to the possibility success and greatness and this thing called achievement will take their rightful place in the central core of their life where they've rightly belonged.

Who has not been there and done that at least once or twice in your life? Raise your hands if you are one of the unique ones who has never placed limits upon your own humanity! Remember, this is Lent and God expects us to be honest when He asks us. Jesus as He walked as a man among us taught us that all things are possible to him that believes that it is possible. Read carefully the Gospel passage above. Look in particular at verses 22 - 24 (summarized): the father of the afflicted child says to Jesus: 'I have run out of options; I have tried everything. But if there’s anything You can do, please, have pity on us and help us.' (I've tried everything within my limits!). 

Stop for one minute. Take a step back from this scene momentarily. Now please try to look at this father with his afflicted child in his arms looking square into the eyes of Jesus, The Son of God. Jesus: 23 What do you mean, “If there’s anything?” All things are possible, if you only believe. (If only we'll take the time believe in ourselves, first acknowledging our inabilities, then turning that around in our minds; acknowledge the boundless limits we possess, acknowledge our ability to create that endless array of boundless possibility, then set your mind body and spirit on those newly discovered boundless possibilities daring to acknowledge our God given, God driven capability to go beyond far ourselves!!!

Let Us Pray: Father (crying in desperation): "I do believe, Lord. Help me to believe more!" "Help my unbelief!" Help me to believe in myself. Help me to remove the limits I have placed upon myself that prevent me from becoming more like You that I may then stand before the all too skeptical crowds, acknowledging You in all that I do, all I say. In Jesus' name I do pray for one more miracle moment.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 142: Fantastic, The Lord Delivered His People But What About Me?

Day 142: Fantastic, The Lord Delivered His People - But What About Me?

Read: Letter From Jude

We all will claim to know the story of the crossing of the Red Sea, or do we? Here is another version of that story or as Paul Harvey might say .... "the rest of the story?" It seems one day that Moses had led the children of Israel on out of Egypt - and they now had Pharaoh and his armies in hot pursuit behind them and the Red Sea in front of them. But wait a minute, friends, there is something very wrong here - they are all seemingly going to be trapped! Oh no, there can be nothing good to come from this!
So Moses now summoned Joshua and other tribal leaders together and reviewed with them their very desperate straits they were in. What to do? Anyone have any timely ideas that might actually work?

One of the engineering types suggested that it should be very possible to construct a pontoon bridge - but it was quickly noted that they didn’t have time nor material for it. All kinds of crazy ideas were suggested - however, none of them have any merit. Finally, Moses asked, “What if I were to pray to Yahweh God and ask him to send a mighty wind to sweep back the waters of the Red Sea so that the dry land would just appear from beneath the sea? Everyone scratched their collective heads, looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and finally agreed: "It is not like anything else they could come up with was going to work." "So, go ahead Moses, lets give God a try. Let us see what God can do for us."

Then we could just cross over dry land. And then when we’re safely on the other side the wind could subside and the waters would rush back and drown the Egyptian army who would be in hot pursuit? What do you think of that idea?” At this point Moses’ publicity man jumped up enthusiastically and said “Moses Baby, if you can pull that one off—I guarantee I can get you two full pages in the Bible!” Well, as we know the Lord did deliver the people of Israel from Pharaoh and the Egyptians and he did it by parting the Red Sea. I know this scenario sounds a little bit fantastic. Of course, this Biblical record is no different than many others that God did as recorded in Scripture. The Lord delivered the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt and when given the chance, God is still in the delivery business today. 
He delivers people from whatever they are in bondage to or enslaved to; booze, drugs, immorality, play, pleasure, gambling, foolishness, and so very much more. But now, for me, like Jude, (3) 'Friends, I have been trying to write you about our common salvation. But these days my heart is so very troubled, and I am compelled to write to you and encourage you to continue struggling for the faith that was entrusted to the saints once and for all.' As we begin our forty day journey trying to figure out how to cross our Red Sea, lets try something fantastic - try God! Maybe, God will deliver us too. 

Let Us Pray: Father, give me the courage to follow the pathway of faith, not the path of fear, for you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Father, please endue me with Your power, clothe me in Your love that casts out all fear and guide me with the mind of Christ. Oh Lord I pray to please let Your mind be in me as it is in Christ Jesus. Please strengthen me to take the path You have set before me and not the path of least resistance, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Therefore, I ask You to reveal to me Your clear direction, please speak to me that You would work in me both to will and to do Your good pleasure In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Let Your Fire Fall
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 141: “Our offenses Are Ever With Us. We Do Acknowledge Our Iniquities”

Day 141: “Our offenses Are Ever With Us. We Do Acknowledge Our Iniquities”

Read: Isaiah 59

What is “Ash Wednesday”? Where did this idea come from? In the Bible, ashes were always associated with humility and mortality, fasting and remorse. If anyone had sinned against God (and who of us has not), and they felt remorse about that sin, and they were repenting of that sin, then sometimes, in the Bible, you'd sprinkle some ashes on your head as a sign of sorrow and repentance. Ashes were supposed to remind you that you were only mortal, that you will eventually become ashes after you die. We are only ashes, we need to repent of our sins while God still gives us a time of grace, a chance, an opportunity for reconciliation. Adonai’s arm is never too short to save, nor is his ear too dull to hear.

Very early Christian churches had thought long about this idea. People, in private, at times, would sprinkle ashes on themselves as a sign of repentance. Eventually, this became a public practice. Later, instead of sprinkling the ashes on your head, the ashes would be rubbed onto the forehead in the shape of a cross. It was a sign of our repentance, and a reminder of your baptism, when the sign of the cross was placed on you with water and the Word. However, ashes or no ashes, what’s really far more
important, though, is not whether you have ashes on your forehead. What’s far more important is what’s going on in deep within the deepest recesses your heart, what’s going on deep within your soul.

Today, let us take a miniature Lenten journey as we look at Isaiah 59. Right away in verse 12, we read, “Our offenses are many in your sight, and our sins testify against us” – that’s true, isn’t it? If you were to count all the sins you have committed in just one week – and remember, sins include not just your deeds, but your thoughts. Sins include not just the things you do, but also the things you don’t do, but should. If you were to count all these sins, your offenses would be many. Thousands, even millions of sins, testifying against you in God’s court of law. Do you really want to hear the full measure of our offenses from God? Okay, steady your heart and gird your soul against this onslaught - read vs 2 - 11!

What don't we have to repent from? Reality is: “Our offenses are ever with us. We do acknowledge our iniquities” – there you see a key phrase as we think about Lent this day. Lent is a time when look you at yourself, and acknowledge that there are some things that need to be fixed up. There are some things about me and you that are not perfect, things that need to be both subtly or radically changed, things that need to be adjusted to restore our right relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Right off
the top I can place my attitudes about sharing what the Adonai Elohim, God Almighty has done for me, thru my reaching out, could be doing, nay very much should be doing for the most faith challenged.

Let Us Pray: ABBA, Father it seems that we have spent too much time making a mess of things. Lord Jesus Christ, by Your grace and infinite mercy, please forgive those things we have done which have caused you sadness, and those things we should have done that would and should have brought you joy. In both we have utterly failed ourselves, our neighbors and above all You. Holy Spirit be our guide. Bring us back to that One true place where our journey began, when we said that we would follow the
way that you first trod. Lead us to the Cross, meet us there, sit next to us, talk with us for a while.
Sidewalk Prophets -- "You Love Me Anyway" with Lyrics
© 2012 WMG The lyric video for Sidewalk Prophets' single "You Love Me Anyway". Visit

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 140: “Defrauding Yourself, Defrauding Your Neighbor, Defrauding God!"

Day 140: “Defrauding Yourself, Defrauding Your Neighbor, Defrauding God!"

Read: Malachi 3:6 - 18 (Amplified)

Today, we have moved one day forward toward the beginning of Lent. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, its traditional beginning. Yesterday's effort asked you to focus on the goodness of YOUR 'religion'. For today, I am asking you to consider the implications of this verse (8): 8 'Will man rob (defraud) God? Yet you are robbing (defrauding) me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed (defrauded) you?’ (You have withheld) your tithes and contributions.' Now please focus in on and carefully Consider that word 'defraud'. When used as verb it means to Illegally obtain money from (someone) by deception. Please Consider synonyms (like minded phrases) for this word includes: cheat - swindle - deceive - embezzle.
These are extremely serious legal accusations that God is leveling against His people. Then, these sort of charges leveled against anyone could result in a serious case of death. Today, depending on the level of the deception - we are staring at a seriously long time of incarceration. When we think of “stealing” we usually picture a Bernie Madow or any perpetrator of a 'Ponzi Scheme' - a nice guy on the surface but underneath an unscrupulous and greedy individual taking grotesque advantage of law abiding folks the result of which is the utter ruination of lives and little hope of getting their money returned. These 'frauds' know full well what they are doing is making conscious choices and cheating other people.

'Will a man rob or defraud God? Yet you rob and defraud Me. But you say, In what way do we rob or defraud You?' (v8) Yes, we say "In what way do we defraud You?" Consider this: there is another realm to stealing besides the hardened criminal, it is the many ways we find each day in our common lives to defraud; perhaps things as cheating someone out of an act of compassion, an act of mercy, simple, timely words of forgiveness, taking away someone’s good name with gossip, deciding that those pencils the company bought belong at your house instead of the office, and even the failure to give to God His tithes and offerings! This is not just about our money but our sacrificial gifts of love too.

Cheating yourself, cheating your neighbor, cheating God, destroys relationships that are built on trust, and it destroys self respect when one receives by theft that which does not belong to them. Stealing destroys character as it breeds corruption. Theft can compromise our relationship with one another and with God, in this way it hurts the soul and society. Do you think it does not matter in the end when you withhold a kind word from someone? I do not know for sure, it is just a random thought, but it is
my guess that a few random "thank you's" freely offered, freely given just may make someone's day go better. So, friend, where are you defrauding yourself, defrauding your neighbor or defrauding God?

Let Us Pray: Lord God, the time draws ever nearer, and indeed is very close at hand when we will be called to place our hearts, our minds, our spirits before Your altar:

"O Lord, The house of my soul is narrow; enlarge it that you may enter in. It is ruinous, O repair it! It displeases Your sight. I confess it, I know. But who shall cleanse it, to whom shall I cry but to you? Cleanse me from my secret faults, O Lord, and spare Your servant from strange sins." Saint Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 139: What Good Is Your 'Religion' Anyway?

Day 139: What Good Is Your 'Religion' Anyway?

Read: Malachi 3:13 - 18

The countdown has begun, it is three days till Ash Wednesday, the traditional period of the forty days of Lent. Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. The season of Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection - allot to reflect on. The Bible does not actually or even specifically mention the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance and mourning in ashes can be found herein these readings: 2Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21.

Today I'm beginning a short series of devotional efforts asking the age old question: "What good is our religion?" Searching through the Hebrew Scripture for a place to start, I was lead to a passage from Malachi 3:13 - 15: “You have used harsh words against me,” says the Lord. “You ask, ‘How have we spoken against you?’ 14 “You have said, ‘It’s pointless to serve God. What do we gain if we meet his standards or if we walk around feeling sorry for what we’ve done? 15 So now we (shall) call arrogant people blessed. Not only are evildoers encouraged, they even test God and get away with it.’ It sounds like God is coming right out of heaven and is accusing His chosen people of being 'religious' frauds!

Even today as we sit here together there is even still today no one who can claim that they have not wondered, at one time or another, why the wicked seem to prosper so, while the Saints of God suffer. Some have even become so discouraged that they've asked, “What’s the use of religion? What good is it? Does it make any difference to a man’s condition?” These are completely valid questions to ask, and so monumentally difficult to answer. Mankind is teetering on the brink of a great chasm and where is 'religion' with the rope to pull us all back and save us from a fate worse than death? Personally, I hope that my 'religion' has already fallen over the cliff for I pray that 'my religion' never saves nobody!!!

So, what good is my 'religion' if it never saves? The only possible answer is no good because only God saves. So, Mankind’s age-old questions, Questions that can be traced back to the days of the Israelites who returned from exile in Babylon. Even they had not had the prosperity they had hoped for. So many of them, even those who had served God so faithfully, began to let doubts darken their trust as they listened to the whispers of their own vain glorious hearts, reinforced by the mutterings of others. Here they had all been diligent keeping God’s laws, and going in black garments “before the Lord” in grand demonstrations of penitence, and no good had come to them or anyone else either. So, let this be the place we begin to reflect. Start asking yourself this question: Just what good is YOUR 'religion'?

Let Us Pray: Father God, as we countdown the days, as we approach this season of Lent once again, Your age old accusation remains, Your ancient words still ring loudly in our ears: 'Your words have been strong and hard against Me, says the Lord. Yet you say, What have we spoken against You? You have said, It is useless to serve God, and what profit is it if we keep His ordinances and walk gloomily and as if in mourning apparel before the Lord of hosts? Whether 2500 years ago or today, we still
cannot give any meaningful answer or offer up any legitimate excuse nor argument against it. Our claim to fame: We are just as stubborn and stiff necked as the exiles.

So, Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Let us pray even further. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.