Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 1: In the beginning .... Let us pray ....

Day 1: And so our time of preparation begins .....

READ: Genesis 1:1-2 NRSV

1 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.

Sometimes the imagery used in the Bible tells us more than the words themselves. The pictures that come into my mind really take me to those places I call the lands of 'awe' and 'wonder'. They whisk me away from my worldly stuff directly into a place where only God can be. And these are the places where I know God invites me to join Him when I find myself in need of seeing something so much greater than me.

Yesterday, we celebrated Pastor Mark's final day with Hiss. It was a wonderful time of presentations from State Government Representatives, prayer and a scrapbook filled with 8 years of memories from so many members of our congregation. There was a feast of plenty spread across the middle of the fellowship hall reminding me of the wedding feast of the Lamb waiting for us on the blessed day of Christ's return. There were testimonies from many w ho shared their love for our Shepherd Mark.

As God began to create the world we live in, the Hebrew writer portrayed the Spirit of God as "hovering over" the unformed and unruly mass, much like a shepherd over his flock. The powerful image here is the very careful and loving attention God will always give to His creation. And we are all His creation; made in His image. God will always protect you. He will always keep His hands upon you - shaping you as the Master potter shapes the clay. He will always guide your development. In other words, there is no room for chance or randomness - everything is in His hands. And this is something that we really need to know -- I need to pray about everyday.

Every day and in every way, as we enter this time of preparation for the transition to come with our new Pastor Reverend Timothy Dowell, the whole time is entirely in God's hands. And in a time when there is potentially so much uncertainty in the life of our church, this is the place where we need to begin looking for our 'awe' and 'wonder' as God begins a new work within us, as He begins a new history with us.

If there is a short summary or basic image we can place on our hearts and within our spirits it is this: From the very beginning of Creation it is that God is in complete charge of everything. At all times and in all ways, this moment and forever more. God is in charge so we don't have to be. What a better image of comfort and rest could there be for us. God is with us - Emmanuel. So let us step away from the world we are in right now and be drawn into our God's place of 'awe' and 'wonder'. Let us step out of ourselves for a time of quiet and comfort, of peace and rest:

Let us pray;

Lord, as we consider the glory of Your creation, the awe and wonder of all the works thy hands have made, both great and small, as we embark on our own journey of new beginnings within the life of our church, on this sacred journey of prayer and presence, come and banish from my heart every vestige of self reliance. Capture and captivate my mind with the 'awe' and 'wonder' of Your truth that you are and ever shall be all sufficient for our needs, whether great or small. Let Your grace abound.

As we enter into this time of preparation, transform us by increasing our confidence in you, in all of Your extravagant forgiveness and mercy. Strengthen our trembling knees in the face of uncertainty. Cause each of us, from our families, our communities, our church to emerge from this season of transition with a fresh vision of Your Glory. A new and everlasting fearlessness, and a renewed devotion to Your plan and purpose. Create in us a fresh image of your new creation Hiss UMC.

We pray these in the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. amen

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