Day 13: Nothing is impossible
Read: Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30, Philippians 4:10-13
im·pos·si·ble (impossible)
1. not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, etc.
2. unable to be done, performed, effected, etc.: an impossible assignment.
3. incapable of being true, as a rumor.
4. not to be done, endured, etc., with any degree of reason or propriety: an impossible situation.
5. utterly impracticable: an impossible plan.
Be assured that while man throws around the word impossible for
seemingly every thing under the sun, that the word 'impossible' is not
part of God's vocabulary. It is a word that we thought up on our own for
which we believe carries allot of relevance.
But it does so
only because we subtract God from the equation. If there is no God, the
kind of God portrayed in the Bible, then we would have every right to
believe that there are all kinds of impossible things going on in our
families, our homes, in our communities, our churches .... anywhere you
can put one foot in front of the other.
However, it makes
perfect sense that if the God of the Bible indeed exists, then there is
nothing, literally nothing, that is impossible. By definition, God
excludes the realm of the impossible. Water into wine - done! Quelling a
storm - done! Bringing the dead back to life - done! With God all
things are possible. With man all things are possible through Jesus
Christ (raised from the dead) who strengthens them in all things.
Description of a Christian: Someone prepared to attempt the impossible
and with God's help and Christ's strength, achieve success where none
was believed to be. What more motivation could God give us to help us
get through each of our days?
Today's Prayer: Ask God, that in
those moments when impossible is the only choice you believe you have,
to create for you a vision of hope, a spirit of strength and a heart
filled with possibility (Philippians 4:10 - 13) through Jesus Christ our
Lord. watch?v=uDOMRLU-P7Q
God of Impossible Music Video by Oaks Worship
Oaks Worship's first studio album project features The God of
Impossible music video. A song that celebrates how God is able to do the
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