Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 217: "M'shivah" God Is My Restorer

Day 217: "M'shivah" God Is My Restorer

Read: Isaiah 38:9 - 21

Today we are going to look at one more image of God from the Hebrew Scriptures, it is "M'shivah", that He is the one who, as Hezekiah prayed, “O Lord, by these things men live, And in all these is the life of my spirit; O restore me to health and let me live! (16). A more familiar passage of text is Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. He is "M'shivah", God who is my restorer. In the scriptures we see God restoring many things, the joy of salvation (Psalm 51); the rain (1 Kings 18); lost years (Joel 2:25); relationship with the Father (Luke 16); and lost wages (2 Ki 8). Our God is a God of second chances. Which of us here in this world has no need?

So, today, I am inspired to bring before you and for your prayerful consideration, God as our restorer. So, what about this image of restoration? Restoration is to bring back to the original condition, but it means much more than that also. Answer this question: which one describes your life now: As an off-road experience? As an at the crossroads experience? As a newly paved road experience? No matter what your experiences in life, God is always ready and willing to restore of lives.Someone has well said…“God composts life’s sour fruit! He restores withered and worn-out human hearts with His out pouring Spirit!” Pray about: What do those images mean to you? What needs to be restored?

It means to take something from the garbage heap and make something very special out of it. How many of you have seen the show American Restoration, I like the guys attitude, everything he sees, he sees its potential, everything is awesome to him. No matter what the condition of something is when it is first brought into his shop for restoration, he gets excited about it. I think God is that way also. I believe He enjoys restoring things to their intended purpose. We all have an intended purpose in the eyes of God. However, somehow, life and the human condition get square into the middle of it and God's intended purpose becomes our deathbed prayer for our Lord's restoration work. Let us face the truth of it all right now - we are just like Hezekiah! In desperate need of God's restorative miracles.

Isn’t God wonderful? Doesn’t God do some amazing things? One of the most amazing things is that He restores us, not just once but constantly. Pray and meditate about how many times God has restored you. Are you able to say to yourself "Boy he must really love us?" Another amazing thing he does is that despite all our flaws and our tendency to mess up, tear our walls down to heaps of rubble, God restores, includes every believer to be part of His rebuilding and restoration team through sharing of His love and hope for a future like Isaiah did for Hezekiah. He calls each one of us to not just receive but likewise busy praying for neighbors: "What is the sign that I shall go to the House of the Lord?"

Let Us Pray: M'shivah God, thank you for the act of restoration. It is so amazing to know that when we are broken and wounded, you can put us back together. You can restore that which was lost and we can be found. You can restore our hurts and and we can be whole. You are the one who can enable us to forgive. To show mercy. To bestow grace. You are the restorer of all things and for that we give you praise.

Also, M'shivah God, For anyone that is hurting at this time, I ask that you reach out your restorative Hands and pour out a healing balm to their souls. Soothe their spirits. Calm their nerves. Bind up the weary and broken pieces and grant them renewal in a mighty way. Revive them. Restore them. Do a powerful work in their lives that only you can do. We give you all glory and honor and praise that is so due your name. In the mighty, powerful, saving name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen


Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 216: "Moreh": God Is My Teacher

Day 216: "Moreh": God Is My Teacher

Read: Isaiah 48:12 - 19, John 7:16 - 18

Throughout the long course of our lives, we have had many teachers who have tried to teach us something about life. There were our parents taught us how to speak, how to perform basic tasks like how to get dressed, to get along in family. The School teachers taught us our ABC's, reading, writing, arithmetic, science etcetera. Teachers in Church Sunday School make it their ministry to open up the Living Word of God to young and impressionable minds in the prayerful hope that it will stick more than it'll slip away. I can sit here and tell you who my favorite teacher was at just about every level of education I have had, why were so memorable. How about your favorite? Why were they memorable?

Today, it is mine and the Lord's desire that you might know a little bit more about the God who would dare to go inside the Prison walls of our hearts and institutions. Allow me to first introduce to you for your prayerful consideration "Moreh" - Hebrew for God is my teacher. He is not exactly like your favorite English or Math Teacher. In fact, He is for many, their least favorite because He dares to teach all subjects 'with authority'. That authority tends to rub up against the popular culture of our day causing a great deal of frictional heat. It so easily melts all those tightly held bonds of our conformist way (Romans 12:1-2), like a sword, cleaves our spirits in two down to the marrow (Hebrews 4:12-13).

You know, I can hear all of your complaints from here in my dining room. "Who needs a teacher like that?" "Why do I need a teacher like "Moreh"? Whether we like it or not God is, was, and ever shall be the best teacher we will ever have. '“Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called; I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. “Surely My hand founded the earth, And My right hand spread out the heavens; When I call to them, they stand together (12,13).' God is the best because He is able to teach in ways that others cannot, with an authority that we as mankind can just never fathom. What student in any level of education on life needs this kind of authority? Everybody! Who needs "Moreh"? All of us!

The more I know the more I learn, the more I come to know the lessons from within our own popular culture, the more I prayerfully consider the validity of their truth, the more I meditate on their their 'presumed' authority over mine or anyone else's life, I realize one significant truth - I DON’T know much at all. Some days it is not going to be nearly enough to get through the day and it is not going to get me a job. "Moreh" teaches us more important lessons through His Holy Spirit directing His truth into my mind and give an authoritative understanding of things we could never know on our own. "Moreh" teaches your heart not just your head. We all need to be taught authoritatively right there!

Let Us Pray: Turn back into the Word of God from Psalm 25:4 - 15 to allow the Living Word Of Moreh, the God who is my Teacher, to instruct your hearts and guide your Spirits, by His authority, to that sacred place of truth and the lessons therein. In Jesus' name and By His own Authority, I say Amen!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 215: Inside The Prison Walls: Listen, Listen, Love, Love

Day 215: Inside The Prison Walls: Listen, Listen, Love, Love

Read: Mark 12:28 - 34

Well, today there are just two words that have been placed on my spirit - they are so very critical, so very important to what we are all about as a community of believers, the Body of Christ in the world, that I mention them twice each. Listen, Listen, Love, Love. We the people have a story to tell. However the truth of the matter is that most of us are not the least bit interested in listening to it. Truth also should be told that to sit and listen to the story of everyone we encountered is something most people are not prepared to do. Listening is not a natural skill that many will claim. Yet, wonderful things happen when we consciously try to learn how to listen, to really truly listen, to another human being.

28 'One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “What commandment is the foremost of all?” This scribe heard them arguing - and there is nothing that attracts our attention quite like hearing an argument. Arguments draw us into the conversation, peaks our curiosity, engages our ears in the direction of the noise. The scribe listened carefully to what it was Jesus and His unknown 'debaters' were debating about. He clearly did not just listen to what was being said with his ears, but was likewise engaging his heart. Why do that? Probably because the debate was about Loving God and all of our neighbors. Listen to any debate about love?

Where are any of you in this debate of Listen, Listen, Love, Love. Are any of you in the role of the scribe - engaged in more than listening with your ears and your mind? Wonderful things happen when we likewise learn to listen to another human being - even Jesus, the Living Word, The Living God, with our hearts too. We engage the one place in our lives that gets so often neglected when actively listening. Engaging those hearts of ours, engages our emotions and feelings, lends a different ear that makes for a greater degree of identification with the speaker. The speakers topic becomes clearer. Excitingly new relationships soon open up. We become better disciples of Jesus Christ. We become a healthier body!

Listening on all levels, Loving on all cylinders to the most important message there is: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Listen, then listen again to the depth of the words "Hear, O Israel!" "Hear, O Body of Christ" Listen! Listen says the Lord your God! "There is a whole lot of loving that need to go on - loving with all of your heart, loving with all your soul, loving with all your mind, with all of your strength! Listen! Listen! Love! Love! Love! Love!"

Let Us Pray: Dear God, I feel an empty space within me, a place where I would so love to love. I know that if my beloved Jesus came here, I would adore and cherish, honor and serve him. Please give me the opportunity to expand my heart into the life of another in the holiest way, the most beautiful way, the most intimate way, if that serves your purpose. For I would learn the secrets of love and use what I learn to grace the life of another. What a marvelous possibility, Lord, that such a treasure would be placed in my hands. Please do this. I will try my best to Listen and to Love.

Yield My Heart - Kim Walker-Smith w/ Lyrics
Yield My Heart by Kim Walker-Smith with lyrics. This video is good to use for both personal and group

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 213: Inside The Prison Walls: You Are Not Alone

Day 213: Inside The Prison Walls: You Are Not Alone

Read: Genesis 2:15 - 25, Matthew 11:25 - 28

We have placed ourselves in the moment. The moment when there is no turning back from the road God has prepared for us to travel. The gates of the Prison swing open. We walk through somewhat confident in our steps. For the uninitiated like myself, and perhaps all rookies to the call, somewhat confident is as far as we are willing to take it. If I was the only one seeking to pass through these gates right now into the great unknown before me, I am pretty sure my heart would be trying to race me straight out the door I just came through. And I meditate on that now a week after the fact. I was not alone. I had a team of men walking beside me every step of the way. No! We were never alone inside!

No we were never alone. We had each other, we had the Correctional Officers, we had the Chaplain and in a matter of hours we would have the residents of the facility. Today's word for us to consider I suppose then would be relationship. Being inside a relationship is foundational to who we are as human beings created by God. Turning to the Genesis story, I read verse 18: 'Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." Right from the beginning
of it all, God looked at the man standing all alone in the garden, scratched His divine head saying 'there is nothing right about man trying to make a go at life on his own.' 'That was NEVER in my original plan!'

Right from the beginning, we were all created to be in relationship with God first and with each other second. That was God's original plan when He spoke creation into its existence. The whole plan from beginning to end would be about being in relationship with God. Day one in relationship with day two. Day 3 with days 1 and 2 and so on. I pray you get the idea the Lord is trying to help me communicate with you. It sounds very complicated. God realized too that creation itself needed a steward to care for it so He created man in His own image, In His own Image He created them. All created things - you, me, the employees of the Prison, the residents of the facility, all made to be in relationship with God.

This theme 'You are not alone' is carried all through the entire breadth of Scripture. In the very loneliest of places, our homes, our jobs, on the road, locked behind a cell door behind high Prison walls, behind heavy steel gates and doors ringed by miles of razor wire, we are never alone with anyone except ourselves if that is the choice we make. God is always somewhere waiting to be encountered. At any given time, at any given Kairos moment, He could be walking through the Prison yard or sitting across from you at your dining room table while your best efforts at relationship are with the thumbs you are working so hard at twiddling right now. Look for an encounter with the Living God today!

Let Us Pray: Loving God, there are times in each persons life when there is no one. No one with whom to share a word, a laugh, a sad remembrance, a gentle touch, a fond embrace, a kiss of love. Please, ABBA, Father, bless each one who suffers from such loneliness. Enrich their life with a friend or gentle stranger who will spend one Kairos moment noticing and loving like You do. In those times, as You let Your love shine through, the world as we know it is reborn, recreated into Your Image, into Your Image it is recreated and made new and their friendship with Christ is known. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, worlds without end! So be it! Yes, So Be It - In Jesus' name. Amen

Francesca Battistelli - Strangely Dim (Official Lyric Video)
Get Francesca Battistelli's "Strangely Dim" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/strangelydim

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 212: Inside The Prison Walls: An Authentic Calling

Day 212: Inside The Prison Walls: An Authentic Calling

Read: Isaiah 6:1 - 8, Matthew 23:1 - 12

There is a word on my spirit today as I sit here contemplating this devotional effort. That word, the word for today, is authenticity. The authenticity of the feeling, of the call that I felt was placed on my heart, on my spirit and finally on my mind. As with most anything that finds its way into our souls, especially something that requires us to extend ourselves into places we would not under most any circumstance entertain we would go. For the novice skier, it might be the draw of the 'leg breaker' trail when you are still learning how to stand up or trying to do all manner of acrobatics with a skateboard you are not even sure you can stand upright on. Being authentically called by myself of called by God.

As I considered the call of Prison Ministry on my heart, one of my primary concerns were where was the call coming from and was it authentic, was it real. Was it from inside of me that I might satisfy some lingering curiosity, or some minor itch I felt so so completely tempted to scratch? Or was it an authentic call from God to purposely give me an opportunity to expand my spiritual horizons - Love God, Love ALL, Join the Journey. All is one of those words that means exactly what it says without using too many flowery words. All means just that - All, period end of story Amen! No exception permitted. The fight I found myself in was with my heart and with my God. I was arguing: "are You being serious?"

The call of Isaiah is a fairly familiar one to Christians. In some degree or another we have read that passage and we raised our arms in surrender of our lives. It is really a beautifully stirring passage of Hebrew Scripture. Isaiah looks up from where ever he has positioned himself, sees God sitting in His own throne room. What an amazing sight or vision that must have been. I think to myself somewhere inside of me and I wonder - really? What pill did Isaiah just pop? The vision is just too wildly fantastic to
be considered anything but authentic. Today, we are quickly handing someone a cup looking for an authentic urine sample. Struggle number one: Is my vision authentically me or authentically of God?

The next one was really the toughest one to figure out. Then Isaiah said: "Woe, I am a man of unclean lips, living among men of unclean lips (and I can imagine that there hearts were not too far behind); for my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of Hosts." My own sentiments about who I was and what I was and where I was living were on target with the words Isaiah spoke. Here was the inner conflict, more like a war, I found myself in. Could I respond to this God vision with an authentic heart and an authentic voice speaking God's authentic Gospel message? People are extraordinarily tuned into 'fraudulent Christianity' and will get turned off in a heartbeat. Help me God! Help me be authentic.

Let Us Pray: Jesus, infuse us with your Spirit’s authenticity. We do not want to be religious hypocrites who turn people off spiritually because they can see through our false bravado, nor do we want to heap condemnation on our brothers and sisters. We are not perfect in ourselves. We are only perfected by your blood, Jesus. Help us to see just how much you love us and how much freedom and power is available to us through that love, and then let that powerful truth explode from our chests and be evidenced in the way we live our lives. Let those people whom we encounter become forever changed simply because they were able to sample your love through the way we treated them. Thank you, Jesus. We love you. Lord, God, help me to be authentic.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 211: Inside The Prison Walls: Know Thyself

Day 211: Inside The Prison Walls: Know Thyself

Read: John 1:43 - 51

It all begins on the inside. Inside the Prison walls of the facility. Inside the Prison walls of your heart. Introspection, looking inward, preparing yourself for the message that is coming, preparing yourself to receive the message, and preparing your inner self to then begin a process of acceptance of that message being proclaimed - Introspection. Called to witness to truth and self knowledge which sets the foundation for freedom, for the freedom to spontaneously respond to an encounter with Messiah, The Living God wherever you are in life. Introspection, set at ease within the inner self, an inner calmness. So let us turn our focus and our attention on what is going on with Nathaniel under the fig tree.

Consider introspection today. Become Nathaniel for a period of time. Off to one side, the 'thinker', in deep contemplation, meditating over truth - what is truth to to me? Who is trustworthy and true in this day and age? In our reading today, we see Philip bringing Nathaniel to Jesus. Jesus has seen Nathaniel before, but Nathaniel had not yet seen Jesus. Where had Jesus seen Nathaniel before - do not know. All we really know about that is when Jesus saw him under the fig tree - apparently alone. I like to think he was trying to get to know himself better. That does not seem particularly important, we all do what Nathaniel did. But it is just enough to get Jesus' attention. It is enough for Him to come.

When was the last time you did what Nathaniel did - take a break from life to just go somewhere all by yourself - to think about yourself? To contemplate your place in the grand scheme of life? We need to especially think about ourselves, about who we are and about how we feel about what is important to us, about who is important to us. We need to think about what makes us happy, sad, about what things make us feel good about ourselves and what things make us feel feel bad, feel guilty, about what we like and what we do not like. In short, and this is what I am asking you to take a moment of God's Kairos to prayerfully consider - Take an anointed and God appointed moment, to think about YOU!

Well, Nathaniel was seen by Jesus. He was drawn to him in this moment of deepest thought. In Prison, there is much time for the resident to just sit in his cell to think. I do not know what they think about - escape, what they did that got them there, what are they going to do with all the hours, what are they going to do to prepare for the day of eventual release, is there truth here in this locked cell behind these tall prison walls, does anyone see them in their cells beside the guards - perhaps maybe God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit? I do not know what another person thinks. I don't know what you are thinking at this moment. I do know though without any doubt that Jesus is being drawn to your side.

Let Us Pray: Today, I pray for you and all Nathaniel's. My prayer for you comes from the Psalter of God's very own heart - Psalm 8 and then Psalm 20.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 210: Inside The Prison Walls: Sharing A Table With Sinners?

Day 210: Inside The Prison Walls: Sharing A Table With Sinners?

Read: Matthew 9:9 - 13, Mark 2:14 - 17, Psalm 107:10 - 16

Yesterday, I asked each of you to consider what it was for you to testify to love inside the prison walls. As I can probably guess, your immediate reaction was to look at the high thick walls of the Prison facility itself with all the barbed razor wire and fences. I agree that this is ONE proper place to consider taking your testimony to love. But, it was not the ONLY proper place, the only prison walls that I was referring to. Most of us can agree that going inside a state or federal penitentiary in holy response to a call from God is a very difficult one. It was for me too. There was much self examination. The very first obstacles to overcome were the high, well razored prison walls surrounding my very own heart.

Why should this one be the first obstacle for us to consider aside from the foreboding walls of concrete, steel, and razor wire? Because it is the first one you will encounter with the resident should your response ever be "Yes, send me, Lord." Hard to think of your own heart as being a prison unto itself? Consider where you are in your attitudes about the 'untouchables' that first the Pharisee's would never touch, the lepers, the crippled, the sinners, all the ones they would not give the time of day. "11 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, “Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?” Ask yourself: "Why would, nay why should, I ever dare to share a meal with them too?"

Consider the call of Levi, who would be called Matthew by Jesus. Tax collectors were widely vilified as the very worst collection of criminals by the Jews. Untouchable for they made money for the Romans. They put their booths in the most public of places to be sure the people gave to Caesar what was Caesar's. These are the equivalent of the drug dealers on the street corners of our neighborhoods today. Bleeding our communities red with corruption and poisoning the whole of populations with their wares. Like Levi, they collect more that their fair share at the expense of others with no thought of 'the other guy'. In the streets - a menace, in prison, a man within a cell not made of just concrete but also of flesh.

Rightfully so, you say. And I would absolutely agree with you 100% that is where they belong - in prison. They are out of our sight and out of our minds and out of our lives. Good Riddance Amen!? But as the call of Matthew reveals, they are not very far from the mind and the sight of Jesus Christ. And Jesus wants them to be a part of His life! That is a seriously tough one to contemplate. I was seeing them through the eyes and heart of the Pharisees as I guess you are too. Rightfully so! This is where our hearts need to begin considering the implication of sharing a table with the ultimate sinners.
My prayerful encouragement for you would be, in God's Kairos, to read and consider Matthew 9:12-13.

Let Us Pray: Kairos time, God's special time, God's anointed and appointed time - I ask you to take into the prison walls of your heart the words of King David, the Living Words of Psalm 20, in particular perhaps the depths of truth to be mined from 6 - 9.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 209: Going Inside The Prison Walls: Testifying To Love

Day 209: Going Inside The Prison Walls: Testifying To Love

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 21

Well, my friends, I have returned home from the Kairos (Inside) Prison Ministry four day retreat at Maryland Correctional Institute at Jessup Maryland where In was one of 36 other Christian men called by God to bring the message of God's unconditional love and message of reconciliation and forgiveness to 42 residents of the facility. It was truly an absolutely awesome once in a lifetime Kairos moment. God's own special moment of time, God's anointed time, God's appointed time. Moments that are so far beyond historical, steeped with immeasurable significance for these men and us too. He, Jesus, who had no sin but became sin for us, met with us inside the prison walls. But not just the walls of Jessup.

One of the most foreboding of places to contemplate - Prison, a place where people are housed who are deemed unsafe to live in normalized civilized society. Scary, very scary, very intimidating, dangerous because this is the safest place where truly the most dangerous of men are kept separated by high thick walls, miles of strung razor are housed. There are guard towers everywhere. I was sufficiently intimidated. But I was also drawn to this place, called by God to this Kairos moment. Basically to receive
an education, answer the most pressing question on my heart: Just what is heavens name can Jesus do here, in a place like this? What message does he want us to give to those at Jessup, to ourselves?

Their hearts are too cold, too evil, too antisocial, too selfish, to receive anything from me. At least that is what I went in there with. So why go in at all? In a word - Love: '13 For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you. 14 For the love of Christ controls us, ....' And this is where I would ask that each of you begin to prayerfully meditate within your hearts to consider this question: Is there anyplace where the testimony of God's love, the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ should not go? I ask you to consider this in your own right, because I recognize in your heart, and I so respect that your heart and mine too might just be a victim of one of their heartless crimes.

Being victimized is no fun place to be and for me it is best avoided at all costs. I have been there and done that and had no fun living each day through it. However, it is still very important to consider where you are in this matter. In your heart do you believe that the message of the unconditional love, forgiveness, reconciliation of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit belongs or should be taken inside these walls. Take some Kairos time, God's time for yourselves. For to reach the point where we feel that we
become so beside ourselves, so sound of mind and spirit, where we are compelled, controlled by the love of Jesus Christ, we must first testify inside the prisons within our very own hearts of God's love.

Let Us Pray: We come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the universe, we are praying thee for forgiveness, reconciliation, cleansing, guidance and blessing. Father, we are praying and hoping that in your mercy you would please forgive us all our life sins, and that you would make us spiritually clean each of any impurities that may affect our souls; and thus, we would become worthy to pray to you and our prayers of forgiveness and reconciliation would be heard and accepted. We are praying in the hope that we would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation cleansing, guidance, and blessing, and after receiving them, let us be your humble servants. In the name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit. Amen

Testify To Love | Avalon
VERSE 1: All the colors of the rainbow All of voices of the wind Every dream that reaches out That reaches out to find where love begins Every word

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 205: "To The Extent That You Did It To One Of These Brothers Of Mine,"

Day 205: "To The Extent That You Did It To One Of These Brothers Of Mine,"

Read: Matthew 25:31 - 40, Psalm 107:10 - 16

There are some passages in the Bible that when read really try to hammer away at your heart. And this one is probably the toughest for me to read. Right off the bat it gives the reader a choice: do you want to be counted with the sheep on the right or the goats on the left. And if that is not enough, there is a little turn of the screw by God that strongly hints at our eternal destination when we finally pass from this world to the next. Which will it be Jesus Asks - Heaven or hell? That is an eye grabber and a nasty guilt trip just waiting for the right moment, God's Special Moment, God's own Appointed Moment - our Kairos moment, to get firmly planted in our wandering spirit.

Today, I would ask you to prayerfully consider the Ancient Greek word 'Kairos'. From  Wikipedia: 'Kairos means the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time between, a moment of indeterminate time in which something special happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.' Kairos, "God's Special Time", "God's Appointed Time" when we as
'Builders of God's Kingdom on earth' are called to account: "When did we see Jesus?"

It is not just when did we see Jesus homeless, hungry, sick, dehydrated, because we can all just sit back and say "I remember the time when I saw ...." We can pinpoint verses in the Bible when we saw Jesus hungry and He fed the thousands, lived the life of an Itinerant Rabbi going from place to place with 'no rock to lay His head upon', thirsty and we gave Him something bitter to drink and sick with grief over His much beloved Jerusalem as He wished He could gather them together as a mother hen will gather her chicks. Yes we can easily pinpoint those timeless moments. Now, Jesus is asking us to take it one giant step further - When did we ever see Him inside prison?

Anytime, the crowds wanted to haul Jesus away, He always was able to move quietly through the crowds 'because His time, His Kairos Time, God's Special and Appointed time had not arrived yet'. It did not arrive until He prophesied that it would and we know this as His Passion experience and our Easter experience. But we still did not see Him in any Jewish and Roman prison. If we had, it would have almost certainly been the absolute last place we would have gone to visit this fully condemned man. My association with Him at that moment would probably compelled me to lie like a guy named Peter did. I am glad that Jesus qualifies this with: 'to the extent possible.'

Let Us Pray: Lord, 'to the extent possible', move in my life so I may more fully 'to the extent possible' live in Yours. To the extent possible, move in my life so I may to the fullest extent possible see You wherever I may be called to go. To the extent possible to move in my life so I may to the fullest extent possible build up Your Kingdom here.

Build Your Kingdom Here - Rend Collective Experiment
By the Rend Collective and from their new album "Home Made Worship" this is "Build Your Kingdom Here" with lyrics. Download from iTunes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 204: An Unreliable God, A Trustworthy God

Day 204: An Unreliable God, A Trustworthy God

Read: John 14:11 - 15, Hebrews 13:7 - 13

Today, my friends, the Lord has placed a topic on my heart that is very dear to me. I have been making an effort, with the Lord's help, to bring to mind for your prayerful consideration, contrasting images of God anyone of us could have based on our own lifetime experiences. One image has consistently been one that might be considered to be a distorted personal or worldview. The second, one that has been seen through the hearts and minds of God's constant, unchanging faith, hope and love. But what is on my heart is this - Once we have placed that particular image of God in our hearts we live and act out our lives based on that image, sharing the message of that image, protecting and guarding that image.

In particular is this - is the image of a God who is 'unchanging' actually a reliable one for us? Is it trustworthy and true? This question for some is probably 'of course', 'no doubt on my mind' 'what else would there be to believe if God changes like we do?' I guess that last question is the one that kicks at me the hardest, maybe you too. I ask this because for those who have no faith in God or a faith in God that says "Oh I know God is reliable, I know he is unchanging, faithful and true and all that and all that. Let me tell you where I believe God is unchanging from generation to generation ... and they lay out a litany of stuff - my daddy was blind and deaf to me, so therefore my ABBA, my Father God is too!

So, as I consider what I should be praying about today as I prepare for entering the prison environment, is the broad expanse of contrasting world views of God held by those participants and the steadfast unchanging reliability that they have assigned for themselves to live and act out their daily lives by. I once had a Sunday school teacher a long time ago who was asked by another 5 year old, "How do you pray to God? A significant question is it not, and pretty foundational to us if we hold to God's always 'reliable' promise: "Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father
may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it." (John 13,14)

The teacher said this "It is simple. As you would talk with your own dad, just talk with God!" Great answer, very profound answer, very safe answer. So, I got the message, considered it to be fully reliable, trustworthy and true. Now, my friends, about that 'talking with your own dad' stuff? Humph, my dad was deaf in both ears. So if I wanted to talk with him, I had to yell and he did not like me to do that. I would try to express my heart to him, the first thing dad did was turn off his one hearing aid. Try to continue, dad would turn off his other hearing aid, then he would finally remove them altogether. The alleged reliability of my dad transformed me and became the Unreliability of my God!

Let us Pray: ABBA Father, we learn and learn well from the experiences of our lives. What we learn becomes how we act and live out our daily lives, not always in the most intelligent of ways when compared to the wisdom of Your plan. Our views of life in your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven so often become reliably and tragically distorted. Too often it takes too long for us to recognize this and sadly by that time, we have made one too many mistakes which we hold on to as being unforgivable. Our 'most reliable' image of you as an unchanging God who is always faithful, always merciful, always forgiving and always loving God becomes for us not the least bit believable. ABBA Father, search our hearts, and by Your grace and wisdom change me from the inside out. Transform the eyes of my heart to see You as You really are.

From the Inside Out (Lyrics) - Phillips Craig and Dean
From the Inside Out (Lyrics) - Phillips Craig and Dean

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 203: A God Who Forgets And A God Who Remembers

Day 203: A God Who Forgets And A God Who Remembers

Read: Isaiah 49:14 - 16, Romans 8:1 - 11

There are two more days now until I and thirty eight Christian men venture forth into the Maryland Correctional Institute for Men at Jessup Maryland for the first time as a team to minister to forty two resident participants. I will not say 'inmates' here as I find that word to be rather cold and dehumanizing a word. It projects to me now as a way of separating these men from the rest of the world community. I used to think of it that way. As I reconsider this held up against the light of Romans 8:1,2 'For now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, for the Law of the Spirit life has set you Free from the law of sin and death.' This I find is my next transition to contemplate and meditate upon.

I ask each of you to prayerfully reconsider this too That prayerful transition between
feeling you have been 'thrown away', 'forgotten in the valleys of sin and death' and locked and blocked away from The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Is there something to this or is there not? I mean I know that there is no place God is not. But then I ask of you to consider what is doing the locking and blocking. Is it just the high security of the prison itself? The high walls, miles of barbed wire, all the locked doors that just slam shut behind you giving it a shuttering sense of permanence about it. Is it the one inescapable truth that as the doors slam shut with a loud thud that you have no key to use to back out and leave?

No, while all those are true in the physical sense, I go back to yesterdays devotional about forgiveness and I have to ask each of us this question that we may ponder it accordingly: "How about those sins that we each hold on to as being unforgivable and
unforgettable?" It is natural in my mind, probably yours as well, for us to steadfastly
hold onto the worst things we have ever done in our lives, the guilt, the shame then
translate that into "What if someone else knew?" "What if I get caught?" "What if I have already been caught and convicted in the courts of my own mind or the courts that hold sway over my freedom? My guilt! My shame! My jail cell! My mind! My God!

Being raised in a Jewish household, there was that commandment 'Honor you father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which God gives you.'
I would definitely get a failing grade because me and my dad ... well, suffice to say it did not go well at all. On his deathbed, while I tried to reconcile, with whatever small
amount of life he had in him, he turned his thumb down on me - condemning me on
that death bed. At this point I was sure I was condemned by God too, a God who is all
knowing, remembers everything and never forgets, on earth as it is in heaven amen!
I cannot help but want to prayerfully consider how this transitions behind prison bars.

Let Us Pray: Lord, how good is your memory today of all my actions from all of my yesterdays? Lord, how much do you remember of those moments when I have so completely and utterly failed in the eyes of my family, my friends, my neighbors? How
can I know that the prison bars of my own making - my guilt, my shame, humiliation can be safely broken and shattered and scattered to the four winds? I am locked up here Lord, and have been for longer than I care remember and would much sooner rather forget. You say there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus for the law of life and love is freedom from bondage to sin and death. Lord I do believe but I ask you now in all humility, body mind and spirit, to help me and guide me through my own unbelief and likewise theirs.

Listen To Our Hearts - Casting Crowns
Bonus track from the iTunes prebuy of Come to the Well. Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Geoff Moore.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 202: A Condemning God And A Forgiving God

Day 202: A Condemning God And A Forgiving God

Read: Psalm 137, Matthew 18:21 - 35, Romans 8:1 - 11

As I find myself making those final last minute preparations for my upcoming Kairos Prison Ministry weekend at Maryland Correctional Institute - Jessup, Maryland this Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening, I find myself having to pray about some things that have found their way into my heart over the years. I pray that you too will take some time to pray too about setting aside certain spiritual "are you kidding!" "I have been called by God to do what and minister for whom?!" God calls us to go to a certain place, and minister to a certain group of people - I get that, I accept that, I do that, most times quite willingly and obediently. But, inside a Prison? Never done that!

I find myself in need of meditating over the image of an angry God who freely condemned His people, the nation of Israel to seventy years of Exile, with all finality anyone could imagine - destroyed cities, destroyed cultures, destroyed places of worship, forced marches of who knows what distance to the cities of Babylon and God only knows the actual emotional and psychological impact of this whole experience upon the Israelite people - of which we get but a small, compact feeling for in Psalm 137. "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion." (1) then the emotional depth of the last verse "Blessed are the ones who will smash the heads of your babies against the rocks." That is a powerfully tough image to contemplate, understand let alone read!

That is one extraordinarily complete image of God's condemnation found in Scripture. So I think of that last verse of Psalm 137 and I think of "blessed are the ones who will walk into your home and your store and flash a gun in someone's face threatening of the security of their life and family. Truly blessed are the victims of senseless crime, of murder over $5 or $10, or any other crimes of violence or any allegedly victimless criminal offenses. I have been a victim of crime when years ago a homeless man had broken into my home and robbed me blind, turning my house upside down leaving me scared out of my mind for weeks until I was notified he was apprehended. I asked, Why God?

"Kick em all to the curb!" "Let em all rot for what they did!" "They stole a piece of my life from me! So why should I care if a piece of their life is taken from them? They deserve it and that is all there is to it - end of story, over and OUT! Then there is the 8th Chapter of Romans and that amazingly difficult promise that I have to swallow in all humility and gentleness when I am ministering to the resident participants which is 'Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.' I am now in Christ Jesus so therefore there is now condemnation for me of all of those utterly unforgivable sins of my life. Pray that I can better carry the burden of that message of forgiveness!

Let Us Pray: Lord God, Creator of all things, Creator of forgiveness and of mercy, I do not pretend (at least I try not to) to know the wisdom of Your ways, why You place upon our hearts the calling to care for all of our neighbors, especially those who have hurt us in some way, have victimized us through fear and intimidation and threats of violence, who have callously stolen from us irreplaceable portions of our lives for their own selfish criminal gain. Lord, I read Your Psalm 137 and my heart is rekindled with hatred for those who perpetrate criminal acts against a vulnerable society. Now, as I prepare for entering that Prison facility in Jessup, Maryland, help me to bring them Your message of forgiveness and not mine that says fully condemn them to their fates as I would most certainly prefer. Help me to overcome myself in this regard that I may fully serve You and my neighbor in Prison..

Matthew West - Forgiveness with lyrics
Amazing song about forgiveness!! Whatever it is you're going through, whoever it is you are trying to forgive, I can promise you that the best thing you can ...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 201: An All Seeing Eye But With A Face Turned Away From Me

Day 201: An All Seeing Eye But With A Face Turned Away From Me

Read: Psalm 139 and Psalm 13

One of the key thoughts in all the Hebrew Scriptures is the idea of knowing God. God said through Jeremiah, "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me." (Jeremiah 9:23-24). God is saying to us that the one thing that we can take pride in is the fact that we know him. What do you believe on this? Knowledge is unavoidably, absolutely essential for any of us to do even the most basic things in life. The knowledge that we need to eat and to drink, the knowledge to where the refrigerator, the food pantry are deeply significant if one is to keep on living.

Following this same line of thought, Jesus said, "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (John 17:3). So, eternal life is based on whether or not we’ve come to know God. But, having read these passages, and incidentally there are many more that convey the same thought, let me suggest to you that it’s possible for a person to know a great deal about God without ever knowing God. And I believe too often we’ve confused the two. How about those distorted images of God drawn from the individual's own knowledge of personal experiences? Psalmists that write to us from the heart saying: 'Lord, turn not thy face away from me!"

We have managed to come up with this list of qualities about God -- That He is the eternal, holy, all-loving, all-wise, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere at the same time) God. And we somehow come to the one conclusion that if we understand all these qualities about God, then we 'know' God. But that’s knowing about God and it doesn’t really apply to whether or not I know him. What are your thoughts about this - 'knowing God' with your 'head' versus 'knowing God' with your heart. Head knowledge versus Heart knowledge - are they the same? Are they different? One can 'see' with their eyes. How about their seeing with their hearts as well?

In order to know God through our minds eye and through the eyes of our hearts too, we must be willing to commit our lives to following his will. John wrote, "Now by this we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He who says, ’I know him’, and does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2:3-4). That is a pretty tough word to look at, 'liar', with your mind and your heart, because nobody wants to be seen or known as a 'liar'. But what if our own set
of personal experiences, say like my own once, "God, I see that you see everything all of the time. That is a good thing. but, why did You turn your face away from me?' For me, a loaded question, for you?

Let Us Pray: Pray both of the Psalms 139 and 13 (in no particular order but how your mind or your heart might tell you to proceed.) in ways that are individual to your own life experiences and present circumstances. Make God's Living Word personal to you! See God with your minds eye and your hearts.

Psalm 139 Mercy Me
Psalm 139. Mercy Me version. www.atodoelmundo.com

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 200: God Has Set Eternity In The Heart Of Man

Day 200: God Has Set Eternity In The Heart Of Man

Read: John 17:1 - 12, Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15

Well my friends, a special time has arrived for me. It has been a long time coming. I guess that you might (at least I do) as Kairos time - God's special time and I desire to celebrate it with you all. Today represents the revelation writing of my 300th devotion in a row. That is right! For the last 300 days I have gotten up at 0 dark 30 to consider what the Lord has done for me and mine. It is now 300 devotions in 300 days. Praise be to God for this amazing moment. It blows me away that God can use me, trust me to share His Word with the world community. So it seems only fitting that our offering
today is on time - God's and ours: “Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son,..."

'After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.' Consider for yourselves just what this verse is saying to you. Consider the timing of it all. 'After Jesus said this', but what did He just say (16:32,33): "Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Our Hour for scattering is here, His Hour for overcoming! Our hour for gathering together!

In the world we have tribulation - that is true. Today is unquestionably a time for that. Tribulation is timeless, Jesus said that. Our time for scattering is still ever present in this day and age in response to that tribulation. There is always a time for scattering. But God and Jesus gives us a chance to change this, to bridge the gap from this very moment to the moment that we struggle to realize - that moment which is God's time for us to 'overcome the world' giving us such timeless tribulation - thanks be to God! Ecclesiastes 3:11 "11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, ..' All we have to do, is pray for God awareness to recognize it and seize it, make it ours!

Consider well, the magnitude of the challenge that God has placed before mankind at this moment: recognizing that there is a time for scattering and tribulation and a time for gathering ourselves together in prayer and overcoming. There is a right moment, a Kairos moment, God's special moment, God's appointed moment when we need to say as Jesus did: After (your name) said this, he/she looked up to heaven and prayed "Father, the time has come, Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify You through me!" The time has come for me to prayerfully finish that verse - 'through me'. But it is not the end of time, God must continue to be glorified, yea unto the end of the age! He has gifted us eternity!

Let Us Pray: Today, let your prayer be a personalized consideration and reflection of Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15 and the High Priestly Prayer from John. Place yourself in the moment, the Kairos moment, God's one and only perfect moment: "“Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, ....." Amen Amen & Amen


Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 199: "The Lord Is My Shepherd" & "The Lord Is My Warrior"

Day 199: "The Lord Is My Shepherd" & "The Lord Is My Warrior"

Read: Isaiah 53:5 - 7, Isaiah 54:16 - 17

Today, I desire to bring to your prayerful attention the image of God as our Protector. I specifically recall these very powerful verses from 53:6, 54:16 - 17. What really is standing out for me in these passages are the contrasts between we as the sheep of of our Shepherd God (Psalm 23:1) somehow growing a brain and somewhere we've become clever enough to elude the ever watchful, ever searching eyes of our ever vigilant Chief Shepherd - God. I find myself wondering about this because the price of our wandering away someone who was meant to be our protector suddenly found
suffering, oppression and vulnerability right at the front gate to the Shepherd's home. Do we see them?

But verse 7 interests me greatly and perhaps you too as well. What interests me the most is the posture of the Shepherd. Suffering, Oppression, and Vulnerability have come marching in like nobody else's business to the entrance to the sheep pen. And the Shepherd interposes Himself between the threat and we who are His sheep. He says nothing to the threat except that by His Presence and His staunch unwillingness to give one inch of ground to that threat. He doesn't have to say a word because He knows there is nothing the threat can do to gain that foothold in the lives of the sheep
He will forever be protecting with His life. But are these sheep paying any attention? Should we be?

Are we, as the beloved sheep of God's pasture even paying a little attention to the silent vigilance of the Shepherd? I wonder If I am because I tend to quickly dismiss these Spiritual Battles and put (perhaps too much so) my eternal assurance into a verse like 1Corinthians 15:58 "But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ." That the battle always belonged to the Lord and that victory is already a fact so I do not have to worry about such matters any more. But in point of fact, I realize now that I am still that sheep who keeps trying to grow a brain and still that sheep that keeps wandering away from the fold. I still need God's protection! Do we still want God's protection?

Isaiah 54 gives us a completely different and remarkably stark, even extreme image of God as Protector of His wandering sheep. God in full battle array. God standing as the mighty blacksmith forging weapons in the great blast furnaces of heaven. The bellows force feeding air to stoke the great flames which heat the metal, which the Blacksmith forges His greatest weapons that nothing forged by man can overcome! The gentle yet unmoving, unyielding silent image of the Shepherd, the Blacksmith, powerful and strong, projecting battle hardened, battle tested determination to forge better weapons to fight the sheep's battles. But what I/We need to do is to pay attention! Do you believe this as well?

Let Us Pray: *The Prayer For Protection

The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
The Mind of God guides me.
The Life of God flows through me.
The Laws of God direct me.
The Power of God abides within me.
The Joy of God uplifts me.
The Strength of God renews me.
The Beauty of God inspires me.
Wherever I am, God is!

* This prayer was written by James Dillet Freeman for all soldiers during World War II. It is as powerful today as it was then.

Worthy is the Lamb - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) I made my own

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 198: God - The Observant: "l Need A Miracle!"

Day 198: God - The Observant: "l Need A Miracle!"

Read: 2 Chronicles 16:7 - 10 (NASB)

Today, the Lord and I give for your prayerful consideration and energies this verse of His Hebrew Scripture: '2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...”. What does this say to us about our God and His relationship toward us? The first image that came to my mind was 'for the eyes of the Lord'. It is the word 'for' that catches my eye. It tells me that God is a God of involvement and of action and it is always an ongoing one, it is always an engaging one. And that is very good news. God and His binoculars trained on us: He, is contemplating this: "Where can I put a miracle today?"

Do you believe in miracles? I certainly do! The miracle that I am even alive after I fell on a patch of black ice, shattering my left hip into 7 (yes, seven) pieces. Unable to do anything for myself except lie on the cold ground where absolutely no one could see me in the pitch black of the night nor hear me because I could not yell over the pain. Even if I could have yelled, all the snow around me would have deafened the sound. All I had that I had before me that night was the prospect of slowly freezing to death.
The only words I could muster were "My God, No!" My God heard my anguish, He saw my plight from the furthest depths of eternity. He searched me out from all ends of the earth, He saved my life.

Every day, God watches out for an opportunity to do a great thing for you when your heart is perfect towards him. Anyone who claims that he does not need a miracle must be somebody without goals in life. We are all in need of miracles and thank God that we have the God of miracles. Perhaps the greatest miracle of that night for me is not that I am walking today but the personal testimony I derive from the final part of today's verse: 'to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...”. You see, that night I fell, my heart did not have very much of God in it and it was certainly no where near perfect. In point of fact - it had precious little faith. It was filled with rage!

I'm not talking about any simplified version of the word rage defined in human terms if there's one. My rage was a thirty + year old rage against Father God Himself. I was convinced He was completely blind and deaf to my life and the junk I had to deal with. He did not see me, He was not looking for me, He was not listening to me. And that is the way it was in my mind. And for more than thirty years it festered and festered and morphed into the absolute ugliness of perfect hatred. Yet for seven months prior to my fall, I went to church for the first time. I found myself being drawn to the Cross. That Miracle? What little faith I had was enough for God to search for me, to see, find, me and to save me!

Let Us Pray: Just for today, 'search my heart, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way. Yes, Lord I do so believe, but please, Lord, Please, Please, "Help My Unbelief!" I pray in the name of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. Amen


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 197: Jesus the Sage, Wisdom Teacher: His Versus Ours

Day 197: Jesus the Sage, Wisdom Teacher: His Versus Ours

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 31

Today I want to take a look at another portrait of Jesus – Jesus the Sage or Wisdom Teacher. My hearts desire is to contrast the ancient wisdom of Jesus with the wisdom of our world, the values Jesus taught and the values our world teaches. And we will see that the Kingdom of Jesus is truly a Kingdom Upside-Down. Perhaps I do not see, perhaps you do not see either. Perhaps there is no one who truly sees the Kingdom of Jesus is truly an earthly kingdom waiting to be turned upside down, turned on its ear, made contrary to the ways we are expected to understand and expected to function. How do you who are reading this compare and contrast the wisdom of Jesus as Sage, the wisdom of Man as Sage?

What is a “Sage”? Quite simply, a Sage is a very wise person, one to whom others go for guidance and direction. Often they were teachers, sometimes simply people whom others would freely go to for advice and counsel when facing difficult decisions. Books such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and even Song of Songs are known to us as “Wisdom Literature,” and are typical examples of the kind of teaching that would come from a Sage probably King Solomon the wisest man, before Jesus, who ever lived. Reading this Wisdom literature is nothing quite like reading an ordinary book. The words and pages may look like other writings we've read. So, God's Words of wisdom or ours? Whose wisdom do we hold on to?

God's Word, given to men, interpreted by man, transcribed by man - Our Bible. God's Living Word made manifest, made real, revealed through His Son Jesus Christ. Made alive for all generations through the Resurrection and the life of Jesus Christ who did walk the earth just like you and me and countless others. The Ancient Wisdom for the contemporary man. What is that to us today? What do these images: Ancient Wisdom and contemporary man; Ancient Wisdom versus contemporary wisdom stir up inside your spirits this day? 20 'Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?' Hasn't He? Well, Hasn't he?

18 'For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written, (God's Word's revealed to man, interpreted by the wisdom of man, included in the Biblical Canon by the wisdom of man) “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.” What is the best wisdom of mankind actually telling mankind? What do you believe it is saying or should be saying to us, believers and non believers alike today? Let us for a moment consider changing one word of verse 18. 'For the WISDOM of the cross is
foolishness to those who those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved? Wisdom means ....?

Let Us Pray: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures to be written for our own learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life, which through Your wisdom you have given us in our Risen Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Song: Mercy Me - Word Of God Speak Videographer/Editting: Marlon Harris Actress: Danelle Harris Date: 2004 Location: Boynton
Song: Mercy Me - Word Of God Speak Videographer/Editting: Marlon Harris Actress:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 196: About All Those "I Will Do" Things Of God?

Day 196: About All Those "I Will Do" Things Of God?

Read: 2 Chronicles 7:13, 16, Ezekiel 36:25 - 27, 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 31

The Holy Spirit has placed something on my heart today, that for me, and I pray for you too, we should all be discussing amongst our selves, our families, our friends and co-workers and that is this - the image of inattentive God that says by His perceived, (at least perceived that way by us anyway) constant lack of visible interest in our well being and lack of desire to do what we want the precise moment when we feel we are need of it. You know that perpetually unanswered prayer that we keep sending up to His door step? The one that seems to lie there forever through the wind, rain, the cold winter, blistering summers? Mine? Reconciliation between my family back home where my heart rests.

So, I read these verses from 2 Chronicles, these very words from God's mouth that say first 'If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,' which I believe in the spiritual essence is quietly, sometimes explosively going on back home between two of my sisters whom I both dearly love, and I have repeatedly prayed as the Lord has required: 'and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.' Those "I will's" are so far are His "I wont's" and there are days it really plays my heart.

Maybe you have been here too where all God's wonderful "I Will" promises drag on forever. As an eternity of time passes by, slowly one can be drawn into that mindset of 'yeah right God - It is not like you have not promised that before!' It is not that we do not have faith that God will get to it eventually, it is that the longer 'eventually' is at making its arrival, there are still some pretty harsh words being exchanged, there are precious family moments that wont be remembered that way and forgiveness is, well, going to be that much harder to both give and to receive. So the heavens stay shut up so there is a drought of God's grace in that place that I always call home where my heart always is.

But then I can read a passage like that from Ezekiel, Prophet to the Exiles: 'Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.' Then I can, I pray you can too for your situation, move from the "I will be petrified that the situation at home will go to far" to one that confidently says "I will be purified" "They will be purified" and God will do it! Yes! God WILL do IT!!

19 For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.” 20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? ... 23 but we will preach Christ crucified, ... Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.' ... But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, 31 so that, just as it is written, “Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

Therefore Let Us Pray: Holy God, Word made flesh, let us come to this Word open to being surprised. Silence our agendas; banish our assumptions; cast out our casual detachment. Confound our expectations; clear the cobwebs from our ears; penetrate the corners of our hearts with this word. We know that you can, we pray that you will, and we WILL wait with great anticipation. Amen.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 195: Immanuel, God With Us? God Beside Us? Really?

Day 195: Immanuel, God With Us? God Beside Us? Really?

Read: Matthew 11:28 - 30

What is it that is weighing you down? I do not believe it is too much of a stretch for anyone here to admit that there is something that is weighing them down and it is not the law of gravity which keeps everyone from floating off into deep space. I mean what is it, what are those burdens which is weighing you down? That unwelcome set of barbells resting on your shoulders? I Believe in our lives we have many things that weigh us down and more times than not, they are things that we can easily let go of but we tend to hold on to them with dear life, weighing ourselves down so much that moving forward is seen as virtually non-existent, almost unachievable in our minds, as far as the east is from the west.

Some would call this 'excess baggage' and they feel as though they are carrying Samsonite suitcases everywhere they go - even to the corner store or upstairs to the bathroom or to the kitchen or just about anywhere else in their home. It is everywhere you go. Have you noticed the little children going to school with their backpacks loaded down with their papers and books? Backpacks for a 5 year old child? Have you noticed how as they go through their schooling those backpacks get heavier and heavier and bigger, bigger? All kinds of stuff ends up within them and it is not always the books that weigh them down. They trudge off to their bus stop and it looks like they are carrying just bricks?

You see, we go through our lives and seem to collect all sorts of things that weigh us down. For many of us, the things we pack into our lives can get pretty heavy. One thing I believe we carry around with us that weighs us down is a distorted image of God. We are an emotional people - we cannot help that, it is in our very own nature. There is no escaping it. We long for an emotional connection in the relationships we share with others otherwise it is not very fulfilling. Emotional connection brings with it
a powerful sense of inner value and self worth for all parties. And is this not what we want from our own relationship with our God too? Don't we need to feel valued and loved by God who says: "Come"?

When we do not feel the closeness, the only thing that remains is the distance that stands between us. When our burden is the growing emotional distance between us? Between friends, family, neighbors and co - workers that is one thing. Contrast that against the Biblical image of Immanuel - 'God with us' laying His hands and His heart and His life on the people He healed and comforted and raised and fed? God is in our midst - we can see Him, we can touch Him and He can and does touch us! He is now saying "Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Saying I am right here, right now and I want you to place in my hand your burden, you do not have to throw your burdens at me! 

Let Us Pray: Lord help me set aside time each day to meet with You alone. As I come before You, teach me to pray in the way You want me to. Help me to learn more about You, Lord. You have said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink." I thirst for more of You, because I am in a dry place without You. I come to You this day and drink deeply in need of Your Spirit. I know You are Immanuel, God with us and standing right beside us but I also know there are deeper manifestations of your presence that I long to experience. Draw me close as I draw near to you, so that I may dwell in Your presence like never before. ABBA, Father, Be not distant from me! Invite me to Your side this day!

For Those Tears I Died [Live]
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing For Those Tears I Died (feat. Donnie Sumner) [Live]. (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. All rights