Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 187: The 'Empty' Promises Of Easter

Day 187: The 'Empty' Promises Of Easter

Read: Luke 24:1 - 12

I realize that using the word 'empty' may be a bit on the awkward side for titling this devotional about God's fulfillment of the One greatest promise we have as believers - our Resurrection unto eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. It sounded awkward to me too. However, I contemplated today's Bible reading, 'Empty' and 'Promise' just jumped out at me. In our world, we are taught that; “if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.” So many of us have been taken in by “empty promises,” that we are completely leery of anything or anyone that promises us we can have something for nothing. Rightfully so because fraud hurts us deeply. A promise from God through Jesus His Son: "We will rise again?"

An empty promise? We will rise again? From where ... our beds in the morning, our chairs to get another cup of coffee? We wont even rise from our chairs to turn the channel on our TV because we have a remote that 'rises up' for us. So we are told by God: "We will rise again?" Sounds like an empty promise to me because I have and I am sure you have not either seen nor heard tell of someone "rising again" unto the life that God promises for all those who believe in His Son, Jesus. Well friends, there are three promises of Easter we have seen: Empty Cross - the forgiveness of sins, Empty Tomb - eternal life, Empty Burial Clothes - personal relationship with Jesus. Three 'empty' promises? Well, let us see.

There are three of them. Each promise is marked by something 'empty'. An empty cross, and empty tomb and empty burial clothes. It is the very fact that each of these is empty that assures us that God’s promises are real. First, IS the Empty Cross. The cross was empty, we have the promise of forgiven sins. Jesus died. He was buried before the Sabbath as their own law required. That was the body broken for us for the 'forgiveness' of sins empty promise leading to death (Matthew 26:26 - 29). Our
sin is not there anymore. It was bloodied! It was buried! Sealed behind the stone! Our sin is no more! The Cross is empty but it remains as a reminder: With God - our Rising again is becoming possible!

Now we approach the tomb to finish preparing the body. But the two ton rock has been rolled away and we did not do it. We slowly approached and looked in. This tomb was empty - the promise of witnessing to the empty tomb. Two men in dazzling clothes speak to us with authority - “Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen." (5b). Messiah Jesus promised this three times. An empty promise at the time - we had never seen it before - now His tomb was empty. (John 20:1 - 18). Now, His empty bed clothes folded neatly in a corner. By tradition a way a dinner guest says, "I promise I will return to this table for you!" "You will rise!" "You will Rise again!"

Let Us 'Rise' and Pray:

Of all of God's gifts
Easter shows us our fate
Forgiven we will rise
And pass through Heaven's gate

This Easter remember
The sacrifice of a Son
And through His resurrection
Eternal life we have won

This Easter I pray
That the love of God
Is resurrected
Reborn, renewed
Inside your heart
God Bless You!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 186: Love At War: "The In - Between Time"

Day 186: Love At War: "The In - Between Time"

Read: Matthew 27:62 - 66

In the eleven years since I have been a Christian, I have always wondered what was it that happened on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Where I go to church there are no worship services to recall the events of this day which I can not help but believe was weighing heavily on the minds and shoulders of those Chief Priests who knew full well the prophesy that Jesus made to one and all - "On the third day I will rise again." What if it really happened? What would they say to the people then? Why did you not believe? Why do you not believe now? Very tall questions that I doubt they would be prepared to answer. What happened in the in - between time? Where is the Love now?

What of the Disciples in the Upper Room? They are alone now and scared that their lives will soon end just as their Master's did. Their door is locked, waiting, anticipating they know not what. Will it be a kicked in door and a rush of spears and swords? I can safely guess that none of them had ever seen a resurrected Messiah? Oh boy! I pray that each of us can just feel the tension, the struggle between these two parties. We have a unique opportunity to try to imagine, to try to get a tiny glimpse, of what Jesus’ disciples might have felt on this “in-between time,” the time before Jesus rose from the dead. This "In-Between Time" as Love seemed to be at war within man. Love is War! Love at War within me!

I am not doing this to be morbid or depressing – not at all! In fact the opposite is true – we feel that in order to really celebrate Christ’s victory over death, that in order to really understand the joy of the resurrection, we need to meditate on all the events of this weekend. We need to come to the cross, as we did yesterday, and see our Savior who died there for us. And we need to remember that the resurrection didn’t happen instantaneously – there was a space of time, when Jesus’ disciples were still around, no doubt confused, distraught, overwhelmed, not knowing what to think. And that is the moment I want to pause and ask you to meditate on today. Love is War. Love is at War within man!

We do not know where they were that Sabbath day, what they did or what they even thought. We can only imagine. We know they were not anticipating a resurrection – they were surprised by the empty tomb, puzzled, in fact even as they looked in on the empty tomb John records, “They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.” (John 20:9). (62) 'Now on the next day, the day after the preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together with Pilate' asking to post a guard and make the tomb secure lest the disciples steal the body and claim some crazy resurrection. As you ponder your struggle today, as you meditate 'Love is War', which side are you on?

Let Us Pray For The Chief Priests and Pharisees: Ever Wise and Most Merciful God, release us from the time of trial and oppression, that we may witness to the eternal hope of grief becoming joy, life rising from death, Your Love being victorious. Amen.

Let Us Pray For The Disciples: Eternal God, Rock and Refuge ... we wait for revival and release. Abide with us until we come alive in the Son rise of your glory. Amen.
Hillsong UNITED Love is War Lyric Video
Love is War Lyric video from the album Zion. This is not the music video - to unlock the music video go here: Buy Zion:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 185: Your Face In The Crowd

Day 185: Your Face In The Crowd

Read: Matthew 27:27 - 56

It is Good Friday. The day Jesus goes before His accusers. The day when it seems that God Himself is put on trial before the masses. All eyes are upon this Rabbi. All of them want to look upon the face of Him who has now been charged with blasphemy against Himself. Some choose to recognize the face of the One they called their King, their Messiah, their Hosanna, their salvation. Yes they choose to recognize face but they choose to stay silent. Their presence is vastly overwhelmed by those faces in the crowd that are shouting "Crucify Him, Crucify Him", "We want Barabbas, We want Barabbas!" "We want the Cross, We want the Cross" like some really macabre cheering section having too much fun.

Scripture doesn't show us the face of Jesus. It does not show the spit that is running down his cheek, the repeated welts from constant backhands, it does not show the blood running down His broken lip or thorn scarred brow, his horribly brutalized body. We can only imagine what His face probably looked like to those many other faces in the crowd. Were they horrified? Were they sad? Were they crying for more? Were they laughing like never before? Were they angry? Were they rushing the gates of the High Priest's house or Pilates seat of Judgement to put an end to any of it? Many questions - some yes some no and some who knows. All they wanted? The Cross! They wanted someones face on the wood.

The Cross. Not the face on the Cross, just The Cross. It's face rests on the time line of history like a compelling diamond. It’s tragedy summons forth all those whose conscience suffers for justice, mercy and forgiveness. It’s Absurdity attracts all critics. It’s hope lures all searchers. It's message of love, hidden by the grotesque effects of  Crucifixion, transcends all time and space for no greater love hath a man than this, but that He laid down His life for His friends and we are all His friends (John 15:13). My what a face! My what piece of wood! History has idolized it. Despised it, idolized it and burned it, worn it and trashed it. History has done everything to it but ignore it. They can't forget the face of the Cross.

That’s the one option that the cross does not offer. No one can ignore it! You can’t ignore a piece of lumber that suspends the greatest claim in history. The face of a crucified carpenter claiming that he is God on earth! The face of the Cross. Your own face upon the Cross! How about that? Hm? Can you hear the cheers? Can you hear the jeers? Can you see all those faces in the crowd staring back at you waiting for you to just finally die so people can finally just get on with the business of the world? Can you see the faces of those who are continuing to mock you? Shouting "Why do you not just go ahead save yourself, Son or daughter of.....? Your very own Face, Upon Your very own Cross, That Crowd!

Let Us Pray: Gracious God, it is a day to go inward. A day to look upon the deep darkness of death. A day to be quiet, to look upon the faces in the crowd, witnessing the heavy silence that looms large. A day to feel the pounding weight of untruth and injustice. A day to look upon my self in the mirror and own up to what is strangling my own soul. A day to feel gratitude for the full truth of your deep and abiding love - love that refused to claim its own safety, but willingly gave itself for me. This is a day that You have made that I might dare to look upon it and see the depth of love you have for me. As I stood at the foot of the Cross, one more face in that crowd, Let the eyes of my soul be open and made empty before you. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation, renew a right spirit within me Redeem me, I pray.
Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord) BY SELAH
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord Were you there when they crucified my Lord Were

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 184: Responding to Christ’s Authority

Day 184: Responding to Christ’s Authority

Read: John 13:5 - 20, 34 - 35; Matthew 22:28 - 32;

Today, we will continue to meditate on the question: How do you respond to authority whether it be parents, or teachers, or your boss, or your spouse? But above all, how do you respond to the authority of Christ upon your life? It is an especially important question that we must take a fair measure of time to give consideration to. Today, is Maundy Thursday. Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum or commandment, from the words of Christ spoken in the Upper Room where they have gathered for the
final Passover they will ever celebrate together as Rabbi and disciples. It is now the time for these loyal, loving Disciples to give their shared response to their Rabbi/Messiah as He kneels down to wash feet.

34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” A new commandment? That you love one another? Even as I have loved you? That you also love one another? A single new commandment - really? I see three commandments identified here but what makes them new? What is so new about the command to 'love one another as I have loved you? I can see the Disciples looking at each other and wondering this same question. Why is Jesus phrasing it in such a 'duh' obvious way? Hasn't this been their response all along? Has this been our response?

What is it that might be on Jesus' mind? Perhaps Peter's response: 'not my feet Lord' or did Jesus read the hearts of the other disciples present - one of whom 'lifted his heel up against Him - meaning betrayal? Maybe it was the other disciples who were still trying to figure out why their place in God's coming kingdom should not be better than the next ones (Luke 22:24 - 27) or why their Rabbi, acknowledged Messiah, Son of David, Son of God would take on the role of the very lowest of slaves, divest of His robes grab a pitcher of water and a bowl, get on His knees and dare to wash their feet? Maybe now one can perhaps begin to get a clearer picture of Jesus' need to command us anew!

Do we receive Christ’s authority over our lives? (28-32) - Do we accept him as Lord some of the time or all of the time? (13-17) When our own personal ministry or the ministry(ies) of our own church keep us inside our Upper Rooms saying 'not my feet, Lord' because I have already 'lifted up my heel against you'? And it just is not about obedience - Christ is not as concerned with profession as obedience. It does not or at least it should not matter if we call ourselves Christians--He wants to see us show it by our lifestyle - Talk the talk, walk the walk, 'wash some feet', love one another as Christ first loved us, along the way. In contemporary terms it is about our - Loving God, Loving all, Joining in the Journey!

Let Us Pray: O God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 183: Our Response To Christ's Authority

Day 183: Our Response To Christ's Authority

Read: Matthew 21:23 - 27

How do you respond to authority figures? Each of us has those who are in authority over us. We have our parents. We have our bosses at work who have their bosses over them. For all you husbands out there, we have our wives. Even while Christ has authority over us men as head of the household as Christ is head of the church, my wonderful wife will tell me that while I am the 'head of the household according to the Book of Ephesians, she is the neck that turns the head and the cook that feeds the
rest of the body. I suppose she has me there because my singularly best efforts in my kitchen weren't making it. So, friends, How is it that we respond to those in authority? How should we be responding?

I have come to know from the moment we started to date, I deeply loved her and I realized it was only a matter of time when God and our Pastor said: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, I pronounce you husband and wife. It was my response to the authority of God in heaven who gave me the greatest gift on earth - my wife. My response was obedience to the will of God that we should both become as one as God in heaven is One with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
How do you respond to authority--whether your parents, or your boss, or your spouse But above all things, how do we/you respond to the authority of Christ upon your life? How should we respond?

Do we recognize the authority of Jesus from verses 23-27 - do we see him as Lord? The chief priests refused to acknowledge the authority of Christ. They wanted to just dismiss his power as simply self-induced, because to admit that he had been sent by God would mean that they would need to follow and obey. Today, here and now, as we approach His Passion, as we approach our Easter Son Rise, as we approach the Crucifixion, as we get closer and closer to the to the tomb, how do we view Jesus? Where is the authority over us of this man Jesus Christ whose has been condemned by mankind to die the death reserved only for the very worst of criminals of His day? Please tell me, WHERE???

The only option open to us by Scripture is that Jesus is God, is fully alive today, and requiring the obedience, service, and worship of our lives. If we honestly look at the demands of scripture, there is no way we can lead lives for our own pleasure: Christ never leaves us that option. However, I am still man. I still prefer to keep my options open. I very much believe in the goodness of having options because God gave me my own free will. I do not like to be pigeon holed into just one single make it or break it choice. That is not my human nature and neither is it my wife's. There always have to be more than just one or two possibilities. Well, doesn't there? I guess by your silence, you're wondering too.

Let Us Pray: We admit, O God, the authority we have given to the idolatries of our hearts. We fasten upon things temporal instead of things eternal. We the authority of our own desires instead of seeking Yours. In a world governed by the authority of another persons suffering, we do precious little to alleviate it. We, like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, we want our authority just the way we have always liked it. Help us to see why it should be that Your authority should be the only one to prevail in our lives.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 182: "If You Have Faith And Do Not Doubt ..."

Day 182: "If You Have Faith And Do Not Doubt ..."

Read: Matthew 21:18 - 22

What exactly is the power of believing, and how does it affect our lives? Let me start by encouraging you to believe that the Gospel life is a good life for us! Jesus has given us so much to live for, so that we can all experience abundant living. And when I say abundant living, I don’t mean in the spiritual realm but in the physical aspect of our lives as well. I think "believing" spells the big the difference. I do not know how you view your life, nor am I trying to speak for it right now, but, I believe you can foresee your future in the here and now. What to you is the picture of a successful life? What is that key that will unlock the door to believing that which we aspire and hope for is possible in the face of negativity?

Reading this difficult passage of Jesus cursing the fig tree, the response of shock and dismay, Jesus quickly connecting it with deep faith, believing that prayer can whither fig trees and move mountains, tells me that 'Right' believing is what will make the difference. Let me share with you why I believe this to be so. First, belief power gets powerful results. (21,22) Jesus says: "if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. 22 And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

How many times did Jesus connect these words together for us - 'Believe then you WILL Receive' in verse 22? Reading this passage over and over again, the focus of Jesus is, I believe, not meant to be placed on the withered fig tree but on the way He closed the thought - connecting the believer's faith with belief in prayer together with the expectation that the results, God's response to our faith, answers to our prayers, will be 'off the chart' blessings. Whatever we are believing for, we should express in and through prayer, and like the bible says, you will receive it. I want you to see the power of the One who is inside us! Focus not on the awesomeness of the negative, but believe all is possible!

My friends, this is great and wonderful news for us. If we let this sink deep in the recesses of our hearts, we should never have to focus so much of our valuable time on the negatives we are always going to encounter in our lives. You have a choice in life: place the focus on yourself in a negative light; or believe that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! Sometimes, as Jesus' disciples found out, this is never an easy choice to make because the display of negativity is 'off the chart' shocking and dismaying leading to a whole host of questions about "what possible good can come from this?" But if we have faith that does not doubt, belief in the awesome power found with prayer, then watch out!

Let Us Pray: Lord, in every time of need let me come to You with humble trust saying, "Jesus, help me." In all my doubts, Jesus, help me. In hours of loneliness, weariness, and trials, Jesus, help me. In the failure of my plans hopes and dreams; in the midst of disappointments, troubles, and sorrows, Jesus, help me. Only Your grace alone can assist me, help me. When my heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good come from my efforts, Jesus, help me. Please Jesus, help me with my unbelief. Amen

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 181: Jesus Entered His House and He Did What???

Day 181: Jesus Entered His House and He Did What???

Read: Matthew 21:10 - 17

The shouts of Hosanna still rang loudly in ears of the citizens of Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday. A large gathering of people were on hand to see Jesus as he rode into the city as the King of Peace on the back of a colt. Place yourself in that scene as Jesus continued down the dusty streets while the disciples and the rest of crowd fell in behind him in a long processional until he finally came to the Temple. Slowly, you watch as Jesus moves further away from you. Inside you are filled with a special kind of awe and wonder. There He was, the Messiah King, the Anointed of God. you had shouted your Hosanna's. Salvation has finally come to your life. Then all of a sudden a very great ruckus starts!

You run forward, trying to push your way through the crowds. The going is very slow. Finally you arrive at the Temple itself. You are completely stunned by what you see. You ask the guy next to you what happened. He tells you what he had just witnessed. In disbelief you shout "He did what?" Upon entering the temple grounds Jesus’ first encounter was with the Court of the Gentiles. This was the designated area of the temple grounds where Gentiles could come to shop, to pay homage to the God of Israel, buy the animals they would need for their sacrifice or satisfy their curiosity, but they were not allowed to go farther without obedience to all of the ceremonial law. But, what is it you are witnessing?

He did what? (12,13) And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And He *said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a robbers’ den.” "It is written, 'My (did you catch this - Jesus is proclaiming ownership) house (that is God's house) shall be called a house of prayer! He did what? Why did Jesus lash out with such force against these business people who seemed to be actually doing a service to those who came to worship at the temple? What had God's house become? What is God's house now?

What would Jesus do if He came to your House? Your Church? The Temple which is your body which is His body? Imagine your wife or child relating a story to you when you got home from work of a quiet visitor who suddenly went ripping and running in and through your home. Your Pastor tells you a similar story! "He did what?" The Father, Son and Holy Spirit resides within you, has made Their home within your heart (John 14:22 - 24). Then your heart gets stirred, your life suddenly begins to feel trial and turmoil. Do you realize what's going on? Your conscience is being awakened. Jesus' voice resounds through your Spirit: "My House shall be called a house of prayer not a den of thieves." "Jesus is doing, What?"

Let Us Pray: Holy God, in the midst of the loud “Hosannas!”, as the waving palm leaves rustle in unison, as you enter into Your Temple, as You survey what is going on within its walls, as You consider what it is You will do next in response to what You find that displeases you, quiet our preconceived notions… and hush our sure grasp of your truth… so that we may, one day perhaps, discover something about your vision…your hope…your purpose for our life… that changes the way we think, act, and do. Please, come into Your Temple Son of David, come and have Your way with me.
I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics
I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone New 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 180: Palm Sunday - Renewing Our Vision

Day 180: Palm Sunday - Renewing Our Vision

Read: 2 Timothy 1:1 - 10, Matthew 21:1 - 11

Today is Palm Sunday. The day when we watch once again the triumphant entry of Jesus through the gates of Jerusalem sitting on the back of a colt. However, it is not like any old entry that thousands upon thousands of people made at the time of the Passover which received virtually no fan fare at all. This time, in this place, at this very moment there are great shouts of Hosanna, great shouts of joy and celebration, palm branches are being waved everywhere. "Hosanna, Son of David" "Save us now" Son of God for "blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord". So prepare ye yourself for the coming of the Messiah King. What a vision of pomp and pageantry. What does this vision mean for us?

But wait! There are those in the crowd who are not so pleased to be there at that one moment when Prophetic words of the past suddenly becomes grand scale reality on their watch. "Why me?" "Why now?" "Now what?" The Pharisees gather together to ponder their brand of grand visions of their future. Suddenly it is now not nearly so clear and concise as they would have preferred it to be. What a contrast between people who have vision and people who lack vision. Vision is that elusive thing that dares to dream big dreams about the future. Vision has often been called hope with a blueprint. But I wonder today, here and now, what does our own Vision of 'hope with a future' blueprint look like?

A blueprint for Vision 'of hope' is what an inventor has when he or she thinks outside the box to create something new. Vision is what a mother has as she looks at her newborn baby and imagines all that child could grow up to become. Vision has a very neat way of ignoring its critics and chasing its dream regardless of how many people say it can’t be done. Take the time to consider this Western Union memo from 1876: "The Telephone is has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication." How many attempts did it take for Thomas Edison to finally invent the first commercially practical incandescent light? You get the idea! Now what vision blueprints our future?

(6,7) 'Therefore, I remind you to keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.' Paul writing to these words Timothy reminds us we go through times when our vision fades. The flame of our vision begins to dim, it’s passion begins to ease, and it’s heat begins to cool. Paul reminds us today that on an occasion like 'Palm Sunday', we all need to be reminded and encouraged to look back upon great moments of profound excitement and senses shattering enthusiasm. "Hosanna, Hosanna, the Son of David is coming again!" This is the blueprint of our hope today. Our blueprint for our future!

Let Us Pray: Father, Your Son Jesus entered Jerusalem, As the people waved palms in his honor. May we bless Him as Our King, And give him all glory and praise, For he has given us a blueprint for our future, shown us mighty works, and is the Prince of Peace, Who has come to set his people free; Hosanna! Hosanna! yes, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed are the ones who share this vision coming in the name of the Lord.
Hillsong United - Hosanna - With Subtitles/Lyrics
Hillsong United - Hosanna - With Subtitles/Lyrics - Saviour King DVD

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 179: "My Son Is Your Advocate"

Day 179: "My Son Is Your Advocate"

Read: Hebrews 9:23 - 28 (HCSB)

It promises to be a long rewarding day today as I continue to prepare for this final Kairos (Inside) teaming meeting. Kairos is a prison ministry designed to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated men, women and children, to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos Inside weekends are held in men's and women's correctional institutions. The weekends are designed to help the residents experience spiritual renewal and to help the residents accept God's call to a life of Christian witness and service. I ask that you find a small amount of Kairos time, 'God's perfect time' to lift us, the support team, Chaplain, the 'Residents' up in prayer.

Today's devotional effort comes directly from the "Listening To God" by Bruce Bickel. Here these words from the "Listening To God" devotional book as if God is speaking directly into your life. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit add their infinite blessings and infinite wisdom to the reading of these words as they seek to enter your heart:

'24 For the Messiah did not enter a sanctuary made with hands (only a model of the true one) but into heaven itself, so that He might now appear in the presence of God for us. 25 He did not do this to offer Himself many times, as the high priest enters the sanctuary yearly with the blood of another. 26 Otherwise, He would have had to suffer many times since the foundation of the world. But now He has appeared one time, at the end of the ages, for the removal of sin by the sacrifice of Himself.' (24 - 26)

"Under the Old Testament's rules, My Priest would come before Me once a year to plead forgiveness of sins on behalf of My people. Animal sacrifices were offered in the earthly tabernacle as a symbol of purification. Are you not glad you do not have to live under that system?

As the one and only High Priest, My Son pleaded forgiveness for your sins by offering His own perfect life on the cross. It was a once - and - for - all event that replaced the old system. No longer does an earthly priest ask me to forgive your sins. You are  forgiven - and in my eyes, I see the perfection of my Son in your life.

But there is more: Jesus is in my presence right now, representing you and telling Me your needs. In effect, He is your Advocate, speaking to me in support of you.

This should give you an amazing confidence as you go through your day: you are not alone. My Son and I are talking about you in my heavenly throne room, and it is all good!"

Let Us Pray:

Living God,
help us so to hear your holy Word
that we may truly understand;
that, understanding, we may believe,
and, believing,
we may follow in all faithfulness and obedience,
seeking your honor and glory in all that we do;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 178: Standing At The 'Cross' roads Of Change

Day 178: Standing At The 'Cross' roads Of Change

Read: Acts 17:23 - 27

It is odd to me how we continue to stand at the crossroads of change trying to hold onto the ever familiar and assuring ideas of the past, all the while finding ourselves slowly being pushed forward into a new world that challenges everything we all hold dear. That old radio of our grandparents that is still able to tune in to your 1 favorite station, now being replaced by go anywhere satellite radio. Then there are those cell phones we bought last year or two years ago that we refuse to let go of because we have found some minor thing we like about it so we take forever to get an upgrade. Oldies but goodies traditions, our precious memories, at the crossroads of our today challenged by our future tomorrows.

I suppose there are some ideas that we need to let go of that we might move on in life, after all, time waits for no man. But our faith in Jesus Christ is not one of them. In this passage it is not Paul who is being pushed but rather it is he who is doing the pushing. (Verse 23) 'For as I was passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found there an altar on which was inscribed: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you.' But in this case he was not preaching a new doctrine but rather at the complete fulfillment of an old story. To bring his message home God literally starts at the beginning—of humanity, created in His image not of stone.

There is an important truth that Paul is revealing to us. The true God was not given life by man to be placed in the middle of the city square or the center of your very own living room, but rather God gave life to man (v. 24-25). God is not in the least bit an impersonal being that He would prefer to remain hidden in the background or stuck in a piece of solitary marble. God is 100% relational 100% of the time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days of the year and 366 days for leap years. For man this
is a difficult concept for him to wrap his whole life around because he changes every minute of every day. When you realize the rapidity of that change, it makes one dizzy in their search for God's reality.

Additionally, Paul wants us to realize that the true God is the eternal Architect and the Father of all things created (26-27). There's a living, breathing, vibrant “community” to God’s creation (v. 26). There is a living, breathing, vibrant, "community" that is at a crossroad waiting for the next new thing to move us, and draw us ever forward into a future God has promised is always filled with hope and prosperity (Jeremiah 29:11). Man has never been one to be satisfied with standing in one place to long. God's one plan for each of us is for us to be in such an intimate 1:1 relationship with Him and His Son that any 'cross' road we will ever find find ourselves standing at is known to God. He is already waiting.

Let Us Pray: Heavenly Father, I look up to you in this time of change. As I stand at this one 'cross' road of the many I will encounter on my journey into the future You have already planned out for me, allow me to have the courage to change my life for the better always acknowledging you as my Guide and Your Son as the only Way, the only Truth, the only Way to a life lived from everlasting to everlasting. Allow all of my burdens to be risen up to You through Your Holy Spirit as I know that You will see me through Jesus Christ who died for me. '(27) He did this so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.'

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 177: Reality Ever After

Day 177: Reality Ever After

Read: 2 Timothy 4:1 - 5

I used to just love fairy tails. The white knight in shining armor versus the foreboding black night on a black majestic stallion. Locked in combat for the beautiful Princess. It is always the dark knight that gets unhorsed, the Princess that gets rescued from the dank dungeon or the tallest tower. It occurred to me after reading today's Scripture, We sometimes portray the Christian faith like a fairy tale from childhood, all of the best and most exciting action takes place before we “get saved” and then live happily ever after riding into the sunset. Salvation is not the end of the story. It is not the end of the action or the end of the struggle. In truth, it is the beginning of the real battle from within and without.

One of the major reasons given for this departure is the fairy tale version of our own Christianity being presented through many of our own personal Christian walks. At a time in life when there are those struggling with finding a real purpose, real meaning, real direction and real social issues to become passionate about, the fairy tale version of our personal journey screams irrelevance, it shouts "I am out of touch", Cries that "I am too this or that in my ways to change." (3,4) 'For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, .... They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths.' What will we, realistically, here and now, do about this?

Get in touch with reality! (1,2) 'I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and because of His appearing and His kingdom: Proclaim the message; persist in it whether it is convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching.' We have to draw the line between cultural relevance and absolute truth. Yes we need to love and demonstrate the grace and long patience of the Lord when dealing with those who are outside the knowledge of Christ; no we cannot say that there is a good behavior plan for eternal salvation. What we can say we is that what we say and we do come from our hearts. We've nothing to hide about God

(5) 'But as for you, be serious about everything, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.' As Christians we all have the call to preach and teach God's word to all corners of the world (Acts 1:8). Basically, anywhere we happen to be standing is always considered to be fertile ground to testify to the work of Father, Son, Holy Spirit in our lives. However silly you might want to get about defining where 'anywhere' is, it does not change the call on our lives to go anywhere and everywhere we feel we are called to go. Because wherever that compass point is, God knows that
there is a life being hidden there that needs to know and experience love only our God can provide.

Let Us Pray: Heavenly Father!Thank You for using me in Your ministry! Thank You for guiding me thus far and granting me Your grace! Even now Lord You know well the purpose for which I have come to You.O Lord! The Scripture says that You were with Your great servants like Moses and Joshua and used them to bring Your children out of bondage. Today Lord! fill me with the same grace, anointing and power so that I can preach Your word boldly and with authority for the deliverance of those who are in living in darkness, in need of the Light of thy life found, revealed, through faith, hope and love.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 176: Giving Out Does Not Mean We Are Giving In

Day 176: Giving Out Does Not Mean We Are Giving In

Read: Galatians 6:9 - 10

(9) 'Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.' "Keep it up!", "Keep on going", "What do you mean you are tired? You only just got started or just begun!", "You cannot possibly be tired already. You are doing such a wonderful job so far!" And this list could go on and on and on. People on the sidelines of life cheering you on. They are jumping up and down like nobody else's business. Rah Rah Rah and all the rest of that cheerleader stuff. You are out there thinking to yourself "I am not even allowed to get tired! Come on, Who do they believe I am - God or something!" Give it a rest already after all you are ONLY being a Christian! That is all of who we are!

You are out there in the neighborhood, in your community and you think God expects us to give of ourselves, give of our time, give of our finances. But one thing He does not require of us, and that is to “give in!”. "God is just not in the business of creating losers! And I am not going to be the first of His creations to be called a loser either." I have read in Ephesians that He has called and equipped us all to be champions! So, that is what I fully intend to be - Christ's own #1 chosen champion, above all others!" Let's see what else might we think: "We must not give in to the lie of our adversary who calls us a “failure.” "That is not going to be. I am not going to allow anyone to think that I am a failure."

How many other ways do we exhort ourselves to "Keep on Going?", to keep on doing the work of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the world? "I will rest when I get to heaven and not before!" "God is counting on me to get the job done that He has called me to do. And I am not going to start letting God down now!" I need to stop myself and I so need to stop all of you 'superhuman' Christians out there right now! I mean are we taking the time to listen to ourselves? Are we taking the time to listen to our wives or our children, our friends or our Primary Care Physicians? I mean, cease and desist! I mean give your selves permission to rest. After all, as God knows only to well, we can only be human.

Here is something I believe God wants us never to forget: God saved us to do good works - yes, absolutely (Ephesians 2:8 - 10). But notice that God did not say to us: "I saved you 'by' good works". As good as we all think we are now and can become with hard work and a disciplined approach to life, we are guaranteed to fall short by the end of the day. Good day, great day, a forget it day, it will always be true. We'll fall short of 'super Christian' status the moment our bodies overcome our minds and we realize there is actually a bed to be slept in, a wife who loves us, children who'll need us. Guess what fellow Christians: giving out does not mean we're also giving in! It means we are surrendering to God!

Let Us Pray: O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world lies hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Lord, help us to know that while you may never need rest - we really do! Let us take on the mantle of God's rest and give ourselves a bit of peace.
Enter the Rest of God, Brian Doerksen
another beaut from Brian Doerksen....Thank you God for Brian...he has touched so many lives with his's all about you, Jesus ♥

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 175: A New Walk Of Life: Are We Being Genuine?

Day 175: A New Walk Of Life: Are We Being Genuine?

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:6 - 10

What is up with this Christianity thing, anyway? That was the question I had for my sisters a long time ago. Our family had been raised in a different faith (being Jewish) path by our Dad. We started out being raised in Christianity but by the time we were 6 or 7 years old, we were converted to Judaism. As my sisters became of age, they converted back to Christianity but I remained Jewish in deference to my Father and a promise I had made to him never to revert back while he was yet living. Well, in 1996
he passed away and for me I could not find a sufficiently sound enough reason that I should revert back to Christianity. I had long ago lost my faith in God. So, what now? My walk was constant stumble.

Many people are still trying to figure out what this “Christian” thing is all about. What should we experience after we have been 'saved.'? We hear about change, but what should change? Then once I have changed, will it get old? Will it get boring? What about this concern I had about it being genuine? What about it all? Another angle on this question, though it may seem from a long way out, is that of modern spirituality. I am saying that many people today are claiming spirituality, claiming a relationship with God, claiming to be 'saved', but are demonstrating nothing of what God has said is evidence of such. For me, to start a process of 'follow me', I measure things against a standard: "are you genuine?"

They demonstrate nothing of a genuine walk with the Lord. They may think they have changed, but all that’s changed is their 'expected' attendance at church and their own God-talk. Their everyday practices have not been affected. They still curse, they still lie, cheat and steal, they are still unforgiving, loveless, and in bondage to fear. They are still bound to their flesh, and they still practice divisiveness. They act as though their relationship to God is as though putting on a mask of religiosity should draw the love of an all-knowing Holy God. And this is where it gets really tough for me. I know me and I know what I have done and sadly continue to do. By Christ's own standard, how genuine am I being?

Am I or are we as Christians holding ourselves up to an impossibly high standard of living in our new walk of life? Are we our own worst enemies of God's kingdom? Do we try too hard to claim a standard of genuine faith that rightfully belongs to Christ and Christ alone? 'for we walk by faith, not by sight' - faith that we are trying to do just as Jesus probably did. We did not actually see Him doing these things, but we are trying our best (trying too hard?) to be imitators of Christ. Why? (Read 9 - 10). His Word declares He wants a relationship with us, pure and unadulterated. So what is this Walk of Faith, not of sight all about if it isn’t just “Looking like we are saved”? What is this 'walk by faith' all about?

Let Us Pray: Father God, this world sometimes bewilders me and is far beyond my understanding. Many hearts are bound by ego and fear. Please strengthen my faith in your higher purpose and open my mind to the truth that everything is unfolding according to your divine plan. Let compassion and love for my brothers and sisters flow from me into my neighbors and may we all be uplifted by your glory. Amen.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 174: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted ....' Really?

Day 174: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted ....' Really?

Read: Psalm 119:65 - 72

Whether we like it or not, afflictions are an essential fact of life. It is not a matter of “if” afflictions come, but “when” afflictions come. You know, as well as I do, that even with the very best of preventative measures afflictions still have a way of cropping up. It’s enough to make one believe that there really is such a thing as “gremlins,” little unseen creatures whose only goal is to throw a wrench in the works of all our best-laid plans. We know of course, (at least I hope we do) that that is not true, but sometimes it sure seems that way. Have a night of good fun and fellowship, then the next day in bed. But to say: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted ....' seems weird. It seems to hard to try and follow this logic.

The trials and tribulations of our life have a way of knocking the wind out of our sails. One day we’re going along pretty well, when some unforeseen situation suddenly just blows us out of the water. It is at that moment, it seems like life, as we know it, will never be the same. But to say: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted ....' seems to me to be incredibly contrary to the natural order of things. It can be, no, is, confusing to say I should be happily afflicted by life suddenly blowing me out of the water. I am to be blessed when all of a sudden my car battery dies or I get a bad cold right before a job interview?

Hey, God,... you are kidding right? You know that this does not quite match up, right? And this might just be where God stops us in our tracks. We have to be careful at this point, however, that we don’t get so focused on our circumstances that we can’t see or do not bother to look for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit square in the center of it all. Believe me, that is an easy thing to do. I know because my battery did die as I was feeling rushed to a dream job interview I had waited quite a long time for. The words I said and the things I did in response were, well now, best left unsaid and left to history (thank God). But to say: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted ....' Nope! That one is too hard to swallow.

But this is where we need to look at the rest of the verse and the next one. 'That I may learn Your statutes. The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.' There is one thing we need to get very straight in our thinking today. our afflictions do not destroy us, but our attitudes, our responses to them can. So what’s the answer? The answer lies in the choices that one makes when faced with a difficult situation. G.I.G.O. - God In, Grief Out! With these thoughts in mind, our choices can be positively affected simply by understanding these basic principles as to why God could, God would, God should so freely plant this thought: 'It Is Good For Me That I Was Afflicted'.

Let Us Pray:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 173: Lighten Up!

Day 173: Lighten Up!

Read: Galatians 5:22 - 26

I guess it is a simplified fact of life that for the most part anyway, we all like being around people who are generally upbeat, don’t we? I mean, if you had your choice of being with someone who had a smile or someone who looked like he was weaned on sour lemons, or cut their teeth with bitter apples or sour grapes, who would you most likely pick to hang out with? I would pick the smiley guy almost every time, and here’s why. One thing I have never been quite able to understand is the notion of a grumpy Christian. Grumpy Christian. To me that seems like an oxymoron on the same level as “jumbo shrimp,” or “plastic glass,” or “congressional budget cuts and no tax hikes”, "birds of a 'single' feather."

It's genuinely very hard for me to understand how someone who claims to be walking with God could be grumpy for any length of time. I mean, I believe God is love 100% of the time, right? If we are to be imitators of the divine, why not we ourselves also? Now let me be very quick to say that I am not talking about sadness. I am not talking about genuine SORROW. And I am not talking about some fake happiness. I would never ever suggest we walk around with a plastic smile on our face pretending that everything is okay all the time. Things happen, things go wrong, and we are faced with heartache and hurt. I’m talking about a basic attitude – how we carry ourselves, how we project the Gospel ourselves.

I want to focus on the everyday attitude we carry with us. Let me ask you a question. How would others characterize your attitude…your “bearing,” if you will? Do they see you living a life of joy, peace, and rest, or do they see someone who looks like they have no hope for today, much less for eternity? Which attitude do you think will be more likely to attract someone to the gospel? Think about it – why would anyone want to be a Christian if the ones he sees are always sullen and grumpy? Can you picture someone with a perpetually long face trying to tell someone the “Good News?” "Okay? You tell me now
What’s so good about it? The prospect of being as cheerful as you are? No thanks! Not interested!"

My purpose today is to encourage you to be the type of person other people point to when they are discussing people they like being around. When it comes to your own relationships with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers, there are two ways you can go You can walk with your head held high or hung down low to the ground. You can live according to your new life in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - which means your life will be characterized by the ripened fruits of patience, kindness and goodness, meekness and self control. Consider the difference. Weigh the options - heads held up verses hung low to the ground? Make your decision for God. Which will it be for you today? 

Let Us Pray: Dear God, we pray for the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We know that these fruits are life’s greatest blessings. May we use these blessings to help others find faith in your Word. May we always feel the presence of the Holy Spirit directing us and guiding us. May we use the gifts that the Spirit offers to help others who struggle with decisions in their own lives. May we do all this in love and service to you and our neighbors, O Lord we pray in the name of Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior.
Lifesong - Casting Crowns
Worship video with lyrics. I produced several videos for use in my small home group. I pray that this video will not only bless you, but bring Glory to

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 172: Inseparable Irreplaceable Undeniable Eternal Love

Day 172: Inseparable Irreplaceable Undeniable Eternal Love

Read: Romans 8:31 - 39

From a story I was sent some time ago by a friend of mine: A Mother took her 2 sons to the Parish priest. It seems she needed some help in settling her boys down. The younger boy was left in the waiting room and the older boy was quietly ushered into the solemn presence of the robe-clad clergyman. Without so much as introducing himself, the priest stared intently into the eyes of the frightened boy and began his interrogation with this question: "Young man, Where is God?" The boy shrugged his shoulders "I don't know sir." Young man, I asked you a question, "Where is God?" The
boy ran out, grabbed his brother - "Come on, hurry up, God's missing and they are blaming us."

I know, this story is somewhat humorous. But, it is also profound in that it hints at our separation from God in the midst of trouble or in a crisis. Romans 8 deals heavily with the issue of suffering, hope and God’s presence and intercession. Into every ones life comes the irrepressible thunder storm and driving, blinding wall of rain There are so many times when we feel all alone because of a crisis or suffering like Elijah from our devotion yesterday. All of us have questioned the purpose of suffering. First of all, we question why good people suffer undeserving grief. Then, while we are at it we will question if suffering is actually serving some purpose, like maybe separation from the love of our God.

(31) 'What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?' If God is actually and truly and undeniably for us then how would this ever become even remotely possible since God is love and love bears all things? If God's irreplaceable love was so thoroughly demonstrated to us when He sent His Son Jesus into our life to save and not to condemn (John 3:16-17) and undeniably proved to us at Calvary, then why should we be afraid of undeserved suffering? Jesus died an undeserved and
humiliating death and said "Father, forgive them." He died for us while we were yet his bitter enemies. Was that not enough, or should that not be all sufficient, reason for God to just wash His hands of us?

God is always in our corner. We have no reason to fear anything. There is nothing in the world anyone can ever do to us, there is no disease strong enough that can ever separate us from our Shepherd Jesus Christ. There are no disasters in life that can ever separate us from the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit who reminds us of the Inseparable, Irreplaceable, Undeniable, Eternal Love of our God. What a powerful affirmation when in such times as those, man will too often and too soon separate themselves from those who suffer, whether deserved or not. You see, and please try to believe this, that, It is Gods truest nature that God always loves you, Jesus always loves you, and Holy Spirit too!

Let Us Pray: Father God, I come into your presence so aware of my human frailty and yet overwhelmed by your love for me. I thank you that there can be no human experience that I might walk through where your love cannot reach me. If I climb the highest mountain you are there and yet if I find myself in the darkest valley of my life, you are there. Teach me today to love you more. Help me to rest in that love that asks nothing more than the simple trusting heart of a child. In Jesus name, Amen
Hillsong UNITED Tapestry Lyric Video
Tapestry Lyric Video. To buy Zion: To unlock music videos: More info:
Hillsong UNITED Tapestry Lyric Video
Tapestry Lyric Video. To buy Zion: To unlock music videos: More info:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 171: The Voice Of Truth Tells Me ....?

Day 171: The Voice Of Truth Tells Me ....?

Read: 1 Kings 19:11 - 18

(12,13) 'After the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”' The voice. A voice. Some Voice. What voice or which Voice came to Elijah that day on the lone mountain top? I read this passage and I think to myself - Elijah is all alone, Elijah has just come from an awful experience that just threatened to shake his life to the deepest possible spiritual core - enough that Elijah only wished he could have died. So, he has traveled 40 days and NOW He is waiting for a voice?

What voice is he expecting to hear high on that mountain top from within the deepest depths of that cave where he knows nobody else could possibly be? God's angel has brought him to this place after defeating 450 priests of Baal, after the fullest display of God's Holy fire at Mount Carmel. But now he is the last one left and his life is now threatened. From this experience he has lost his zeal for life but not for God. Elijah is in need of a purpose from where one cannot be seen to bring him out of this storm.
Which voice or whose Voice now has that message that he needs to hear to rekindle the fire in his heart? Which voice, Whose Voice is going to find him within the cave? What truth is awaiting Elijah?

Nowadays, there are all kinds of voices that speak to us (or at least try to) when we are in a position like Elijah was. There are the voices of your spouse, your children, your co - workers, your best friend. There are the voices on the radio and television. There are the voices that go around in your head. All these voices are waiting to be heard. All these voices have something they believe (some rightfully so, others, well, not so much) carries a valuable piece of wisdom somewhere within to help you out. If the words these voices are speaking to you, that you, in the midst of your very own Elijah moment, can be discerned as faithful and true, then work to center your peace around that. But is that everything?

Someone said, "Sometimes the Lord calms the storm. Sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms his child." There is a great deal of truth to that. Very often what we really need is to be quiet before the Lord so that we can hear him speak the works that will calm our fears.' "Do not tell God how big your storm is. Tell your storm how that much bigger your God was, is, forever shall be." The Voice of Truth from our reading seems to be saying: "It is not my style to shout above the calamities of your life. It is much more likely that I will come alongside of you with a gentle soft Voice - that you will need to cease what you are doing long enough to just quietly, patiently, prayerfully listen for." Be still know I am God!

Let Us Pray: Heavenly Father, It is written in Your Word that Your sheep know Your Voice. Heavenly Father, I am one of Your sheep. I ask You Heavenly Father, to teach me to know Your Voice and to hear You distinctly and clearly. I ask You Lord to teach me to discern every spirit to know if they are of You, that we should not try to believe every spirit but test the spirits to determine whether the spirits are of God. I ask You Father to please draw me closer to You so I will not heed the voice of a stranger.
Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns - w/lyrics
Casting Crowns - Voice of Truth - With Lyrics Many of us are familiar with the stories of "David and
Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns - w/lyrics
Casting Crowns - Voice of Truth - With Lyrics Many of us are familiar with the stories of "David and

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 170: Covered By The Authority Of God

Day 170: Covered By The Authority Of God

Read: Psalms 91:1 - 2, Hebrews 13:15 - 19

When we use the phrase “under cover”, or "under the cover" of something what kind of thoughts come into your mind? It could range anywhere from a child being lovingly covered with a blanket to police detective work - "going undercover" to try and catch a criminal, to a spy under the cover of multiple identities operating covertly inside a foreign land. In every instance that we could ever think of, the phrase “under cover” always carries with it the thought of Protection and Freedom and a sense of Security. 91:1,2 'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Covered by God's grace!

'Dwells in the shelter', will 'abide in the shadow', "My refuge, My fortress, My God in whom I trust". There are a lot of 'under cover' things going on in these two verses. In the context of the time it was written, it meant shelter in a tent or under a canopy. away from the scorching heat of the sun. It meant the Psalmist probably found a cave which afforded him protection not just from the sun but also a defensible position to hide from his enemies. What can this mean to a Christian? Simply put, it means that the one dwells in the place of safety underneath the shadow of the cross will firmly place his faith and confidence in Jesus and under the authority of Lord Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God.

Authority is one of those words that strikes fear and dread into the heart of man. "No one will rule over me! I have my rights! I make my own decisions." No one likes to be under the authority of another person, but we all must realize that any authority is ordained of God. It is the Father who establishes those who have the rule over us and if we reject that authority then we reject the plan of God for our lives and the protection and benefits that His protection will bring. Why do men reject authority over them? Your view of authority is one that limits you in any way. They'll limit you from doing what you think is best for yourself. You just simply don't trust their motive or you simply will not trust in them.

Many Christians will take the attitude that they don’t need to be under submission to anyone because they can go straight to God for their leadership and answers. What do you believe God thinks about when it comes to us submitting to authority in our lives? 17 'Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.' God’s authority brings us into right relationship with Him. His authority is based upon pure love and our best interests. His authority is designed so that it, through our faith, prepares us to receive our great eternal reward and to give us the best in this life!

Let Us Pray: King of kings, Lord of lords, today we offer prayer for our leaders. We believe that they serve under your authority, whether they recognize you or not. We thank you for the ways you use them for your purposes. We thank you for the times they seek your guidance. We pray that they would pursue your guidance more. Help them, and help us O God, to discern the authority of your ways and walk in them.
Paul Wilbur - Great I AM - Lyrics -Your Great Name Album 2013
Paul Wilbur - Great I AM with Lyrics from - Your Great Name Album 2013. More songs from this